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The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
Kevin D. Mitnick
William L. Simon
The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
Kevin D. Mitnick
William L. Simon
Vice President & Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley
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Published by
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10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright © 2005 by Kevin D. Mitnick and William L. Simon
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Mitnick, Kevin D. (Kevin David), 1963-
The art of intrusion : the real stories behind the exploits of hackers, intruders, and deceivers / Kevin D.
Mitnick, William L. Simon.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-7645-6959-7 (cloth)
1. Computer security. 2. Computer hackers. I. Simon, William L., 1930- II. Title.
QA76.9.A25M587 2005
For Shelly Jaffe, Reba Vartanian, Chickie Leventhal,
Mitchell Mitnick
For Darci and Briannah
And for the late Alan Mitnick, Adam Mitnick,
Sydney Kramer, Jack Biello.
For Arynne, Victoria, Sheldon, and David, and for Vincent and
Chapter 1 Hacking the Casinos for a Million Bucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Chapter 2 When Terrorists Come Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Chapter 3 The Texas Prison Hack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Chapter 4 Cops and Robbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Chapter 5 The Robin Hood Hacker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
Chapter 6 The Wisdom and Folly of Penetration Testing . . . . . . . . . . .115
Chapter 7 Of Course Your Bank Is Secure — Right? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Chapter 8 Your Intellectual Property Isn’t Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
Chapter 9 On the Continent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195
Chapter 10 Social Engineers — How They Work
and How to Stop Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Chapter 11 Short Takes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
Hackers play one-up among themselves. Clearly one of the prizes would
be bragging rights from hacking into my security company’s Web site or
my personal system.
Another would be that they had made up a story of a hack and planted
it on me and my co-author Bill Simon so convincingly that we were taken
in, believed it as true, and included it in this book.
That has presented a fascinating challenge, a game of wits that the two
of us have played time after time as we did the interviews for the book.
For most reporters and authors, establishing authenticity is a fairly rou-
tine matter: Is this really the person he or she claims to be? Is this person
or was this person really working for the organization he or she claims?
Did this person have the position he or she says? Does this person have
documentation to back up the story, and can I verify that the documents
are valid? Are there reputable people who will support the story or parts
of it?
With hackers, checking the bona fides is tricky. Most of the people
whose stories appear in this book, other than a few who have already
been to prison, would face felony charges if their true identities could be
determined. So, asking for real names, or expecting to be offered as
proof, is an iffy proposition.
These people have only come forward with their stories because they
trust me. They know I’ve done time myself, and they are willing to rely
on my not betraying them in a way that could put them in that position.
Yet, despite the risks, many did offer tangible proof of their hacks.
Even so, it’s possible — in fact, it’s likely — that some people exagger-
ated their stories with details intended to make them more compelling,
or spun a story that was a total fabrication, but constructed around
enough workable exploits to give them the ring of truth.
Because of that risk, we have been diligent in holding to a high stan-
dard of reliability. Through all the interviews, I have challenged every
technical detail, asking for in-depth explanations of anything that didn’t
x The Art of Intrusion
sound quite right, and sometimes following up later to see if the story
was still the same or if he or she told it differently the second time
around. Or, if this person “couldn’t remember” when asked about some
hard-to-accomplish step omitted from the story. Or, if this person just
didn’t seem to know enough to do what he or she claimed or couldn’t
explain how he or she got from point A to point B.
Except where specifically noted, every one of the main stories in this
book has passed my “smell test.” My co-author and I agreed on the
believability of every person whose story we have included. Nevertheless,
details have often been changed to protect the hacker and the victim. In
several of the stories, the identities of companies are disguised. I modi-
fied the names, industries, and locations of targeted organizations. In
some cases, there is misleading information to protect the identity of the
victim or to prevent a duplication of the crime. However, the basic vul-
nerabilities and nature of the incidents are accurate.
At the same time, because software developers and hardware manufac-
turers are continually fixing security vulnerabilities through patches and
new product versions, few of the exploits described in these pages still
work as described here. This might lead the overconfident reader to
decide that he or she need not be concerned, that, with vulnerabilities
attended to and corrected, the reader and his or her company have noth-
ing to be worried about. But the lesson of these stories, whether they
happened six months ago or six years ago, is that hackers are finding new
vulnerabilities every day. Read the book not to learn specific vulnerabili-
ties in specific products, but to change your attitudes and gain a new
And read the book, too, to be entertained, awed, amazed at the con-
tinually surprising exploits of these wickedly clever hackers.
Some are shocking, some are eye-opening, some will make you laugh
at the inspired nerve of the hacker. If you’re an IT or security profes-
sional, every story has lessons for you on making your organization more
secure. If you’re a non-technical person who enjoys stories of crime, dar-
ing, risk-taking, and just plain guts, you’ll find all that here.
Every one of these adventures involved the danger of a knock at the
door, where a posse of cops, FBI agents, and Secret Service types would
be waiting with handcuffs ready. And, in a number of the cases, that’s
exactly what happened.
For the rest, the possibility still remains. No wonder most of these
hackers have never been willing to tell their stories before. Most of these
adventures you will read here are being published for the very first time.
