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A Dissertation Presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines
in Collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
in Educational Management
April 2014
The Dissertation of
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
In the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines
in collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
has been approved by the Committee
______________________ ______________________
Member Member
______________________ ______________________
Member Member
Adviser Dean, Graduate School
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Vice President, Academic Affairs
The researcher wishes to convey his gratitude to the following persons
who wholeheartedly devoted and helped make this piece of work a reality:
DR. TERESITA V. DE LA CRUZ, her adviser for the guidance, supervision,
suggestions and precious time in enthusiastically reading and checking
the manuscript, providing the researcher useful materials;
DR. CECILIA N. GASCON, President of the Southern Luzon State University
in the Republic of the Philippines, for her incomparable contribution
and support to the development of Master of Art in Teaching English
program in Thai Nguyen University;
DR. NGUYEN VAN BINH, director of the International Training Center, Thai
Nguyen University of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, for his enormous
pursuit to provide Vietnamese people an opportunity to grow through
BELLA R. MUELLO, members of the oral examination committee, for
their constructive criticism to further improve this dissertation.
selected colleges in Association of Technical and Economic Colleges in
Vietnam, for the cooperation and support during the conduct of the
The RESPONDENTS, for their active involvement and participation for without
their cooperation, the result of this thesis might not be possible;
His FAMILY and FRIENDS, for the love and support in one way or another;
and to all who have contributed to make this study a success.
This research is whole-heartedly dedicated to my family and to all my
relatives, my colleagues and friends, and to all classmates for giving me the non-stop
guidance and sources of everything.
TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………….………….. i
APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………..………. ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………..………………...…. iii
DEDICATION………………………………………………..………………...…. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………..………………...... v
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………... vi
FIGURE…………………………………………………………………………… viii
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………..…… ix
I. INTRODUCTION…………………….……………………………….... 1
Background of the Study……………………..……………………….. 2
Objectives of the Study….….………………………….……………… 3
Hypothesis……………………………………………………………… 4
Significance of the Study …………………...…………..……………. 4
Scope and Limitation…………………………………...…..…………. 5
Definitions of Terms………………………………….…….…...……... 6
Conceptual Framework …….…………………………………………. 26
Research Paradigm…………………………………….……………… 27
III. METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………… 28
Locale of the Study…………………………………………………….. 28
Research Design.……………………….……………………………... 28
Population and Sampling………………………………………..…..... 29
Instrumentation………………………….……………………………… 31
Validation of the Instrument…………………………………………. 32
Data Gathering Procedures………………………………………....... 32
Statistical Treatment…………………………….…………………...... 32
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………………………….… 34
Summary …………………………….……………………………......... 62
Findings…………………………………………………………………. 65
Conclusions…………………………………………………….…….… 65
Recommendations……………………………………………..………. 65
BIBLIOGRAPHY….…….……………………………………………………… 66
APPENDICES……………………………………………………………..…… 70
A Communication………………………………………………………… 71
B Instrument …………………………………………………..…………. 79
C The Strategic Plan….....………………………………………………. 84
CURRICULUM VITAE………..……………………………………………….. 100
Table Page
1.1 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 35
towards Objectives in Teaching-Learning Process…………….
1.2 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 36
towards Curriculum and Content in Teaching-Learning
1.3 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 38
towards Teaching Methods in Teaching-Learning Process……
1.4 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 41
towards Learning Methods in Teaching-Learning
1.5 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 43
towards Organization Forms in Teaching-Learning
1.6 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 44
towards Test and Assessment Methods Used in Teaching-
1.7 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 46
towards Conditions for Teaching-Learning Process……………
2.1 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 48
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Objectives……………………………….
2.2 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 49
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Curriculum and Content……………….
2.3 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 50
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Teaching Methods……………………...
2.4 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 51
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Learning Methods………………………
2.5 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 52
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Organization Forms…………………….
2.6 Chi-square Values for Testing Significant Difference between 53
the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-Learning Process
as to Test and Assessment Methods Used................................
2.7 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 54
between Two Groups’ Management of Conditions for
3.1 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability 56
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction
as to Accuracy……………………..…………………..
3.2 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability 57
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction
as to Significance……………………….…….............
