Recommendations to enhance human resources recruitment process at vietnam ocean shipping joint stock company (vosco)

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Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
In fact, the development of economic and society depends on many factors but
they are primarily dependent mostly on human factors. More than any other
resource, people have always occupied an important position in the development of
economic and society of a nation.
Human Resource Recruitment is one of the basic activities of recruitment in
the enterprise, the most influential of business production process. Moreover,
through it, people can solve the relations arising in the process of managing the
The importance of the human factor in any enterprises or any organizations
whether is large scale or small scale is an obvious fact that no one will deny.
Among the different component of the economy, human resource is considered as
the most precious resource of any enterprises and businesses, playing a very
important role in deciding the existence and the development of those enterprises.
Apparently, a great volume of capital along with modern equipment, facilities will
become worthless without the management of people. So as to have a stand and
develop in the market economy, concern about recruiting and training the human
resources who meet the requirements of companies is essential – the necessary
progress and the initial input of human resource will decide the success of enterprise
and influence the whole operation of enterprises in the near future. Human resource
is also one of the attributes which bring the overall success or failure for companies.
During my internship at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company, I had
an opportunity to observe and practice at the Administration and Human Resource
Department at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company. As a reputable
company in shipping industry, Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company
(VOSCO) proposes a logical progress for recruitment. Nonetheless, several
problems have occurred in recruitment and not being paid attention by the company.
The issue of concentrating on managing recruitment progress from VOSCO still has
restricted techniques and number skilled and qualified labors applying for a job in
company. Concurrently, a few stages such as using of test methods or detecting
health problems for candidates during the progress of recruitment have been
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
skipped. In fact, it can influence considerably to quality of human resource. For
those reasons, I choose the topic "Recommendations to enhance human resources
recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company” for my
Due to the limited practice time and complexity and extensive work should
dissertation to practice my many shortcomings, I would like to receive the attention
and comments from teachers in subjects organized. Finally, with sincere gratitude I
would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Nguyen Viet Hoang Son to direct
instruction, the entire leader of the company, the uncles and aunts, brothers and
sisters in the administrative organization room guided me in internship to complete
this dissertation.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor - Msc.
Nguyen Viet Hoang Son who helped me complete this dissertation for the
continuous support of my dissertation and related research, for his patience,
motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of
research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor
and mentor for my dissertation.
I certify that all the materials in this dissertation that is not my own work has
been identified, and that no material is included for which a degree has previously
been conferred on me.
The contents of this dissertation reflect my own personal views, and are not
necessarily endorsed by the University
I would also like to look forward to receiving input from teachers.
HaiPhong, November 15th, 2015
Dang Thi Phuong Hoa.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
This dissertation with topic “Recommendations to enhance human resources
recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company (VOSCO)
examines the concept of definition of human resources and how important of human
resources recruitment process to the Company. Research methods used in this
study: Initially, the model will be checked for validity in interviews with senior
executives working in administration department. Next step is checking the data
about quantity, sex, age and qualifications of labors in the Company. Based on the
data of the paper, the methodology to make analysis on evaluate and predict of the
performance of the VOSCO's human resource recruitment in order to discover
strengths and weaknesses and improve the human resources recruitment process at
VOSCO. It also defines the VOSCO’s human resource recruitment, proposes the
recommendations and ideas of the recruitment of human resource at VOSCO. This
dissertation will contribute to manage employees more effective and strict and
evaluation towards a specific the quality of human resources recruitment process.
This dissertation was done on the basis of assessment through some reports
about human resources as well as the ways of proceeding, personnel recruitment
process of the company to employees.
