State management on higher education quality

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Major: Public Administration Management
Code: 62 34 82 01
HANOI - 2015
The work was completed at: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF
The scientific instructors: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Binh
2. Dr. Tran Trong Toan
Reviewer 1: ……………………………………………
Reviewer 2: ……………………………………………
Reviewer 3: ……………………………………………
The dissertation will be presented before Commission of
Dissertation Evaluation under Academy Level
Location: Meeting room…, Block…. - Hall of doctoral
dissertation defense, National Academy of Public Administration
No. 77 – Nguyen Chi Thanh Street- Dong Da District - Hanoi
Time: At……h….date … month ….year ….
The Dissertation can be read at: National Library of Vietnam
Library of National Academy of Public Administration
1. Doan Van Dung (2011), Các giải pháp quản lý nhà nước về
công tác kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại học (State management
solutions for recognision of higher education quality), State Management
Journal no. November, 2011.
2. Doan Van Dung (2014), Quản lý nhà nước về kiểm định chất
lượng giáo dục đại học - thực trạng và giải pháp (State management
solutions for recognision of higher education quality - situation and
solutions), Journal .March, 2014.
2. Doan Van Dung (2014), Hoàn thiện thể chế quản lý nhà nước về
chất lượng giáo dục đại học (Completing institutions of state management
on higher education quality), State Management Journal no. June, 2014.
1. Urgency of research topic
In a national education system, each academic level, grade has different
roles in the process of building and developing human resources, in which, the
higher education have a special important position. The higher education has
the most direct impact on human resources and connects to building high
quality human resources to meet the requirements of a new century - the
century of knowledge economy, of creativity.
The higher education quality has a decisive significance to the quality of
national human resources. There have been significant changes on size and
quality on the higher education in our country. However, in fact, the higher
education quality in our country is still very low in comparison to other
countries in the region and around the world. Limitations and shortcomings of
the higher education quality is a strong message from reality requiring that the
State shall show its roles and responsibilities for the higher education quality.
It can be asserted the higher education quality depends on many factors.
Among of them, the state management on higher education quality is an
important factor. Over the years, the higher education quality in our country
has not been managed effectively. As an inevitable consequence, the higher
education quality has not met expectations of society, demands on human
resources in a period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the
country and international integration. Besides process of renovating the
education management, extending the autonomy of the educational
institutions, clearly that it is necessary to renovate to the higher education
management in a direction of focusing towards the quality management,
management following to result of outputs. That's a big trend of state
management in current era. In the situation of the higher education quality and
the state management on higher education quality, with aim to find out
innovative solutions for the state management on higher education quality, the
author decides to choose the topic "State Management on Higher Education
Quality" as a research orientation.
2. Purpose and Task of Research
2.1. Purposes: To make the theoretical research about roles of state
management on higher education quality, analyze and assess the impacts of
state management on higher education quality in Vietnam then to propose
solutions to improve the current state management on higher education quality
in Vietnam.
2.2. Tasks
- Study the theoretical issues of education, higher education quality,
state management on higher education quality, roles of the State in higher
education quality;
- Assess the situation of state management on higher education quality
in our country at present; outline the causes of inadequacies and limitations in
the state management on higher education quality;
- Propose the solutions to complete the management activities of higher
education quality
3. Objectives, scope of research
3.1. Objectives of research: State management on higher education
quality in Vietnam at the present.
3.2. Scope of research
- Contents of research: Under Law on Education, 2005 (amending and
supplementing some articles law in 2009), Law on Higher Education, 2012, the
higher education includes college, university, master and doctor degrees.
However, within the limit of a doctoral dissertation, the author only focuses to
research the state management on higher education quality in Vietnam at the
- Space of research: Study activities of state management for higher
education institutions throughout the country in which, focus on the basis of
public higher education institutions under major group of social sciences and
- Time of research: Study data and documents relating to the state
management on higher education quality which have been issued since 2005
(since Law on Education, 2005). However, the author referred and studied some
documents of state management on higher education which have been issued
since after August Revolution.
4.1. Methodology
Method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism is used in
the dissertation as the methodology of research.
4.2. Method of research
- Research method of secondary documents;
- Sociological method.