3.3 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability 58
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction
as to Responsiveness…………………………………
3.4 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction 59
as to Authenticity………………………………………
Figure Page
1 Research Paradigm ………………………………………….……. 27
Researcher :PHAM CHI CUONG (Strong)
Degree Conferred :Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Name/ Address : Southern Luzon State University
of Institution Lucban, Quezon
YEAR WRITTEN :November 2013
This study sought to evaluate the management of the teaching-learning
process in terms of objectives, curriculum and content, teaching and learning
methods, organizational forms of teaching and learning, test and assessment
method, and conditions for teaching and learning process in the credit-based
learning approach of the selected colleges in the Association of Technical and
Economic Colleges (ATEC) in Vietnam for academic year 2013-2014; reveal
any significant difference in the management of teaching-learning process of
the two college groups (one implementing credit-based learning approach and
the other not implementing the approach); develop a strategic plan for credit-
based learning approach implementation; and evaluate its acceptability. The
descriptive method of research was employed to the two college groups of
ATEC identified as the College Group 1 (credit-based learning schools) and
Group 2 (non-credit-based learning schools). A total of 495 participants were
surveyed from Group 1 comprising of four colleges while 399 in Group 2 from
three colleges of ATEC. The questionnaires validated using inter-consistency
judgment criteria were used as main tools in data gathering while unstructured
interviews were also conducted to cross check the participants’ responses in
questionnaires. Moreover, the data gathered were analyzed through weighted
mean and chi-square. It was then found out that the management of teaching-
learning process in credit-based learning approach as to objectives is rated
agree by all of the respondents; curriculum and content wherein all of the
respondents from different sectors and groups agree with the criterion as
indicated by the ratings of Group 1 (2.94) and Group 2 (2.72) administrators,
Group 1 (2.92) and Group 2 (2.72) teachers, and Group 1 (2.88) and Group 2
(2.71) students; teaching methods which are perceived by all sectors as
moderately carried out; learning methods wherein there is disparity between
the responses of two groups where credit-based system administrators (2.53),
teachers (2.53) and students (2.55) all perceive learning method moderately
carried out while non-credit-based administrators(2.33), teachers (2.37) and
students (2.41) rate it all very seldom carried out; organizational forms of
teaching and learning wherein almost all respondents perceive organization
forms in teaching-learning process moderately carried out as rated by Group 1
administrators (2.64), both Group 1 (2.65) and 2 (2.50) teachers, and Group 1
students (2.66) except for Group 2 administrators (2.49) Group 2 students
(2.49); test and assessment method where all the sectors in both groups
perceive test and assessment methods as moderately carried out as shown in
ratings of group 1 (3.03) and 2 (2.90) administrators, group 1 (3.01) and 2
(2.88) teachers, and group 1 (2.91) and 2 (2.83) students; and conditions for
teaching and learning process wherein there is another polarity in ratings of
groups of respondents wherein credit-based school administrators (2.62),
teachers (2.61) and students (2.60) agree while the non-credit-based school
administrators (2.45), teachers (2.46), and students (2.44) disagree with the
conditions for teaching-learning. There is dominantly significant difference in
the management of teaching-learning process of the two college groups, a
strategic plan has been developed to improve the implementation of credit-
based learning approach; and developed strategic plan is highly acceptable in
terms of accuracy with 3.52, significance with 3.44, responsiveness with 3.50,
and authenticity with 3.44 AWM. Hence, the strategic plan is commendable to
improve the credit-based learning approach implementation. However, it was
recommended that the developed strategic plan may be adopted for the initial
implementation by both the credit- and non-credit-based learning schools and
self-learning and the use of variety of teaching methods may be reinforced by
both the credit- and non-credit-based learning schools.
Chapter I
With a constant need of universities and colleges to quickly adapt and
meet the practical requirements of the society, and to enable the students to
develop their full potential and capacity in a proactive and effective learning, in
1872, Harvard University decided to replace the system of the yearly rigid
program. This flexible program system is formed by modules that students
can choose from a variety of ways. It is considered a great landmark to create
the form of credit-based learning approach.
Credit-based learning approach is founded on educational philosophy
of respecting and creating favorable conditions for learners – being the center
of all activities in school. This training method is formed to facilitate flexibility
for learners. Curriculum is designed in modules with a lot of elective subjects
that enable learners to be more likely to choose the right program. Students
can select their own learning process instead of learning according to a fixed
program for the entire course in annual system.
In Vietnam, the implementation of the credit-based learning approach
in higher education institutions stemmed from the tenets of human resources
development to meet globalization demands and international integration. It is
an inevitable trend in higher education to enhance the labor market quality.
The application of the credit-based learning approach is considered as
one of the most important educational reforms in Vietnam (2006 -2020) that
had been approved by government. The directive of the Ministry of Education
and Training in school year 2008–2009 made it possible for universities and
colleges in the country to apply credit-based learning approach in 2009-2010.