Human resource, human resources recruitment, VOSCO, evaluate, method,
solutions, recruitment process.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
LIST OF ABBREVEATIONS................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................3
1.1. Literature Review.............................................................................................3
1.1.1. What is Human Resource (HR)?.................................................................3
1.1.2. What is Human Resources Recruitment (HRR)?.........................................4
1.2. Significance of Human Resources Recruitment................................................5
1.2.1. For business................................................................................................5
1.2.2. For employees.............................................................................................5
1.2.3. For society..................................................................................................6
1.3. General human resources recruitment process..................................................6
1.3.1. Definition and role of Human resources recruitment..................................6
1.3.2. Recruitment Sources...................................................................................7
1.3.3. General Human resources recruitment process..........................................9
COMPANY (VOSCO)..........................................................................................14
2.1. Overview of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company........................14
2.1.1. Introduction of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company...............14
2.1.2. Brief history..............................................................................................15
2.1.3. Principles and orientations.......................................................................18
2.1.4. Organization structure and main business of VOSCO..............................19
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
2.1.5. Scope of main business..............................................................................23
2.1.6. Infrastructure of VOSCO..........................................................................24
2.2. Current situation recruitment of Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock
Company in 2014 – 2015....................................................................................24
2.3. Human resources recruitment process at VOSCO..........................................27
2.3.1. General provisions on labor recruitment regulations of Vietnam Ocean
Shipping Joint-stock Company..........................................................................27
2.3.2. Recruitment process..................................................................................28
2.3.3 Mode of labor contracts.............................................................................40
2.4. Actual labor situation at VOSCO...................................................................43
2.4.1. Preliminary of labor structure at VOSCO.................................................43
2.4.2. Classify by education level of employees at VOSCO.................................44
2.4.3. Review labor structure by age...................................................................46
SHIPPING JOINT-STOCK COMPANY (VOSCO).............................................48
3.1. Assessment about recruitment process at VOSCO.........................................48
3.1.1. Strengths...................................................................................................48
3.1.2. Weaknesses...............................................................................................50
3.2. Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
Dept. Department
HR Human Resources
HRR Human Resources Recruitment
JSC Joint-stock Company
M/F Male/Female
VINALINE Vietnam Maritime Corporation
SQM Safety Quality Management
SQEMS Safety, Quality and Environment management system
VIETCOSHIP Vietnam Coastal Shipping Company
VOSCO Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint – Stock Company
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
Table 1: The number of labors recruitment at VOSCO in 2014 – 2015...................25
Table 2: Number of officers, crews had been recruited at VOSCO in 2015............26
Table 3: Number of staffs had been recruited at VOSCO in 2015...........................26
Table 4: The number of employees at some departments of at VOSCO up to the
date May 1st, 2015..............................................................................................43
Table 5: Qualification of employees at VOSCO......................................................45
Table 6: Labor structure by ages at VOSCO...........................................................46
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
Figure 1: HR recruitment process in business...........................................................9
Figure 2: VOSCO’s headquarters image.................................................................14
Figure 3: The image of VOSCO’s headquarters in Hai Phong................................16
Figure 4: Organization chart of at VOSCO.............................................................19
Figure 5: Human resources recruitment process at VOSCO....................................29
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
1. Necessitation
For any organization, people are always the most important asset and customer
satisfaction begins with the attitudes and abilities and commitment of employees.
Effective workers are the best route to success of businesses. The dissertation with
the title of topic: “Recommendations to enhance human resources recruitment
At Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company” is a combination of basic
theories on human resources recruitment and practical skills. It focus on analyzing
labor recruitment process at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company in term
of recruitment as well as proposing some measures to improve in order to response
to the increased demands of labor recruitment in the future. Moreover, the
recommendations and some solutions are also given in order to attract, training and
uphold human resources also reform human resources recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company. Additionally, some general
information about Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company is also presented
within the paper.
2. Methodology
The dissertation targets the assessment of the use and the recruitment of
human resources at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company and suggesting
some measurement to develop and improve the quality of Human resources
recruitment of the Company. The research within the paper is basically based on
qualitative and quantitative methods. During the internship, general status of
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-stock Company human resources is summarized
through actual observation and interview to get information from Vietnam Ocean
Shipping Joint-stock Company leaders and staffs. The current and detailed human
resources recruitment situation will be surveyed based on data mostly gathered from
Human Resource and Administration Department of Vietnam Ocean Shipping
Joint-stock Company. After that, a data, which is analysis, will be established to
clarify qualifications and variations of labor source at the company all over time.