5. New contributions of the dissertation
5.1. About theory
- Identify and clarify the issues of higher education quality, changes in
the concept of higher education quality in the world and in Vietnam; give the
perspectives of higher education quality;
- Clarify roles of the State to the higher education quality;
- Analyze contents of state management on higher education quality,
argument and explanation of factors affecting the efficiency of state
management on higher education quality;
- Study, assess the situation of state management on higher education
quality in terms of management thinking, institution, organization, mechanism,
officers, staffs working in state management on higher education, inspecting
and monitoring activities to ensure the higher education quality;
- Propose solutions to complete the state management on higher
education quality in the model of total quality management (TQM) by
approaching the state management on higher education from perspective of
management quality, moving from administrative management to monitor and
creation of development to the higher education.
5.2. About practice
- Create theoretical and practical premise to give proposals for
comprehensive renovation of state management on higher education in the
direction of focusing on quality management, monitor and facilitating for the
higher education development.
- Propose state management ways on higher education quality; complete
the management institutions of higher education in the direction of
comprehension, uniform, synchronization with the focus to determine clearly
roles and responsibilities of the State as well as roles and responsibilities of
higher education institutions;
- The arguments and solutions of the dissertation can be used for
improving institutions on higher education such as stratification of higher
education, completion of state management on higher education.
6. Scientific hypothesis of the dissertation
The higher education quality in any countries also plays a decisive
important role for the development of country. In the current context, Vietnam
is not also outside the rule of such development. Currently, the higher
education quality in Vietnam has many inadequacies originating from many
causes in which the ineffective state management on higher education is an
important cause. If the state management on higher education quality identifies
correctly its roles in the direction that the State is a subject to orient, regulate,
monitor, create the conditions for higher education to move under the quality
and create institutions to extend the autonomy and social responsibilities of
higher education institutions, the higher education quality in Vietnam in the
entire system will increase and meet the needs of society.
Analytical framework of the topic
Higher education
Quality Roles of the
constituting State
Factors affecting the Contents of state
efficiency of state management
management on higher
Causes education quality
Assess the situation of state
management on higher
education quality
7. Structure of the dissertation: Along with the introduction and
conclusion, the dissertation is structured into 4 chapters
Chapter 1 - Overview of research situation
Chapter 2 - Scientific basis of state management on higher education
Chapter 3 - Current situation of state management on higher education
quality in Vietnam at the present
Chapter 4 - Perspectives and solutions to complete the state
management on higher education quality in Vietnam at the present
Chapter 1
The state management on higher education and higher education quality
has been cared widely by many scientists both inside and outside. Many
scientists have studied the theoretical and practical issues relating to the
Dissertation as follows:
- Theoretical research on higher education quality, nature, criteria for
evaluating the higher education quality;
- Research on roles of the State to higher education quality from the
different theories, aspects;
- Research on tools and methods to ensure the higher education quality;
- Research on assessing the actual quality of higher education in
- Research on the state management solutions for higher education
It can be asserted the state management issues of higher education quality
maybe have been mentioned in the researches in our country in recent years.
However, researches on state management on higher education quality have just
mentioned to one or several aspects relating to the higher education quality:
firstly, these researches have not shown the focus of state management on higher
education in the direction of management on education quality; Secondly, the
approach of these researches is not based on the state administration and
management science; thirdly, researches have not given the system of
synchronous solutions for the state management on higher education quality
from establishing the institutional framework, apparatus organization, finance
mechanism, apparatus monitor to ensure the higher education quality.
Generally, so far there have not been any intensive researches on the
state management on higher education quality at doctoral level. From this
reality, the essential problem is to have an intensive research, assessment of
the state management on higher education quality in order to assess the total
state management and propose the solutions with practical applicability for the
state management.
On the basis of overview of the research situation, the author thinks that
dissertation shall focus on solving following issues:
- Clarify the theoretical basis of state management on higher education
Firstly, in specific conditions of Vietnam, the state management on
higher education quality in our country shall be studied. The most important,
significant issues on the state management on higher education are roles of the
State for higher education quality as a management entity, contents of state
management on higher education quality, factors affecting directly to activities
to confirm the state management on higher education quality.