The use of credit system was projected to increase personalization in learning
of each student and reduce the time for the training process. However, its
implementation has faced many difficulties and restrictions that have directly
affected the quality of education of universities and colleges in the country.
Background of the Study
The Association of Technical Economic Colleges (ATEC) is a social-
professional organization representing the memberships of the technical and
economic colleges and high schools in Viet Nam. Since its establishment in
1999, the association has more than 50 members including 14 colleges and
over 36 high schools. Performing the directives of the Ministry of Education
and Training, four of 14 colleges in the ATEC have been applying the credit-
based learning approach in training management.
After three years of credit-based learning application, a conference of
training management in credit-based learning approach was held by ATEC in
December 2012 in Thai Nguyen. At the conference, leaders of four colleges in
ATEC pointed out various difficulties and inconveniences of the credit-based
learning approach, to wit: inappropriateness and in flexibility of curricula of
most colleges which do not highly meet the learning objectives, unsuitability of
the allocation ratio between the compulsory subjects and electives subjects,
i.e. while there are too many compulsory subjects, only few are electives.
Added to that, curricula are heavily-laden on theory that it lacks inculcation of
professional, practical, and life skills for students. Modules are less organized,
arrangement of students in the class, and set-up of study schedules for the
courses are not systematic that at some subjects there are too many students
in the class which gravely affects the quality of learning of students.
On the part of the teachers, they are less interested in innovating the
teaching methods. Lecture method (teachers present - students write notes) is
still prevalent that teachers only manage teaching knowledge to students
without instructing students the methods of self-learning and self-study. In
effect, the percentage of students who must relearn modules is high. Some
students neglect their studies due to the conditions of colleges which are less
conducive for teaching-learning process. Lack of textbooks and reference
materials forced teachers to just compile lectures in many subjects, but these
are still insufficient for the students’ self-study at home.
Aware of the role and importance of the credit-based learning approach
in higher education institutions, particularly in colleges of ATEC, the researcher
chose to delve with the study concerning management of teaching-learning
process in credit-based learning approach of selected colleges in Association
of Technical and Economic Colleges (ATEC) in Vietnam. And based from such
difficulties, developing strategic management to improve the training quality of
the colleges in the association is essential.
Objectives of the Study
This study generally aimed to evaluate the management of the teaching-
learning process in the credit-based learning approach of selected colleges in
Association of Technical and Economic Colleges (ATEC) in Vietnam for the
academic year 2013-2014.
Specifically, it sought attain the following objectives:
1. Determine the management of teaching-learning process in credit-based
learning approach in terms of:
1.1. Objectives,
1.2. Curriculum and content,
1.3. Teaching methods,
1.4. Learning methods,
1.5. Organizational forms of teaching and learning,
1.6. Test and assessment method, and
1.7. Conditions for teaching and learning process.
2. Reveal any significant difference in the management of teaching-learning
process of the two college groups (one implementing credit-based learning
approach and the other not implementing the approach).
3. Develop a strategic plan for credit-based learning approach implementation.
4. Evaluate the acceptability level of the developed strategic plan.
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference in two college groups’ management of
teaching-learning process in ATEC.
Significance of the Study
This study which attempted to reveal the management status of the
teaching-learning process in the credit-based learning approach would be
beneficial to the administrators, teachers, students, and future researchers.
Administrators. It is hoped that the study may contribute in giving a
new dimension in the administration and improve training quality of selected
colleges in ATEC. The results of the study would also help administrators
especially the rectors of selected colleges in ATEC determine what to improve
in implementing credit-based learning approach after three years by making
appropriate solutions in the management of the teaching-learning process in
the colleges, In the long-run, it would provide administrators with a clear and
new idea on how to implement effectively and successfully the said approach.
Teachers. The outcome of this study could be of great help to teachers
because they would be made clearly aware of the teaching-learning process
in credit-based learning approach. This would eventually affect changes and
improvement of training performance in selected colleges in ATEC. The study
may provide the teachers necessary knowledge about teaching methods and
testing and assessment of students which would ultimately lead to a better
quality performance in the teaching force.
Students. They would be the most benefited by this study since they
are the center of the teaching-learning process in education institutions. Since
teaching activities directly relate to the undertakings of students, this study
would help learners acquire understanding about the credit-based learning
approach that could lead positive effect on the teaching-learning process.