Qualitative method is also applied to find out the reasons for the matters included.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
3. Research scope
The human resources structure (2014-2015) and labor recruitment (with
recruitment process, training process and so on) at Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-
stock Company.
4. Research findings, time duration
The internship was taken place from August 10 th to November15th, in which
time from August 10th to October30th was for internship at Vietnam Ocean Shipping
Joint-stock Company and dissertation preparation and remaining time was for
writing and completing it.
After internship time at VOSCO, I had an opportunity to observe and practice
at the Administration and Human Resource Department at Vietnam Ocean Shipping
Joint-stock Company. This dissertation was done on the basis of assessment through
some reports about human resources as well as the ways of proceeding, personnel
recruitment and the salaries or treatment policies of the company to employees.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
1.1. Literature Review
1.1.1. What is Human Resource (HR)?
“Human resources” (HR) in business is a term used to describe people who
work for a company or organization. These people are responsible for performing
the tasks given to them for the purpose of reach of goals and objectives of the
Company which has the possibilities of proper recruitment and selection, providing
proper orientation, training, skill developments and so on.
Human resources can be understood as all capability in terms of knowledge
and spirit of human which is applied in the process of working. This is the most
valuable resource in the process of manufacturing at any enterprises.
Human resources, according to economic literature, include all people in
working age who are capable of participating in work (except for the disabled or
lacking capability of working) and those is working although they are out of
working age. Human resources of an organization founded on the basis of
individuals who have different roles and are linked together by certain purposes.
Human resources is also used to refer to the department of any enterprises that
are in charge of controlling and monitoring those kind of resources, like recruiting
and training new staff and supervising the benefits offered to all of the enterprise’s
staff. During 1960, the term “human resource” was created in the United States,
when labor relations became a more significant concern for United States economy
context, and gradually has gained its popularity in the globe.
On the other hand, business dictionary also illustrated “Human Resource” is
the resource that exists in the ability, awareness and skills as well of human being
[ CITATION Bus151 \l 1033 ]. That means Human Resource is the greatest mixture
of physical ability and mentality of people which is employed in working and
production process. In addition, it also can be considered to be “the least mobile of
the four factors of production, and (under right conditions) it improves with age and
experience, which no other resource can do. It is therefore regard as the scarcest and
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
most crucial productive resource that creates the largest and longest lasting
advantage for an organization” [ CITATION Men \l 1033 ].
1.1.2. What is Human Resources Recruitment (HRR)?
Human Resources recruitment can be understand as a progress of searching
and hiring the appropriate candidates (from inside or outside of a company) for the
employment, in a cost and time effective way. The process of recruitment consists
of investigating the requirement of an occupation that attracts workers, testing and
choosing application, hiring and integrating the new staff to company. [CITATION
Bus15 \l 1033 ].
Human Resources recruitment contains two primary contents of hiring and
choosing, in which hiring refers to the progress of attracting applicants to the
businesses for the selection of recruitment and screening qualified person of aspects
but still meet work’s requirements in a certain vacancy in the company. Meanwhile,
selection is the progress of assessing the applicant in various aspects, based on the
requirements of the job, among people looking for a job.
Recruitment is usually considered as one of the first essential stage of labor
organization. This stage is always an issue for managers using human resources
because of the investigation, assessment and classification of human resources. The
demand to look for human resources to fulfill the objectives of companies just can
only be implemented quickly and efficiently when the work recruitment went well.
There are many procedure and different models of recruitment but all work
of recruitment must ensure:
- Firstly, the plan is to recruit personnel resource from development objectives
and approach, financial capacity, time and policies of the business.
- Secondly, recruitment must be based on the requirements of each job and
real stipulation.
- Thirdly, selected applicants must be appropriate the recruitments and the
need of each job: awareness, technical skills, experience, etc. and are productive.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
1.2. Significance of Human Resources Recruitment
Recruitment of human resources is considered to be extremely crucial and
meaningful to be success or failure of every business. Recruitment has a direct
impact to the business, to employees and also to further the socio-economic
development of the country.