Second, the Dissertation will study the experience of state management
on higher education quality in several countries around the world.
- Assess the current situation of state management on higher education
under the quality management requirements
Firstly, research on the current situation of state management on higher
education quality in terms of establishment, issuance of policies, institutions of
state management; organization of implementing policies, state management
institutions on higher education quality; inspection and handling violations and
summary to assess the implementation of the state administration institutions
of higher education quality.
Secondly, analyze, clarify achievements, existing limitations to have the
base to propose solutions in order to complete the state management on higher
education quality.
- Provide orientation and propose solutions in order to complete the
state management on higher education quality.
Firstly, analyze perspectives, orientation to complete the state
management on higher education quality.
Secondly, propose solutions to complete the state management on higher
education quality. This is the final destination of Dissertation. As a result, the
research shall focus following fundamental issues:
Firstly, research on changes of perceptions, thoughts, apparatus of state
management on quality higher education.
Secondly, research on completion of the state management institutions
on higher education quality.
Thirdly, research on completion of organizational structure of state
management on higher education quality, innovate and improve the efficiency
of inspection and supervision for higher education.
Chapter 2
2.1. Higher education quality and state management on higher
education quality
2.1.1. Concept of higher education
In Vietnam at the present, although there is no official definition of
higher education, but it can be understood that the higher education is a form
of education organization comprising all post-high school education with
qualifications such as: college, university degree, master and doctor degrees.
2.1.2. Concept of education quality and higher education quality Concept of education quality
a) Concept of quality
In an absolute sense, the quality is nature attributes of objects, products
and services which have distinct advantages in comparison with counterparts.
In a relative sense, the quality is overall of nature attributes, characteristic
which meet targets, expectations of holders.
b) Concept of education quality
The education quality can be construed as the result of process of
education and training which are reflected in the characteristics of quality,
personality value and labor value or practicing capability of graduates in
relation with academic objectives, programs of that education level. Concept of higher education quality
On the overall perspective, the higher education quality is total of
knowledge, skills and attitudes being created through higher education,
matches to the training requirements of human resources for local economic-
social development and country in each period, ensures and meets
expectations, wisher of relevant holders, social community on mind power,
mental power, strength of human resources under higher education. Factors constituting the higher education quality
The higher education quality is the result of interaction of many factors.
In the researches on education quality, factors constituting the education
quality are approached in different aspects: training management factor;
teacher factor; learner factor; contents, programs and training methods;
educational institutions; facilities; scientific research and technology factors.
7 Criteria for evaluating the higher education quality
Typical criteria for evaluating the higher education quality include:
- Criteria on objectives and tasks;
- Criteria on teachers and management officials;
- Criteria on programs and curricula;
- Criteria on composition of students;
- Criteria on facilities and equipment for education;
- Criteria on organization and management;
- Criteria on teaching and learning activities;
- Criteria on scientific research;
- Criteria on graduates.
2.1.3. Models ensuring the higher education quality
- Quality control;
- Quality assurance;
- Quality inspection;
- Quality verification;
- The quality policy and the strategic plan for quality.
2.1.4. State management on higher education quality and factors
affecting the state management on higher education quality Concept of state management on higher education quality
The state management on higher education quality can be construed as
the impact under organization by state power, on the basis of law which is
conducted by State competent agencies to perform the functions, tasks
authorized by the State in order to orient the development and improvement of
higher education quality to meet the goals of building human resources under
higher education for national economic-social development.
The state management on higher education quality is total of activities
of the state management agencies to orient, regulate, facilitate and enhance the
higher education quality to meet the objectives of human resources for
economic - social development in each period. Factors affecting the efficiency of the state management on
higher education quality
- Thinking of state management on higher education;
- Ability of state management on higher education the quality;
- Method, way of state management on higher education the quality;
- The efficiency of inspecting, checking, monitoring and handling
violations of law on the management on higher education quality;
- Requirements of market economy development, globalization and
international integration;
- Social responsibility of the higher education institutions.