By Kevin Mitnick
This book is dedicated to my wonderful family, close friends, and, most
of all, the people that made this book possible — the black-hat and
white-hat hackers who contributed their stories for our education and
The Art of Intrusion was even more challenging to write than our last
book. Instead of using our combined creative talent to develop stories
and anecdotes to illustrate the dangers of social engineering and what
businesses can do to mitigate it, both Bill Simon and I relied heavily on
interviewing former hackers, phone phreaks, and hackers turned security
professionals. We wanted to write a book that would be both a crime
thriller and an eye-opening guide to helping businesses protect their
valuable information and computing resources. We strongly believe that
by disclosing the common methodologies and techniques used by hack-
ers to break into systems and networks, we can influence the community
at large to adequately address these risks and threats posed by savvy
I have had the extraordinary fortune of being teamed up with best-
selling author Bill Simon, and we worked diligently together on this new
book. Bill’s notable skills as a writer include his magical ability to take
information provided by our contributors and write it in such a style and
manner that anyone’s grandmother could understand it. More impor-
tantly, Bill has become more than just a business partner in writing, but
a loyal friend who has been there for me during this whole development
process. Although we had some moments of frustration and differences
of opinion during the development phase, we always work it out to our
mutual satisfaction. In a little over two years, I’ll finally be able to write
and publish the The Untold Story of Kevin Mitnick, after certain govern-
ment restrictions expire. Hopefully, Bill and I will collaborate on this
project as well.
xii The Art of Intrusion
Bill’s wonderful wife, Arynne Simon, also has a warm place in my heart.
I appreciate her love, kindness, and generosity that she has shown me in
the last three years. My only disappointing experience is not being able
to enjoy her great cooking. Now that the book is finally finished, maybe
I can convince her to cook a celebration dinner!
Having been so focused on The Art of Intrusion, I haven’t been able to
spend much quality time with family and close friends. I became some-
what of a workaholic, similar to the days where I’d spend countless hours
behind the keyboard exploring the dark corners of cyberspace.
I want to thank my loving girlfriend, Darci Wood, and her game-loving
daughter Briannah for being supportive and patient during this time-
consuming project. Thank you, baby, for all your love, dedication, and
support that you and Briannah have provided me while working on this
and other challenging projects.
This book would not have been possible without the love and support
of my family. My mother, Shelly Jaffe, and my grandmother, Reba
Vartanian, have given me unconditional love and support throughout my
life. I am so fortunate to have been raised by such a loving and dedicated
mother, who I also consider my best friend. My grandmother has been
like a second mom to me, providing me with the same nurturing and love
that usually only a mother can give. She has been extremely helpful in
handling some of my business affairs, which at times interfered with her
schedule. In every instance, she made my business a top priority, even
when it was inconvenient to do so. Thank you, Gram, for helping me get
the job done whenever I needed you. As caring and compassionate peo-
ple, they’ve taught me the principles of caring about others and lending
a helping hand to the less fortunate. And so, by imitating the pattern of
giving and caring, I, in a sense, follow the paths of their lives. I hope
they’ll forgive me for putting them on the back burner during the process
of writing this book, passing up chances to see them with the excuse of
work and deadlines to meet. This book would not have been possible
without their continued love and support that I’ll forever hold close to
my heart.
How I wish my Dad, Alan Mitnick, and my brother, Adam Mitnick,
would have lived long enough to break open a bottle of champagne with
me on the day our second book first appears in a bookstore. As a sales-
man and business owner, my father taught me many of the finer things
that I will never forget.
My mother’s late boyfriend, Steven Knittle, has been a father figure to
me for the past 12 years. I took great comfort knowing that you were
always there to take care of my mom when I could not. Your passing has
Acknowledgments xiii
had a profound impact on our family and we miss your humor, laughter,
and the love you brought to our family. RIP.
My aunt Chickie Leventhal will always have a special place in my heart.
Over the last couple years, our family ties have been strengthened, and
our communication has been wonderful. Whenever I need advice or a
place to stay, she is always there offering her love and support. During my
intense devotion to writing this book, I sacrificed many opportunities to
join her, my cousin, Mitch Leventhal, and her boyfriend, Dr. Robert
Berkowitz, for our family get-togethers.
My friend Jack Biello was a loving and caring person who spoke out
against the extraordinary mistreatment I endured at the hands of jour-
nalists and government prosecutors. He was a key voice in the Free Kevin
movement and a writer who had an extraordinary talent for writing com-
pelling articles exposing the information that the government didn’t
want you to know. Jack was always there to fearlessly speak out on my
behalf and to work together with me preparing speeches and articles,
and, at one point, represented me as a media liaison. While finishing up
the manuscript for The Art of Deception (Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2002),
Jack’s passing left me feeling a great sense of loss and sadness. Although
it’s been two years, Jack is always in my thoughts.
One of my closest friends, Caroline Bergeron, has been very support-
ive of my endeavor to succeed on this book project. She is a lovely and
brilliant soon-to-be lawyer living in the Great White North. Having met
her during one of my speaking engagements in Victoria, we hit it off
right away. She lent her expertise to proofreading, editing, and correct-
ing the two-day social engineering seminar that Alex Kasper and I devel-
oped. Thank you, Caroline, for being there for me.