Future researchers. This study could provide references for future
researchers who wanted to conduct a study similar to the nature of present
research. Thus, the basic tenets on the management of the teaching-learning
process in credit-based learning approach can serve as resources for future
and parallel studies.
Scope and Limitations
The primary intent of this study was to investigate the status of the
management of teaching-learning process in credit-based learning approach
as to objectives, curriculum and content, methods of teaching and learning,
organizational forms of teaching and learning, test and assessment method
use, and conditions for teaching and learning process; find the significant
difference of two college groups in teaching-learning process; and develop a
strategic plan to improve the quality of education and training in colleges of
the Association of Technical Economic Colleges (ATEC) under credit-based
learning approach; and evaluate its acceptability.
The study was limited to 894 randomly chosen respondents wherein
85 were administrators, 213 were teachers and 596 were students .Means to
assess the seven (7) colleges’ management status of teaching and learning in
credit-based learning approach were limited to the use of the questionnaires
and interviews.
The time frame of doing this study covered the period from
September 2012 to 2013.
Definition of Terms
For the clarity and better understanding of the study, the following
terminologies are defined both conceptually and operationally.
Assessment of learning outcomes means determining the level of grasp of
knowledge skills and techniques of students compared to program
requirements outlined (Education Dictionary, 2001).
Conditions for teaching and learning process in the credit-based learning
approach, consists of teaching and learning facilities, management
software in training process, learning advisors, teaching equipment,
textbooks and reference materials, and some training management
activities (Ministry of Education and Training, 2007).
Content includes the knowledge, skills, experiences of creative activity, the
normative attitudes, emotions, values. Teaching content is a system
of knowledge, skills and technique relevant to the certain professions
that students must master during the training process in accordance
with training objectives in general, goals and teaching mission in
particular (Dang Vu Hoat & Ha Thi Duc, 2003).
Credit-based learning approach refers to the curriculum under study which
is defined as a quantity used to measure the entire compulsory period
of a student in a normal cognitive level to study a specific subject. The
entire time includes: class time; time in laboratory, practice or other
work specified in school schedule; time for reading, research, resolve
problems, write or lesson preparation (Dang Xuan Hai, 2012).
Curriculum refers to a detailed design of teaching process in training course,
which reflects the content, structure, process, method of organization,
implementation and test, evaluation of teaching activities for the whole
training course. Curriculum is built by the training institutions on the
basis of educational programs approved by the competent authority.
(Tran Khanh Duc, 2010).
Management of the teaching-learning process is a system of intentional,
planning and lawful impact of management subjective in order to
make the teaching and learning process operate under its rules,
implementing the requirements of social education in training people
according to the standards of era, focusing on teaching and learning
activities and multi-system education, move from the initial state to the
goal (Nguyen Duc Tri,2010).
Methods of Teaching and Learning are ways of organizing the activities of
teachers and learners to form and develop the learners ’knowledge,
professional skills. Band develop professional personality in the training
process. As a constituent factor, teaching methods help determine the
quality and effectiveness of the training according to the requirements
specified in the training objectives (Tran Khanh Duc, 2010).
Objectives are a model of future results of teaching activities which foresee
what the learners and the teachers will achieve at the end of teaching-
learning process (Phan Trong Ngo, 2005).
Organizational form of teaching and learning pertains to the activities of
the teachers and students in the teaching process at the certain time
and place with the specific methods and means of teaching to perform
(Nguyen Ngoc Bao, Ha Thi Duc, 2001).
Teaching-learning process is the process of coordinating activity between
teachers and students, in which the teacher's activity plays a key role
and activities of the students play an active role to fulfill the mutual
purpose (Bui Thi Mui, 2009).
Testing and Assessment of learning outcomes is comparison, collation
about knowledge, skills, attitudes achieved in practice of the learners
with the expected results identified in the teaching objectives for
understanding and diagnosing before and during the teaching-
learning process (formative) or after a process of learning (summative
knowledge assessment; (Tran Khanh Duc , 2010).
Chapter II
This chapter presents relevant readings in the form of literature and
researches which have significance and similarities with the present study.
This also includes the conceptual framework and the research paradigm.
Credit-based Learning Approach
Credit-based learning approach is not organized by academic year but
organized by semester. One academic year can be organized by two or three
semesters. As Trexler (2008) stated, each training program of certain field of
study is not determined by academic year but by accumulation of knowledge
of students, students accumulating enough credits defined for a discipline will
get a diploma and graduate from universities.