2.2. Roles of the State to the higher education quality
2.2.1. Roles of the State to the education quality - approaching from
systematic theory
The State plays the role in ensuring the stable development of higher
education; at the same time, it is the subject to overcome the negative impact
from the outside to higher education and overcome negative manifestations in
the movement and development of higher education itself. Besides, as a
component of the management system of higher education, the State shall
adjust its functions, duties and ways of activities so that the other components
can promote their roles to focus on the main tasks for to the State in the
management on higher education quality.
2.2.2. Roles of the State to the higher education quality from the
perspective of economics theory
From the perspective of economics theory, the State is the subject to
ensure balance development of higher education, overcome the defects in the
supply of higher education in terms of quality, cost and ensure learners to obtain
the quality which is commensurate with their paid fees. Through the apparatus
of quality control, the State shall give an intervention to ensure that higher
education will implement fully its positive external roles, promote the growth of
social labor productivity. The State is also the subject to organize and provide
the higher education by establishing a public higher education system to orient
the development of entire higher education in the direction of efficiency and
2.2.3. Identifying the roles of State for the higher education quality
- Manage the higher education the quality;
- Make the interventions to the higher education quality;
- Facilitate, support for higher education to move towards the quality.
2.3. Contents of state management on higher education quality
2.3.1. Establishing strategies, plans and policies on developing
higher education
The State establishes and directs the implementation of strategies,
planning, plans and policies for the development of higher education to ensure
the higher education quality. Strategy for higher education development shall
be established under the national vision, built the orientation of higher
education with the quality in the future. The planning, plans shall specify
contents of strategy and put contents of strategy into the practice. There are
policies on orientation tools, support tools for the development of higher
2.3.2. The State establishes and issues the state management
institutions on higher education quality
Firstly, institutions show a general will of the country on higher
education quality, contribute to create a consensus in the access, evaluation,
share of standards and common values of a higher education which is
considered as the quality.
Secondly, the State establishes the institutional framework presenting
functions of state management on higher education quality and ensures the
State has effective management tools.
Thirdly, the institutions are to guide the professional operations relating
to the state management on higher education quality.
Finally, the state management institutions on higher education quality
create the legal framework to give autonomy and ensure social responsibilities
of higher education establishments/institutions.
2.3.3. Organizing the state management apparatus on higher
education quality
On the basis of identifying correctly roles and responsibilities of state
management on higher education, the state management apparatus in higher
education quality is the subject to perform all roles and responsibilities of state
management. The reasonable organization of apparatus will be the basic to
ensure the efficiency of state management on higher education quality.
2.3.4. Inspecting, checking, monitoring and handling violations in
the implementation of the law on higher education quality
Firstly, through these activities to evaluate the effectiveness and
efficiency of state administration institutions on higher education quality;
Secondly, inspecting, checking, monitoring timely will detect and
handle timely law violations in the management on higher education quality
and create the basis to make a final review, generalize the experience, success
of management on higher education quality.
2.3.5. State establishes an international cooperation mechanism to
develop the higher education
Through the international cooperation, the State facilities higher
education institutions to receive advanced education technologies, establish the
quality academic model with capability of replication throughout the country;
strengthen the capacity of scientific research in several key fields; make the
training a workforce with good expertise and foreign languages; help students
to have a chance to access to advanced media, curricula and teaching methods.
2.4. Experience of state management on higher education quality in
several countries around the world
2.4.1. Experience from China
The state management on higher education in China is in the direction
of quality management which is performed by many different mechanisms
including mechanism of entrusting the autonomy for higher education
institutions. Financial policy for higher education is also renewed. The higher
education institutions are received "lump sum" budget and are allowed to
make decisions on expenditures while the State monitors and audits to ensure
the schools to use public resources properly. With the aim to improve the
social responsibilities of higher education institutions, the State evaluates the
results of implementation and the schools maintain standards and perform a
self-assessment proactively. China also develops visions for the leading
universities and colleges to become world class universities and colleges.
2.4.2. Management on higher education quality of Singapore
The State management on higher education in Singapore is performed
under the model "economic- social development oriented by the state" and its
feature is "conformance with the economy and under domination of the state
when decision-making and planning". The State entrusts the autonomy for
universities in different levels. The State monitors and encourages the social
responsibilities through various forms such as program management;
application "accountability framework" for higher education institutions.