My colleague Alex Kasper is not only my best friend but also my col-
league; we are currently working on delivering one-day and two-day sem-
inars on how businesses can recognize and defend against social
engineering attacks. Together we hosted a popular Internet talk radio
show known as “The Darkside of the Internet” on KFI radio in Los
Angeles. You have been a great friend and confidant. Thank you for your
invaluable assistance and advice. Your influence has always been positive
and helpful with a kindness and generosity that often extended far
beyond the norm.
Paul Dryman has been a family friend for many, many years. Paul was
my late father’s best friend. After my dad’s passing, Paul has been a father
figure, always willing to help and talk with me about anything on my
mind. Thank you, Paul, for your loyal and devoted friendship to my
father and I for so many years.
xiv The Art of Intrusion
Amy Gray has managed my speaking career for the last three years. Not
only do I admire and adore her personality, but I value how she treats
other people with such respect and courtesy. Your support and dedication
to professionalism has contributed to my success as a public speaker and
trainer. Thank you so much for your continued friendship and your
commitment to excellence.
Attorney Gregory Vinson was on my defense team during my years-
long battle with the government. I’m sure he can relate to Bill’s under-
standing and patience for my perfectionism; he has had the same
experience working with me on legal briefs he has written on my behalf.
Gregory is now my business attorney diligently working with me on new
contracts and negotiating business deals. Thank you for your wonderful
support and diligent work, especially when needed on short notice.
Eric Corley (aka Emmanuel Goldstein) has been an active supporter
and close friend for over a decade. He has always looked out for my best
interest and has publicly defended me when I was demonized by
Miramax Films and certain other journalists. Eric has been extremely
instrumental in getting the word out during the government’s prosecu-
tion of me. Your kindness, generosity, and friendship mean more to me
than words can express. Thank you for being a loyal and trusted friend.
Steve Wozniak and Sharon Akers have given much of their time to assist
me and are always there to help me out. The frequent rearranging of your
schedules to be there to support me is much appreciated and it warms me
to call both of you my friends. Hopefully, now that this book is com-
pleted, we will have more time to get together for some gadget quality
time. Steve — I’ll never forget the time that you, Jeff Samuels, and I
drove through the night in your Hummer to get to DEFCON in Las
Vegas, switching drivers constantly so that we could all check our e-mail
and chat with friends over our GPRS wireless connections.
And as I write these acknowledgments, I realize I have so many people
to thank and to express appreciation to for offering their love, friendship,
and support. I cannot begin to remember the names of all the kind and
generous people that I’ve met in recent years, but suffice to say, I would
need a large USB flash drive to store them all. There have been so many
people from all over the world who have written me words of encour-
agement, praise, and support. These words have meant a great deal to
me, especially during the times I needed it most.
I’m especially thankful to all my supporters who stood by me and spent
their valuable time and energy getting the word out to anyone that would
listen, voicing their concern and objection over my unfair treatment and
Acknowledgments xv
the hyperbole created by those who sought to profit from the “The Myth
of Kevin Mitnick.”
I’m eager to thank those people who represent my professional career
and are dedicated in extraordinary ways. David Fugate, of Waterside
Productions, is my book agent who went to bat for me on many occa-
sions before and after the book contract was signed.
I very much appreciate the opportunity that John Wiley & Sons has
given me to author another book, and for their confidence in our ability
to develop a best seller. I wish to thank the following Wiley people who
made this dream possible: Ellen Gerstein; Bob Ipsen; Carol Long, who
always promptly responds to my questions and concerns (my number one
contact at Wiley and executive editor); and Emilie Herman and Kevin
Shafer (developmental editors), who have both worked with us as a team
to get the job done.
I have had too many experiences with lawyers, but I am eager to have
a place to express my thanks for the lawyers who, during the years of my
negative interactions with the criminal justice system, stepped up and
offered to help me when I was in desperate need. From kind words to
deep involvement with my case, I met many who don’t at all fit the
stereotype of the self-centered attorney. I have come to respect, admire,
and appreciate the kindness and generosity of spirit given to me so freely
by so many. They each deserve to be acknowledged with a paragraph of
favorable words; I will at least mention them all by name, for every one
of them lives in my heart surrounded by appreciation: Greg Aclin, Fran
Campbell, Lauren Colby, John Dusenbury, Sherman Ellison, Omar
Figueroa, Jim French, Carolyn Hagin, Rob Hale, David Mahler, Ralph
Peretz, Alvin Michaelson, Donald C. Randolph, Alan Rubin, Tony Serra,
Skip Slates, Richard Steingard, Honorable Robert Talcott, Barry Tarlow,
John Yzurdiaga, and Gregory Vinson.