Cobbe (2008) illustrated that in the credit-based learning approach, the
students have to register learning schedule and modules at the beginning of
each semester. To do this, students must understand the relevant documents
such as student handbook, curriculum, modules that students must learn,
knowledge of general education, knowledge of professional education to help
students register schedule for each semester in accordance with regulations
of the universities and ability, cognitive ability and specific conditions of each
student. The advantages of credits-based learning approach are: Students do
not only have the right to choose compulsory modules/subjects in curriculum,
but also can choose some elective modules of training program determined
by universities. During the course, students can learn the foreign languages,
information technology and have another course for second diploma.
A Dissertation Presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines
in Collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
in Educational Management
April 2014
The Dissertation of
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
In the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines
in collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
has been approved by the Committee
______________________ ______________________
Member Member
______________________ ______________________
Member Member
Adviser Dean, Graduate School
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Vice President, Academic Affairs
The researcher wishes to convey his gratitude to the following persons
who wholeheartedly devoted and helped make this piece of work a reality:
DR. TERESITA V. DE LA CRUZ, her adviser for the guidance, supervision,
suggestions and precious time in enthusiastically reading and checking
the manuscript, providing the researcher useful materials;
DR. CECILIA N. GASCON, President of the Southern Luzon State University
in the Republic of the Philippines, for her incomparable contribution
and support to the development of Master of Art in Teaching English
program in Thai Nguyen University;
DR. NGUYEN VAN BINH, director of the International Training Center, Thai
Nguyen University of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, for his enormous
pursuit to provide Vietnamese people an opportunity to grow through
BELLA R. MUELLO, members of the oral examination committee, for
their constructive criticism to further improve this dissertation.
selected colleges in Association of Technical and Economic Colleges in
Vietnam, for the cooperation and support during the conduct of the
The RESPONDENTS, for their active involvement and participation for without
their cooperation, the result of this thesis might not be possible;
His FAMILY and FRIENDS, for the love and support in one way or another;
and to all who have contributed to make this study a success.
This research is whole-heartedly dedicated to my family and to all my
relatives, my colleagues and friends, and to all classmates for giving me the non-stop
guidance and sources of everything.
TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………….………….. i
APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………..………. ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………………………..………………...…. iii
DEDICATION………………………………………………..………………...…. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………..………………...... v
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………... vi
FIGURE…………………………………………………………………………… viii
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………..…… ix
I. INTRODUCTION…………………….……………………………….... 1
Background of the Study……………………..……………………….. 2
Objectives of the Study….….………………………….……………… 3
Hypothesis……………………………………………………………… 4
Significance of the Study …………………...…………..……………. 4
Scope and Limitation…………………………………...…..…………. 5
Definitions of Terms………………………………….…….…...……... 6
Conceptual Framework …….…………………………………………. 26
Research Paradigm…………………………………….……………… 27
III. METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………… 28
Locale of the Study…………………………………………………….. 28
Research Design.……………………….……………………………... 28
Population and Sampling………………………………………..…..... 29
Instrumentation………………………….……………………………… 31
Validation of the Instrument…………………………………………. 32
Data Gathering Procedures………………………………………....... 32
Statistical Treatment…………………………….…………………...... 32
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………………………….… 34
Summary …………………………….……………………………......... 62
Findings…………………………………………………………………. 65
Conclusions…………………………………………………….…….… 65
Recommendations……………………………………………..………. 65
BIBLIOGRAPHY….…….……………………………………………………… 66
APPENDICES……………………………………………………………..…… 70
A Communication………………………………………………………… 71
B Instrument …………………………………………………..…………. 79
C The Strategic Plan….....………………………………………………. 84
CURRICULUM VITAE………..……………………………………………….. 100
Table Page
1.1 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 35
towards Objectives in Teaching-Learning Process…………….
1.2 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 36
towards Curriculum and Content in Teaching-Learning
1.3 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 38
towards Teaching Methods in Teaching-Learning Process……
1.4 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 41
towards Learning Methods in Teaching-Learning
1.5 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 43
towards Organization Forms in Teaching-Learning
1.6 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 44
towards Test and Assessment Methods Used in Teaching-
1.7 Weighted Mean Distribution on Three Sectors’ Perceptions 46
towards Conditions for Teaching-Learning Process……………
2.1 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 48
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Objectives……………………………….
2.2 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 49
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Curriculum and Content……………….
2.3 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 50
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Teaching Methods……………………...
2.4 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 51
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Learning Methods………………………
2.5 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 52
between the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-
Learning Process as to Organization Forms…………………….