Ensuring the done social responsibilities is not only relied on the sense of
responsibility or voluntary commitments but also relied on a legal system to
maintain and promote. Establishing mechanisms and regulations which
required the schools to publicize the results of financial expertise, quality or
ranking for stakeholders as a mean of ensuring the popular accountability.
Also, Singapore pays an attention to regulate the schools to make self-
assessment and announce the conformance of training programs with labor
market and national targets.
2.4.3. Experience from Thailand
In 2003, Thailand developed the strategy of higher education reform.
This strategy outlines clearly that: the State would establish clear national
policies, objectives and plans for higher education in the relation to human
resource needs, researches and academic services. The State will monitor
activities of higher education institutions in terms of policy, quality and
standards through budget allocation which is considered as mechanism for
supervising, monitoring, and evaluating quality and operational efficiency
through accreditation. The State will encourage and support the higher
education institutions so that such activities match with policies, objectives
and plans for national development.
2.4.4. What Vietnam learns from such experiences?
Firstly, the state management to higher education system shall be
oriented towards quality management, change from simple administrative
management into monitoring and facilitating for the development. The state
responsibilities to higher education quality are shown in the role to develop the
strategic vision, orientation, create a legal framework, build the policy system,
improve the social responsibility and ensure the movement under quality of
higher education institutions.
Secondly, the evaluation of higher education quality shall not only be
involved by the state management agencies, higher education institutions but
also received the involvement of the social community in which direct people
are experts, scientists, employers to reflect the higher education quality
Thirdly, the state management responsibilities for higher education
quality shall associated with the policy innovation which ensures the quality,
enhance the competitiveness of higher education institutions, links ensuring
the quality with resource allocation, investments in key fields and builds
higher education institutions with quality indeed. This is the basis to solve the
scale - quality problems and development conditions efficiently.
Chapter 3
3.1. Overview of actual situation of higher education quality in
Vietnam at the present
3.1.1. The achievements of higher education in Vietnam
The higher education has provided millions of human resources
graduated from colleges, universities, thousands of laborers with degrees of
master, doctor for the nation. The system of higher education institutions
covers through the country. The higher education quality has changed in some
aspects. The level of knowledge, capability of approaching new knowledge on
the part of students has been improved. Training quality of some basic
sciences and technology science has been advanced more.
3.1.2. The limitations of higher education in Vietnam
There are many limitations in higher education quality in our country
because the curriculum and way of training organizations are too inadequate.
Instead of rising, it even reduces through the innovation process. The size and
quality of training and education in our country has not met timely the large
and high demands on human resources of economic-social targets, building
and protecting the country, implementing industrialization modernization of
the country, striving to build a democratic, equal and civilized society.
Qualification structure, industry structure, regional structure has been not
overcome because they are also unbalanced. Unreasonableness of structure of
regions and areas is not handled.
3.2. Analyzing the actual situation of higher education quality in
Vietnam at the present
3.2.1. Current situation of strategy and policy of higher education
There are also some several limitations, breaking planning or even
contrary to planning during implementing strategy, planning development of
higher education institutions. Cohesion between development strategy for
higher education and development strategy for sectors, regions, territory and
economic - social development strategy is untighten which leads to extending
the scale of higher education has not really reflected the demand for human
resources under higher education in current period and next years.
It is noted that policy of higher education development in our country is
the lack of consistency in the policies. Policy of extending the size of higher
education is not parallel with development policy of teaching staffs, facilities,
financial investment, and quality assurance. Budget allocation norm for public
higher education institutions is basically still heavily subsidized, average and
mostly based on factors "input"; as a result, it does not link between the results
of using state budget resources with the results of implementing effective
implementation of training missions.
3.2.2. Establishing and implementing the state management
institutions on higher education quality
Firstly, the state management institutions on higher education are not
renovated slowly and focused more on the administrative issue.
Secondly, the state management institutions on higher education in our
country at the present are asynchronous, un-systematic.
Thirdly, the issued normative documents themselves also contain many
inadequacies and limitations.