Other family members, personal friends, business associates who have
given me advice and support, and have reached out in many ways, are
important to recognize and acknowledge. They are JJ Abrams, Sharon
Akers, Matt “NullLink” Beckman, Alex “CriticalMass” Berta, Jack
Biello, Serge and Susanne Birbrair, Paul Block, Jeff Bowler, Matt “404”
Burke, Mark Burnett, Thomas Cannon, GraceAnn and Perry Chavez,
Raoul Chiesa, Dale Coddington, Marcus Colombano, Avi Corfas,
Ed Cummings, Jason “Cypher” Satterfield, Robert Davies, Dave
Delancey, Reverend Digital, Oyvind Dossland, Sam Downing, John
Draper, Ralph Echemendia, Ori Eisen, Roy Eskapa, Alex Fielding, Erin
Finn, Gary Fish and Fishnet Security, Lisa Flores, Brock Frank, Gregor
Freund, Sean Gailey and the whole Jinx crew, Michael and Katie Gardner,
xvi The Art of Intrusion
Steve Gibson, Rop Gonggrijp, Jerry Greenblatt, Thomas Greene, Greg
Grunberg, Dave Harrison, G. Mark Hardy, Larry Hawley, Leslie
Herman, Michael Hess and everyone at Roadwired bags, Jim Hill, Ken
Holder, Rochell Hornbuckle, Andrew “Bunnie” Huang, Linda Hull,
Steve Hunt, all the great people at IDC, Marco Ivaldi, Virgil Kasper,
Stacey Kirkland, Erik Jan Koedijk, the Lamo Family, Leo and Jennifer
Laporte, Pat Lawson, Candi Layman, Arnaud Le-hung, Karen Leventhal,
Bob Levy, David and Mark Litchfield, CJ Little, Jonathan Littman, Mark
Loveless, Lucky 225, Mark Maifrett, Lee Malis, Andy Marton, Lapo
Masiero, Forrest McDonald, Kerry McElwee, Jim “GonZo” McAnally,
Paul and Vicki Miller, Elliott Moore, Michael Morris, Vincent, Paul and
Eileen Navarino, Patrick and Sarah Norton, John Nunes, Shawn Nunley,
Janis Orsino, Tom Parker, Marco Plas, Kevin and Lauren Poulsen, Scott
Press, Linda and Art Pryor, Pyr0, John Rafuse, Mike Roadancer and the
entire security crew from HOPE 2004, RGB, Israel and Rachel
Rosencrantz, Mark Ross, Bill Royle, William Royer, Joel “ch0l0man”
Ruiz, Martyn Ruks, Ryan Russell, Brad Sagarin, Martin Sargent, Loriann
Siminas, Te Smith, Dan Sokol, Trudy Spector, Matt Spergel, Gregory
Spievack, Jim and Olivia Sumner, Douglas Thomas, Cathy Von, Ron
Wetzel, Andrew Williams, Willem, Don David Wilson, Joey Wilson, Dave
and Dianna Wykofka, and all my friends and supporters from the boards
on and 2600 magazine.
By Bill Simon
In doing our first book, The Art of Deception, Kevin Mitnick and I forged
a friendship. While writing this one, we continually found new ways of
working together while deepening our friendship. So, my first words of
appreciation go to Kevin for being an outstanding “travel companion” as
we shared this second journey.
David Fugate, my agent at Waterside Productions and the man respon-
sible for bringing Kevin and me together in the first place, tapped into his
usual store of patience and wisdom to find ways of solving those few mis-
erable situations that cropped up. When the going gets tough, every
writer should be blessed with an agent who is as wise and as good a
friend. Ditto for my longtime friend Bill Gladstone, the founder of
Waterside Productions and my principal agent. Bill remains a key factor
in the success of my writing career and has my everlasting gratitude.
My wife Arynne continues to inspire me anew each day with her love
and her dedication to excellence; I appreciate her more than I can say in
words. She has increased my proficiency as a writer because of her intel-
ligence and willingness to be forthright by telling me straight out when
Acknowledgments xvii
my writing has missed the mark. Somehow she gets through the steam of
wrath that is my usual initial response to her suggestions, but in the end
I accept the wisdom of her suggestions and do the rewrite.
Mark Wilson lent a helping hand that made a difference. Emilie
Herman was a champion of an editor. And I can’t overlook the work of
Kevin Shafer, who took over after Emilie left.
Even a sixteenth book accumulates a debt to people who along the way
have been more than a little helpful; of the many, I especially want to
mention Kimberly Valentini and Maureen Maloney of Waterside, and
Josephine Rodriguez. Marianne Stuber did her usual fast turnaround
transcribing (not easy with all those strange technical terms and hacker
slang) and Jessica Dudgeon kept the office on an even keel. Darci Wood
was a champ about the time her Kevin dedicated to getting this book
Special thanks to daughter Victoria and son Sheldon for their under-
standing, and to my twin grandchildren Vincent and Elena, all of whom
I trust I will be able to see more once this manuscript is delivered.