2.6 Chi-square Values for Testing Significant Difference between 53
the Two Groups’ Management of Teaching-Learning Process
as to Test and Assessment Methods Used................................
2.7 Chi-square Values for Testing the Significant Difference 54
between Two Groups’ Management of Conditions for
3.1 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability 56
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction
as to Accuracy……………………..…………………..
3.2 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability 57
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction
as to Significance……………………….…….............
3.3 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability 58
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction
as to Responsiveness…………………………………
3.4 Frequency and Mean Distribution on the Acceptability
of Strategic Plan to Improve Credit-based Approach Instruction 59
as to Authenticity………………………………………
Figure Page
1 Research Paradigm ………………………………………….……. 27
Researcher :PHAM CHI CUONG (Strong)
Degree Conferred :Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Name/ Address : Southern Luzon State University
of Institution Lucban, Quezon
YEAR WRITTEN :November 2013
This study sought to evaluate the management of the teaching-learning
process in terms of objectives, curriculum and content, teaching and learning
methods, organizational forms of teaching and learning, test and assessment
method, and conditions for teaching and learning process in the credit-based
learning approach of the selected colleges in the Association of Technical and
Economic Colleges (ATEC) in Vietnam for academic year 2013-2014; reveal
any significant difference in the management of teaching-learning process of
the two college groups (one implementing credit-based learning approach and
the other not implementing the approach); develop a strategic plan for credit-
based learning approach implementation; and evaluate its acceptability. The
descriptive method of research was employed to the two college groups of
ATEC identified as the College Group 1 (credit-based learning schools) and
Group 2 (non-credit-based learning schools). A total of 495 participants were
surveyed from Group 1 comprising of four colleges while 399 in Group 2 from
three colleges of ATEC. The questionnaires validated using inter-consistency
judgment criteria were used as main tools in data gathering while unstructured
interviews were also conducted to cross check the participants’ responses in
questionnaires. Moreover, the data gathered were analyzed through weighted
mean and chi-square. It was then found out that the management of teaching-
learning process in credit-based learning approach as to objectives is rated
agree by all of the respondents; curriculum and content wherein all of the
respondents from different sectors and groups agree with the criterion as
indicated by the ratings of Group 1 (2.94) and Group 2 (2.72) administrators,
Group 1 (2.92) and Group 2 (2.72) teachers, and Group 1 (2.88) and Group 2
(2.71) students; teaching methods which are perceived by all sectors as
moderately carried out; learning methods wherein there is disparity between
the responses of two groups where credit-based system administrators (2.53),
teachers (2.53) and students (2.55) all perceive learning method moderately
carried out while non-credit-based administrators(2.33), teachers (2.37) and
students (2.41) rate it all very seldom carried out; organizational forms of
teaching and learning wherein almost all respondents perceive organization
forms in teaching-learning process moderately carried out as rated by Group 1
administrators (2.64), both Group 1 (2.65) and 2 (2.50) teachers, and Group 1
students (2.66) except for Group 2 administrators (2.49) Group 2 students
(2.49); test and assessment method where all the sectors in both groups
perceive test and assessment methods as moderately carried out as shown in
ratings of group 1 (3.03) and 2 (2.90) administrators, group 1 (3.01) and 2
(2.88) teachers, and group 1 (2.91) and 2 (2.83) students; and conditions for
teaching and learning process wherein there is another polarity in ratings of
groups of respondents wherein credit-based school administrators (2.62),
teachers (2.61) and students (2.60) agree while the non-credit-based school
administrators (2.45), teachers (2.46), and students (2.44) disagree with the
conditions for teaching-learning. There is dominantly significant difference in
the management of teaching-learning process of the two college groups, a
strategic plan has been developed to improve the implementation of credit-
based learning approach; and developed strategic plan is highly acceptable in
terms of accuracy with 3.52, significance with 3.44, responsiveness with 3.50,
and authenticity with 3.44 AWM. Hence, the strategic plan is commendable to
improve the credit-based learning approach implementation. However, it was
recommended that the developed strategic plan may be adopted for the initial
implementation by both the credit- and non-credit-based learning schools and
self-learning and the use of variety of teaching methods may be reinforced by
both the credit- and non-credit-based learning schools.
Chapter I
With a constant need of universities and colleges to quickly adapt and
meet the practical requirements of the society, and to enable the students to
develop their full potential and capacity in a proactive and effective learning, in
1872, Harvard University decided to replace the system of the yearly rigid
program. This flexible program system is formed by modules that students
can choose from a variety of ways. It is considered a great landmark to create
the form of credit-based learning approach.