Fourthly, the institutions on quality management methods of higher
education are slowly. Our methods of quality management are very
inadequate, outdated. During a long time, since 1975 to 2010, the state
management agencies had not required the universities to establish and publish
standards of graduates' capacity - outcomes.
Fifthly, the institutions regulating sanctions to handle to the higher
education institutions under poor quality have not been established. There are
no institutions binding between the budget allocation and the education
Sixthly, the process of developing institutions on higher education
quality is still limited. The process of developing criteria for evaluating the
higher education quality is the lack of participation of experts, educational
institutions, employers who hiring graduates.
Finally, the institution system does not create the legal framework to
facility the social community to take part in the state management on
education quality.
Contents of state management institutions on higher education quality
contain many inadequacies as a part cause of implementing institutions
Firstly, the implementation of regulations on higher education quality is
inconsistent and low efficient.
Secondly, the support to implement the state management institutions on
higher education quality of state management agencies through the creation of
guidance documents system is still limited.
Thirdly, the results of evaluating the higher education quality are slowly
Finally, implementing the state management institutions is the lack of
mechanisms for monitoring, attracting the participation of social community.
3.2.3. Organizing the state management apparatus on ensuring the
education quality
Firstly, in the fact that the management apparatus of higher education is
dispersal and ineffective; there is a confusion on functions and duties by both
implementing task of state management and intervening deeply into the
administration of the universities.
Secondly, the Department of Educational Testing and Accreditation
mainly focuses on testing content while the accreditation management does not
really become a big content in comparison with the state responsibility,
expectations of the society to this agency. Another thing is noted that the
Department of Educational Testing and Accreditation preforms both
management and provision of public accreditation services that is not really
match with the current administrative reform process.
Finally, in state management apparatus of higher education apparatus,
staffs and officials working in the state management on higher education is one
thing which needs to be evaluated. The staffs and officials working in the state
management on higher education are not ensured in quantity and quality.
3.2.4. Mechanism of inspecting, checking and monitoring the state
management on higher education quality
In the management on higher education quality today, the mechanism of
checking, monitoring is not clear because the subject of inspection and monitor
are not clearly determined. Regulations in the relation with the state
management of the quality of education do not form a clear, transparent and
specific mechanism of inspection and monitor. The lack of effective
mechanism for monitoring, checking is a condition so that the higher education
institutions "chasing achievements" by trying to show accomplishments and
minimize the limitations. Simultaneously, without checking and inspecting,
the quality evaluation process is violated, ignored arbitrarily.
3.2.5. International cooperation in ensuring the quality of education
Vietnam cooperated with specialized higher education agency (HBO
Raad) of the Netherlands to develop the Project "Establishment of 5 quality
assurance centers for 5 universities and capacity strengthening in a systematic
level” in the year of 2005-2008. Ministry of Education and Training has
organized training courses for external evaluation with the participation of
international experts. The Department of Educational Testing and
Accreditation has registered as a member of Asia - Pacific quality network
3.3. Assessment of current situation of state management on higher
education quality
3.3.1. Positive aspects of the state management on higher education
Initially, the state management agencies establish the institutional
framework of state management on higher education quality and applied in the
practice. The regulations on accreditation standards to university quality,
academic curriculum are remarkable achievements in the state management on
higher education. The regulations on publishing outcome standards create the
pressure requiring the educational institutions to publicize and raise their
responsibilities for academic Products. The autonomy of higher education
institutions is confirmed in highest documents of higher education. The Law
on Higher Education shows clearly that the State has a special attention to the
roles of higher education institutions and academic quality.
3.3.2. Limitations of the state management on higher education
Roles of the State for higher education quality are not determined
specifically and fully. The legal system lacks of uniformity; the quality
assessment standards for universities lack of stratification; the application of
quality assessment standards lacks of consistency; the requirements on
outcome standards and publishing the quality commitments are done as
response and form in the nature by the higher education institutions. The state
management apparatus for higher education is also dispersal; simultaneously,
there is an overlap between the functions of state management and functions of
public service provision. In such context, the mechanism of checking,
monitoring and handling violations of the law on quality management is not
effectively implemented.
3.3.3. Causes of weaknesses and inadequacies in the state