To the many who offered us stories, and especially to those whose com-
pelling stories we chose to use, Kevin and I are deeply indebted. They
came forward despite significant risks. Had their names been revealed, in
many cases they would have faced being dragged away by the men in
blue. Even those whose stories weren’t used showed courage in their will-
ingness to share, and deserve to be admired for it. We do, indeed, admire
The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
Kevin D. Mitnick
William L. Simon
The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
Kevin D. Mitnick
William L. Simon
Vice President & Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley
Vice President and Executive Publisher: Bob Ipsen
Vice President and Publisher: Joseph B. Wikert
Executive Acquisitions Editor: Carol Long
Development Editors: Emilie Herman, Kevin Shafer
Editorial Manager: Kathryn Malm Bourgoine
Senior Production Editor: Angela Smith
Project Coordinator: April Farling
Copy Editor: Joanne Slike
Interior Design: Kathie S. Rickard
Text Design & Composition: Wiley Composition Services
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright © 2005 by Kevin D. Mitnick and William L. Simon
Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Mitnick, Kevin D. (Kevin David), 1963-
The art of intrusion : the real stories behind the exploits of hackers, intruders, and deceivers / Kevin D.
Mitnick, William L. Simon.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-7645-6959-7 (cloth)
1. Computer security. 2. Computer hackers. I. Simon, William L., 1930- II. Title.
QA76.9.A25M587 2005
For Shelly Jaffe, Reba Vartanian, Chickie Leventhal,
Mitchell Mitnick
For Darci and Briannah
And for the late Alan Mitnick, Adam Mitnick,
Sydney Kramer, Jack Biello.
For Arynne, Victoria, Sheldon, and David, and for Vincent and
Chapter 1 Hacking the Casinos for a Million Bucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Chapter 2 When Terrorists Come Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Chapter 3 The Texas Prison Hack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Chapter 4 Cops and Robbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Chapter 5 The Robin Hood Hacker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
Chapter 6 The Wisdom and Folly of Penetration Testing . . . . . . . . . . .115
Chapter 7 Of Course Your Bank Is Secure — Right? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Chapter 8 Your Intellectual Property Isn’t Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
Chapter 9 On the Continent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195
Chapter 10 Social Engineers — How They Work
and How to Stop Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Chapter 11 Short Takes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
Hackers play one-up among themselves. Clearly one of the prizes would
be bragging rights from hacking into my security company’s Web site or
my personal system.
Another would be that they had made up a story of a hack and planted
it on me and my co-author Bill Simon so convincingly that we were taken
in, believed it as true, and included it in this book.
That has presented a fascinating challenge, a game of wits that the two
of us have played time after time as we did the interviews for the book.
For most reporters and authors, establishing authenticity is a fairly rou-
tine matter: Is this really the person he or she claims to be? Is this person
or was this person really working for the organization he or she claims?
Did this person have the position he or she says? Does this person have
documentation to back up the story, and can I verify that the documents
are valid? Are there reputable people who will support the story or parts
of it?
With hackers, checking the bona fides is tricky. Most of the people
whose stories appear in this book, other than a few who have already
been to prison, would face felony charges if their true identities could be
determined. So, asking for real names, or expecting to be offered as
proof, is an iffy proposition.
These people have only come forward with their stories because they
trust me. They know I’ve done time myself, and they are willing to rely
on my not betraying them in a way that could put them in that position.
Yet, despite the risks, many did offer tangible proof of their hacks.
Even so, it’s possible — in fact, it’s likely — that some people exagger-
ated their stories with details intended to make them more compelling,
or spun a story that was a total fabrication, but constructed around
enough workable exploits to give them the ring of truth.
Because of that risk, we have been diligent in holding to a high stan-
dard of reliability. Through all the interviews, I have challenged every
technical detail, asking for in-depth explanations of anything that didn’t
x The Art of Intrusion
sound quite right, and sometimes following up later to see if the story
was still the same or if he or she told it differently the second time
around. Or, if this person “couldn’t remember” when asked about some
hard-to-accomplish step omitted from the story. Or, if this person just
didn’t seem to know enough to do what he or she claimed or couldn’t
explain how he or she got from point A to point B.
Except where specifically noted, every one of the main stories in this
book has passed my “smell test.” My co-author and I agreed on the
believability of every person whose story we have included. Nevertheless,
details have often been changed to protect the hacker and the victim. In
several of the stories, the identities of companies are disguised. I modi-
fied the names, industries, and locations of targeted organizations. In
some cases, there is misleading information to protect the identity of the
victim or to prevent a duplication of the crime. However, the basic vul-
nerabilities and nature of the incidents are accurate.
At the same time, because software developers and hardware manufac-
turers are continually fixing security vulnerabilities through patches and
new product versions, few of the exploits described in these pages still
work as described here. This might lead the overconfident reader to
decide that he or she need not be concerned, that, with vulnerabilities
attended to and corrected, the reader and his or her company have noth-
ing to be worried about. But the lesson of these stories, whether they
happened six months ago or six years ago, is that hackers are finding new
vulnerabilities every day. Read the book not to learn specific vulnerabili-
ties in specific products, but to change your attitudes and gain a new
And read the book, too, to be entertained, awed, amazed at the con-
tinually surprising exploits of these wickedly clever hackers.
Some are shocking, some are eye-opening, some will make you laugh
at the inspired nerve of the hacker. If you’re an IT or security profes-
sional, every story has lessons for you on making your organization more
secure. If you’re a non-technical person who enjoys stories of crime, dar-
ing, risk-taking, and just plain guts, you’ll find all that here.
Every one of these adventures involved the danger of a knock at the
door, where a posse of cops, FBI agents, and Secret Service types would
be waiting with handcuffs ready. And, in a number of the cases, that’s
exactly what happened.