For any one company, labor is always a resource to create strength and it is
also a determining factor in the survival and development of the company. The
company has built the labor regime and wage regulation of the Company and
compliance with the laws of the Government. Besides, with the plans on training
and recruitment labors reasonable to meet the requirements of long-term
development of the Company.
1.2.1. For business
Firstly, Human Resources Recruitment effectively will give business a team of
skilled, dynamic and creative labors, adding to human resources in accordance with
the business recruitment of the enterprise. Recruitment has great importance to
business because it is the first stage of personnel administration work, and it should
be good to facilities other stages.
Secondly, good recruitment is to find out who has sufficient working capacity
and qualifications to complete assigned work, helping enterprises reach good
business objective most effectively, from that improving business performance.
Thirdly, the quality of staff creates sustainable competitive for businesses.
Good recruiting contributes greatly to the creation of “input” of human resources,
deciding the quality, capacity and qualifications of staff if they meet the
requirement of the company or not.
Fourthly, appropriate recruitment helps business reduces the cost burden,
including time and money (for training costs).
1.2.2. For employees
Firstly, efficient recruitment helps workers to understand clearly about the
views of the administrators, which will guide them to follow those views.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
Secondly, recruitment creates a more competitive working environment and
working spirit within the workers of enterprises, thereby enhancing business
1.2.3. For society
The recruitment of businesses enables implementation of social and economic
goals, people with jobs and incomes means reduction of the social burden of
unemployment and other social evils. At the same time, the recruitment of
businesses also makes use of social resources most useful way. In summary,
recruitment is a very important with business, good administrators to directly
monitor and implement to important stages in the process of recruitment.
1.3. General human resources recruitment process
1.3.1. Definition and role of Human resources recruitment
a. Definition
The process of recruitment is the process of evaluating the candidates in many
different aspects based on the requirements of the job, to find the people suit the
requirements has set out among the candidates has attracted in the recruiting
b. Some requirements when recruit labors
The basis of recruitment is the job requirements have been set according to the
job description and the requirements for people who do the work.
The recruitment process must satisfy the following requirements:
- Recruitment must come from production and business plans and human
resources planning.
- Recruiting employees who have essential qualifications for the work to
achieve higher productivity and effectiveness.
- Selecting employees who have discipline, honesty and adherence with the
job and organization.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
c. Role of human resources recruitment process
The recruitment process is an important step to help the HR made the decision
to recruit in the right way and help organizations get labors with many skills
appropriate with the organization’s development in the future.
A good recruitment process helps organizations to reduce the costs to re-
recruit, retrain and avoid the risk of damage in the process of performing the work.
Recruitment is not only the task of Organization department or simply work of
supplemented employees for businesses, but also it really is a process of seeking
and selection carefully. It requires a combination between departments in the
enterprises together, to have a clear direction and contestant of business’s leaders.
1.3.2. Recruitment Sources
This involves recruiting candidates in the organization to fill the vacancy.
Unlike external sources, companies fill the positions through references of internal
employees or current employees’ promotions to higher positions.
a. Internal sources
There are some popular internal recruitment methods that are often applied,
including: internal advertisements (email, newsletters, forms…), word of mouth,
promotions, internal employee’s referrals, retired employees for temporary or
contract positions, present/temporary employees to permanent positions, former
employees for part-time, freelancer or work at home.
* Advantages of internal recruitment
- No cost and less time consuming
- No need training
- Builds strong relationship with employees
- Motivates others of hard work to get high positions
- Easy to pick best talents within an organization very quick
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
- Long stay with the company when promoted to high position
* Disadvantages of internal recruitment
- The positions of the persons who are promoted will be vacant.
- There may be partiality in promoting employees.
- No new opportunities for external candidates.
b. External sources
This involves recruiting a candidate from references, networks, job portals or
they may approach recruitment agencies. In order to compete with other companies
and increase standard, employers hunt for best talents working for other top
* Methods of external recruitment
Some major external recruitment methods are job portals, internal and external
employee referrals, and recruitment/headhunting agencies, job advertisements on
websites, newspapers, campus recruitment and walk-in.