Credit-based learning approach is founded on educational philosophy
of respecting and creating favorable conditions for learners – being the center
of all activities in school. This training method is formed to facilitate flexibility
for learners. Curriculum is designed in modules with a lot of elective subjects
that enable learners to be more likely to choose the right program. Students
can select their own learning process instead of learning according to a fixed
program for the entire course in annual system.
In Vietnam, the implementation of the credit-based learning approach
in higher education institutions stemmed from the tenets of human resources
development to meet globalization demands and international integration. It is
an inevitable trend in higher education to enhance the labor market quality.
The application of the credit-based learning approach is considered as
one of the most important educational reforms in Vietnam (2006 -2020) that
had been approved by government. The directive of the Ministry of Education
and Training in school year 2008–2009 made it possible for universities and
colleges in the country to apply credit-based learning approach in 2009-2010.
The use of credit system was projected to increase personalization in learning
of each student and reduce the time for the training process. However, its
implementation has faced many difficulties and restrictions that have directly
affected the quality of education of universities and colleges in the country.
Background of the Study
The Association of Technical Economic Colleges (ATEC) is a social-
professional organization representing the memberships of the technical and
economic colleges and high schools in Viet Nam. Since its establishment in
1999, the association has more than 50 members including 14 colleges and
over 36 high schools. Performing the directives of the Ministry of Education
and Training, four of 14 colleges in the ATEC have been applying the credit-
based learning approach in training management.
After three years of credit-based learning application, a conference of
training management in credit-based learning approach was held by ATEC in
December 2012 in Thai Nguyen. At the conference, leaders of four colleges in
ATEC pointed out various difficulties and inconveniences of the credit-based
learning approach, to wit: inappropriateness and in flexibility of curricula of
most colleges which do not highly meet the learning objectives, unsuitability of
the allocation ratio between the compulsory subjects and electives subjects,
i.e. while there are too many compulsory subjects, only few are electives.
Added to that, curricula are heavily-laden on theory that it lacks inculcation of
professional, practical, and life skills for students. Modules are less organized,
arrangement of students in the class, and set-up of study schedules for the
courses are not systematic that at some subjects there are too many students
in the class which gravely affects the quality of learning of students.
On the part of the teachers, they are less interested in innovating the
teaching methods. Lecture method (teachers present - students write notes) is
still prevalent that teachers only manage teaching knowledge to students
without instructing students the methods of self-learning and self-study. In
effect, the percentage of students who must relearn modules is high. Some
students neglect their studies due to the conditions of colleges which are less
conducive for teaching-learning process. Lack of textbooks and reference
materials forced teachers to just compile lectures in many subjects, but these
are still insufficient for the students’ self-study at home.
Aware of the role and importance of the credit-based learning approach
in higher education institutions, particularly in colleges of ATEC, the researcher
chose to delve with the study concerning management of teaching-learning
process in credit-based learning approach of selected colleges in Association
of Technical and Economic Colleges (ATEC) in Vietnam. And based from such
difficulties, developing strategic management to improve the training quality of
the colleges in the association is essential.
Objectives of the Study
This study generally aimed to evaluate the management of the teaching-
learning process in the credit-based learning approach of selected colleges in
Association of Technical and Economic Colleges (ATEC) in Vietnam for the
academic year 2013-2014.
Specifically, it sought attain the following objectives:
1. Determine the management of teaching-learning process in credit-based
learning approach in terms of:
1.1. Objectives,
1.2. Curriculum and content,
1.3. Teaching methods,
1.4. Learning methods,
1.5. Organizational forms of teaching and learning,
1.6. Test and assessment method, and
1.7. Conditions for teaching and learning process.
2. Reveal any significant difference in the management of teaching-learning
process of the two college groups (one implementing credit-based learning
approach and the other not implementing the approach).
3. Develop a strategic plan for credit-based learning approach implementation.
4. Evaluate the acceptability level of the developed strategic plan.
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference in two college groups’ management of
teaching-learning process in ATEC.
Significance of the Study
This study which attempted to reveal the management status of the
teaching-learning process in the credit-based learning approach would be
beneficial to the administrators, teachers, students, and future researchers.
Administrators. It is hoped that the study may contribute in giving a
new dimension in the administration and improve training quality of selected
colleges in ATEC. The results of the study would also help administrators
especially the rectors of selected colleges in ATEC determine what to improve
in implementing credit-based learning approach after three years by making
appropriate solutions in the management of the teaching-learning process in
the colleges, In the long-run, it would provide administrators with a clear and
new idea on how to implement effectively and successfully the said approach.