For the rest, the possibility still remains. No wonder most of these
hackers have never been willing to tell their stories before. Most of these
adventures you will read here are being published for the very first time.
By Kevin Mitnick
This book is dedicated to my wonderful family, close friends, and, most
of all, the people that made this book possible — the black-hat and
white-hat hackers who contributed their stories for our education and
The Art of Intrusion was even more challenging to write than our last
book. Instead of using our combined creative talent to develop stories
and anecdotes to illustrate the dangers of social engineering and what
businesses can do to mitigate it, both Bill Simon and I relied heavily on
interviewing former hackers, phone phreaks, and hackers turned security
professionals. We wanted to write a book that would be both a crime
thriller and an eye-opening guide to helping businesses protect their
valuable information and computing resources. We strongly believe that
by disclosing the common methodologies and techniques used by hack-
ers to break into systems and networks, we can influence the community
at large to adequately address these risks and threats posed by savvy
I have had the extraordinary fortune of being teamed up with best-
selling author Bill Simon, and we worked diligently together on this new
book. Bill’s notable skills as a writer include his magical ability to take
information provided by our contributors and write it in such a style and
manner that anyone’s grandmother could understand it. More impor-
tantly, Bill has become more than just a business partner in writing, but
a loyal friend who has been there for me during this whole development
process. Although we had some moments of frustration and differences
of opinion during the development phase, we always work it out to our
mutual satisfaction. In a little over two years, I’ll finally be able to write
and publish the The Untold Story of Kevin Mitnick, after certain govern-
ment restrictions expire. Hopefully, Bill and I will collaborate on this
project as well.
xii The Art of Intrusion
Bill’s wonderful wife, Arynne Simon, also has a warm place in my heart.
I appreciate her love, kindness, and generosity that she has shown me in
the last three years. My only disappointing experience is not being able
to enjoy her great cooking. Now that the book is finally finished, maybe
I can convince her to cook a celebration dinner!
Having been so focused on The Art of Intrusion, I haven’t been able to
spend much quality time with family and close friends. I became some-
what of a workaholic, similar to the days where I’d spend countless hours
behind the keyboard exploring the dark corners of cyberspace.
I want to thank my loving girlfriend, Darci Wood, and her game-loving
daughter Briannah for being supportive and patient during this time-
consuming project. Thank you, baby, for all your love, dedication, and
support that you and Briannah have provided me while working on this
and other challenging projects.
This book would not have been possible without the love and support
of my family. My mother, Shelly Jaffe, and my grandmother, Reba
Vartanian, have given me unconditional love and support throughout my
life. I am so fortunate to have been raised by such a loving and dedicated
mother, who I also consider my best friend. My grandmother has been
like a second mom to me, providing me with the same nurturing and love
that usually only a mother can give. She has been extremely helpful in
handling some of my business affairs, which at times interfered with her
schedule. In every instance, she made my business a top priority, even
when it was inconvenient to do so. Thank you, Gram, for helping me get
the job done whenever I needed you. As caring and compassionate peo-
ple, they’ve taught me the principles of caring about others and lending
a helping hand to the less fortunate. And so, by imitating the pattern of
giving and caring, I, in a sense, follow the paths of their lives. I hope
they’ll forgive me for putting them on the back burner during the process
of writing this book, passing up chances to see them with the excuse of
work and deadlines to meet. This book would not have been possible
without their continued love and support that I’ll forever hold close to
my heart.
How I wish my Dad, Alan Mitnick, and my brother, Adam Mitnick,
would have lived long enough to break open a bottle of champagne with
me on the day our second book first appears in a bookstore. As a sales-
man and business owner, my father taught me many of the finer things
that I will never forget.
My mother’s late boyfriend, Steven Knittle, has been a father figure to
me for the past 12 years. I took great comfort knowing that you were
always there to take care of my mom when I could not. Your passing has
Acknowledgments xiii
had a profound impact on our family and we miss your humor, laughter,
and the love you brought to our family. RIP.
My aunt Chickie Leventhal will always have a special place in my heart.
Over the last couple years, our family ties have been strengthened, and
our communication has been wonderful. Whenever I need advice or a
place to stay, she is always there offering her love and support. During my
intense devotion to writing this book, I sacrificed many opportunities to
join her, my cousin, Mitch Leventhal, and her boyfriend, Dr. Robert
Berkowitz, for our family get-togethers.
My friend Jack Biello was a loving and caring person who spoke out
against the extraordinary mistreatment I endured at the hands of jour-
nalists and government prosecutors. He was a key voice in the Free Kevin
movement and a writer who had an extraordinary talent for writing com-
pelling articles exposing the information that the government didn’t
want you to know. Jack was always there to fearlessly speak out on my
behalf and to work together with me preparing speeches and articles,
and, at one point, represented me as a media liaison. While finishing up
the manuscript for The Art of Deception (Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2002),
Jack’s passing left me feeling a great sense of loss and sadness. Although
it’s been two years, Jack is always in my thoughts.