* Advantages of external recruitment
- Create new opportunities for external employees.
- Best candidates can be placed for the roles.
- Increase the percentage of selection.
- There are fewer chances for relationship.
- Able to recruit the skills needed.
* Disadvantages of external recruitment
- It is very costly. Because of advertisements, test medical examination etc.,
has to be conducted. Selecting candidate from external sources consumes more time
than internal sources.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
1.3.3. General Human resources recruitment process
In order to have a good HR recruitment, it is very important for organizations
or companies to have a recruitment process. Every organization or enterprise can
build itself a recruitment process, depending on its own particular characteristics of
each business type, but basically, H recruitment process in business is often carried
out following 9 below steps:
Identify recruitment demand
Recruitment announcement and attracting labor
Collect and screen application files
Hold primary interview
Hold entrance test
Evaluate candidates
Background/ Health check
Make recruitment decision
Integrate new employees
Figure 1: HR recruitment process in business
(Source: [ CITATION Dun05 \l 1033 ]
a. Identify recruitment demand
This stage focuses on identifying clearly the demand of labor in the business.
This is necessary for administrators know precisely the quantity, types of personnel
and other requirements for vacancy. The stage starts with work analysis which
provides essential information of traits and requirements of the job in relation to
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
other work. Based on this data, managers may investigate the following questions:
This position requires short of long-term person? This position requires any
profession, degree or specialized consciousness? Whether recruit a new staff is
necessary? What are the standards of profession, health status, personal ability, etc.
for this position?
After having the answers, enterprises can select the optimal choice of hiring or
using another alternative technique for recruitment, for instance, working overtime,
processing contracts (for producing enterprise), recruiting seasonal employees and
b. Recruitment announcement
The aim of this stage is to attract applicants from different sources to increase
the number of selections and reach desired results. To complete this objective, 3
following steps should be implemented: design announcement, specify the place of
information and notify the information of recruitment. Designing content and form
of bulletin is an essential step to make sure that it attracts the applicant’s attention.
The content of bulletin should illustrate clearly the following information:
- Introduction of enterprise and vacancy to help candidates have better
comprehension about reputation of enterprise and attraction of this job
- Functions, responsibilities and mission of the job for candidates
- Interests for selected person such as salary, opportunity of training or
studying, promotion, working environment, etc.
- Instructions for administrative procedures, curriculum vitae and keeping
contact with enterprise
* Several kind of notification for recruitment can be applied, such as:
- Notices on multi-media
- Announce recruitment demand on the notice board of enterprise
- Cooperate with universities, colleges and center of training for seeking
suitable candidates with position requirements.
Recommendations to enhance Human Resources Recruitment process at
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint-Stock Company (VOSCO)
- Co-operate with mediate agency to announce, search and attract appropriate
- Take advantages of the Internet and Social Media
Those notifications should be clear and briefly present basic requirements of
the job for the candidates such as salary, educational degrees, virtue and personal
characters and abilities
c. Collecting and screening application files
This stage is to examine the suitability of the standards of the candidates who
take part in the recruitment and non-select inappropriate candidates to minimize
costs for enterprises and applicants as well. Recording and categorizing of resumes
for further usage will be necessary. Candidates must submit to enterprises the
following documents:
- Application form
- CV certified by local authorities
- Certificate of health status issued by hospitals.
- Certification and professional degrees, skills and abilities of candidates.
The issue of examining and screening the application forms is to find out the
candidates that not meet the basic requirements of enterprise. This process is
particularly essential when there is a numerous number of applications form.
d. Hold preliminary interview
Preliminary interview often take up from 5 to 10 minutes which is used to
eliminate unsuitable person or person have worse performance than the others who
did not being find out in previous stage.
e. Hold entrance contest
After minimizing the quantity of inappropriate persons through screening
application forms and preliminary interview, the administrator prepare a contest to