One of my closest friends, Caroline Bergeron, has been very support-
ive of my endeavor to succeed on this book project. She is a lovely and
brilliant soon-to-be lawyer living in the Great White North. Having met
her during one of my speaking engagements in Victoria, we hit it off
right away. She lent her expertise to proofreading, editing, and correct-
ing the two-day social engineering seminar that Alex Kasper and I devel-
oped. Thank you, Caroline, for being there for me.
My colleague Alex Kasper is not only my best friend but also my col-
league; we are currently working on delivering one-day and two-day sem-
inars on how businesses can recognize and defend against social
engineering attacks. Together we hosted a popular Internet talk radio
show known as “The Darkside of the Internet” on KFI radio in Los
Angeles. You have been a great friend and confidant. Thank you for your
invaluable assistance and advice. Your influence has always been positive
and helpful with a kindness and generosity that often extended far
beyond the norm.
Paul Dryman has been a family friend for many, many years. Paul was
my late father’s best friend. After my dad’s passing, Paul has been a father
figure, always willing to help and talk with me about anything on my
mind. Thank you, Paul, for your loyal and devoted friendship to my
father and I for so many years.
xiv The Art of Intrusion
Amy Gray has managed my speaking career for the last three years. Not
only do I admire and adore her personality, but I value how she treats
other people with such respect and courtesy. Your support and dedication
to professionalism has contributed to my success as a public speaker and
trainer. Thank you so much for your continued friendship and your
commitment to excellence.
Attorney Gregory Vinson was on my defense team during my years-
long battle with the government. I’m sure he can relate to Bill’s under-
standing and patience for my perfectionism; he has had the same
experience working with me on legal briefs he has written on my behalf.
Gregory is now my business attorney diligently working with me on new
contracts and negotiating business deals. Thank you for your wonderful
support and diligent work, especially when needed on short notice.
Eric Corley (aka Emmanuel Goldstein) has been an active supporter
and close friend for over a decade. He has always looked out for my best
interest and has publicly defended me when I was demonized by
Miramax Films and certain other journalists. Eric has been extremely
instrumental in getting the word out during the government’s prosecu-
tion of me. Your kindness, generosity, and friendship mean more to me
than words can express. Thank you for being a loyal and trusted friend.
Steve Wozniak and Sharon Akers have given much of their time to assist
me and are always there to help me out. The frequent rearranging of your
schedules to be there to support me is much appreciated and it warms me
to call both of you my friends. Hopefully, now that this book is com-
pleted, we will have more time to get together for some gadget quality
time. Steve — I’ll never forget the time that you, Jeff Samuels, and I
drove through the night in your Hummer to get to DEFCON in Las
Vegas, switching drivers constantly so that we could all check our e-mail
and chat with friends over our GPRS wireless connections.
And as I write these acknowledgments, I realize I have so many people
to thank and to express appreciation to for offering their love, friendship,
and support. I cannot begin to remember the names of all the kind and
generous people that I’ve met in recent years, but suffice to say, I would
need a large USB flash drive to store them all. There have been so many
people from all over the world who have written me words of encour-
agement, praise, and support. These words have meant a great deal to
me, especially during the times I needed it most.
I’m especially thankful to all my supporters who stood by me and spent
their valuable time and energy getting the word out to anyone that would
listen, voicing their concern and objection over my unfair treatment and
Acknowledgments xv
the hyperbole created by those who sought to profit from the “The Myth
of Kevin Mitnick.”
I’m eager to thank those people who represent my professional career
and are dedicated in extraordinary ways. David Fugate, of Waterside
Productions, is my book agent who went to bat for me on many occa-
sions before and after the book contract was signed.
I very much appreciate the opportunity that John Wiley & Sons has
given me to author another book, and for their confidence in our ability
to develop a best seller. I wish to thank the following Wiley people who
made this dream possible: Ellen Gerstein; Bob Ipsen; Carol Long, who
always promptly responds to my questions and concerns (my number one
contact at Wiley and executive editor); and Emilie Herman and Kevin
Shafer (developmental editors), who have both worked with us as a team
to get the job done.
I have had too many experiences with lawyers, but I am eager to have
a place to express my thanks for the lawyers who, during the years of my
negative interactions with the criminal justice system, stepped up and
offered to help me when I was in desperate need. From kind words to
deep involvement with my case, I met many who don’t at all fit the
stereotype of the self-centered attorney. I have come to respect, admire,
and appreciate the kindness and generosity of spirit given to me so freely
by so many. They each deserve to be acknowledged with a paragraph of
favorable words; I will at least mention them all by name, for every one
of them lives in my heart surrounded by appreciation: Greg Aclin, Fran
Campbell, Lauren Colby, John Dusenbury, Sherman Ellison, Omar
Figueroa, Jim French, Carolyn Hagin, Rob Hale, David Mahler, Ralph
Peretz, Alvin Michaelson, Donald C. Randolph, Alan Rubin, Tony Serra,
Skip Slates, Richard Steingard, Honorable Robert Talcott, Barry Tarlow,
John Yzurdiaga, and Gregory Vinson.
Other family members, personal friends, business associates who have
given me advice and support, and have reached out in many ways, are
important to recognize and acknowledge. They are JJ Abrams, Sharon
Akers, Matt “NullLink” Beckman, Alex “CriticalMass” Berta, Jack
Biello, Serge and Susanne Birbrair, Paul Block, Jeff Bowler, Matt “404”
Burke, Mark Burnett, Thomas Cannon, GraceAnn and Perry Chavez,
Raoul Chiesa, Dale Coddington, Marcus Colombano, Avi Corfas,
Ed Cummings, Jason “Cypher” Satterfield, Robert Davies, Dave
Delancey, Reverend Digital, Oyvind Dossland, Sam Downing, John
Draper, Ralph Echemendia, Ori Eisen, Roy Eskapa, Alex Fielding, Erin
Finn, Gary Fish and Fishnet Security, Lisa Flores, Brock Frank, Gregor
Freund, Sean Gailey and the whole Jinx crew, Michael and Katie Gardner,
xvi The Art of Intrusion
Steve Gibson, Rop Gonggrijp, Jerry Greenblatt, Thomas Greene, Greg
Grunberg, Dave Harrison, G. Mark Hardy, Larry Hawley, Leslie
Herman, Michael Hess and everyone at Roadwired bags, Jim Hill, Ken
Holder, Rochell Hornbuckle, Andrew “Bunnie” Huang, Linda Hull,
Steve Hunt, all the great people at IDC, Marco Ivaldi, Virgil Kasper,
Stacey Kirkland, Erik Jan Koedijk, the Lamo Family, Leo and Jennifer
Laporte, Pat Lawson, Candi Layman, Arnaud Le-hung, Karen Leventhal,
Bob Levy, David and Mark Litchfield, CJ Little, Jonathan Littman, Mark
Loveless, Lucky 225, Mark Maifrett, Lee Malis, Andy Marton, Lapo
Masiero, Forrest McDonald, Kerry McElwee, Jim “GonZo” McAnally,
Paul and Vicki Miller, Elliott Moore, Michael Morris, Vincent, Paul and
Eileen Navarino, Patrick and Sarah Norton, John Nunes, Shawn Nunley,
Janis Orsino, Tom Parker, Marco Plas, Kevin and Lauren Poulsen, Scott
Press, Linda and Art Pryor, Pyr0, John Rafuse, Mike Roadancer and the
entire security crew from HOPE 2004, RGB, Israel and Rachel
Rosencrantz, Mark Ross, Bill Royle, William Royer, Joel “ch0l0man”
Ruiz, Martyn Ruks, Ryan Russell, Brad Sagarin, Martin Sargent, Loriann
Siminas, Te Smith, Dan Sokol, Trudy Spector, Matt Spergel, Gregory
Spievack, Jim and Olivia Sumner, Douglas Thomas, Cathy Von, Ron
Wetzel, Andrew Williams, Willem, Don David Wilson, Joey Wilson, Dave
and Dianna Wykofka, and all my friends and supporters from the boards
on and 2600 magazine.
By Bill Simon
In doing our first book, The Art of Deception, Kevin Mitnick and I forged
a friendship. While writing this one, we continually found new ways of
working together while deepening our friendship. So, my first words of
appreciation go to Kevin for being an outstanding “travel companion” as
we shared this second journey.
David Fugate, my agent at Waterside Productions and the man respon-
sible for bringing Kevin and me together in the first place, tapped into his
usual store of patience and wisdom to find ways of solving those few mis-
erable situations that cropped up. When the going gets tough, every
writer should be blessed with an agent who is as wise and as good a
friend. Ditto for my longtime friend Bill Gladstone, the founder of
Waterside Productions and my principal agent. Bill remains a key factor
in the success of my writing career and has my everlasting gratitude.
My wife Arynne continues to inspire me anew each day with her love
and her dedication to excellence; I appreciate her more than I can say in
words. She has increased my proficiency as a writer because of her intel-
ligence and willingness to be forthright by telling me straight out when
Acknowledgments xvii
my writing has missed the mark. Somehow she gets through the steam of
wrath that is my usual initial response to her suggestions, but in the end
I accept the wisdom of her suggestions and do the rewrite.
Mark Wilson lent a helping hand that made a difference. Emilie
Herman was a champion of an editor. And I can’t overlook the work of
Kevin Shafer, who took over after Emilie left.
Even a sixteenth book accumulates a debt to people who along the way
have been more than a little helpful; of the many, I especially want to
mention Kimberly Valentini and Maureen Maloney of Waterside, and
Josephine Rodriguez. Marianne Stuber did her usual fast turnaround
transcribing (not easy with all those strange technical terms and hacker
slang) and Jessica Dudgeon kept the office on an even keel. Darci Wood
was a champ about the time her Kevin dedicated to getting this book
Special thanks to daughter Victoria and son Sheldon for their under-
standing, and to my twin grandchildren Vincent and Elena, all of whom
I trust I will be able to see more once this manuscript is delivered.
To the many who offered us stories, and especially to those whose com-
pelling stories we chose to use, Kevin and I are deeply indebted. They
came forward despite significant risks. Had their names been revealed, in
many cases they would have faced being dragged away by the men in
blue. Even those whose stories weren’t used showed courage in their will-
ingness to share, and deserve to be admired for it. We do, indeed, admire