Teachers. The outcome of this study could be of great help to teachers
because they would be made clearly aware of the teaching-learning process
in credit-based learning approach. This would eventually affect changes and
improvement of training performance in selected colleges in ATEC. The study
may provide the teachers necessary knowledge about teaching methods and
testing and assessment of students which would ultimately lead to a better
quality performance in the teaching force.
Students. They would be the most benefited by this study since they
are the center of the teaching-learning process in education institutions. Since
teaching activities directly relate to the undertakings of students, this study
would help learners acquire understanding about the credit-based learning
approach that could lead positive effect on the teaching-learning process.
Future researchers. This study could provide references for future
researchers who wanted to conduct a study similar to the nature of present
research. Thus, the basic tenets on the management of the teaching-learning
process in credit-based learning approach can serve as resources for future
and parallel studies.
Scope and Limitations
The primary intent of this study was to investigate the status of the
management of teaching-learning process in credit-based learning approach
as to objectives, curriculum and content, methods of teaching and learning,
organizational forms of teaching and learning, test and assessment method
use, and conditions for teaching and learning process; find the significant
difference of two college groups in teaching-learning process; and develop a
strategic plan to improve the quality of education and training in colleges of
the Association of Technical Economic Colleges (ATEC) under credit-based
learning approach; and evaluate its acceptability.
The study was limited to 894 randomly chosen respondents wherein
85 were administrators, 213 were teachers and 596 were students .Means to
assess the seven (7) colleges’ management status of teaching and learning in
credit-based learning approach were limited to the use of the questionnaires
and interviews.
The time frame of doing this study covered the period from
September 2012 to 2013.
Definition of Terms
For the clarity and better understanding of the study, the following
terminologies are defined both conceptually and operationally.
Assessment of learning outcomes means determining the level of grasp of
knowledge skills and techniques of students compared to program
requirements outlined (Education Dictionary, 2001).
Conditions for teaching and learning process in the credit-based learning
approach, consists of teaching and learning facilities, management
software in training process, learning advisors, teaching equipment,
textbooks and reference materials, and some training management
activities (Ministry of Education and Training, 2007).
Content includes the knowledge, skills, experiences of creative activity, the
normative attitudes, emotions, values. Teaching content is a system
of knowledge, skills and technique relevant to the certain professions
that students must master during the training process in accordance
with training objectives in general, goals and teaching mission in
particular (Dang Vu Hoat & Ha Thi Duc, 2003).
Credit-based learning approach refers to the curriculum under study which
is defined as a quantity used to measure the entire compulsory period
of a student in a normal cognitive level to study a specific subject. The
entire time includes: class time; time in laboratory, practice or other
work specified in school schedule; time for reading, research, resolve
problems, write or lesson preparation (Dang Xuan Hai, 2012).
Curriculum refers to a detailed design of teaching process in training course,
which reflects the content, structure, process, method of organization,
implementation and test, evaluation of teaching activities for the whole
training course. Curriculum is built by the training institutions on the
basis of educational programs approved by the competent authority.
(Tran Khanh Duc, 2010).
Management of the teaching-learning process is a system of intentional,
planning and lawful impact of management subjective in order to
make the teaching and learning process operate under its rules,
implementing the requirements of social education in training people
according to the standards of era, focusing on teaching and learning
activities and multi-system education, move from the initial state to the
goal (Nguyen Duc Tri,2010).
Methods of Teaching and Learning are ways of organizing the activities of
teachers and learners to form and develop the learners ’knowledge,
professional skills. Band develop professional personality in the training
process. As a constituent factor, teaching methods help determine the
quality and effectiveness of the training according to the requirements
specified in the training objectives (Tran Khanh Duc, 2010).
Objectives are a model of future results of teaching activities which foresee
what the learners and the teachers will achieve at the end of teaching-
learning process (Phan Trong Ngo, 2005).
Organizational form of teaching and learning pertains to the activities of
the teachers and students in the teaching process at the certain time
and place with the specific methods and means of teaching to perform
(Nguyen Ngoc Bao, Ha Thi Duc, 2001).
Teaching-learning process is the process of coordinating activity between
teachers and students, in which the teacher's activity plays a key role
and activities of the students play an active role to fulfill the mutual
purpose (Bui Thi Mui, 2009).
Testing and Assessment of learning outcomes is comparison, collation
about knowledge, skills, attitudes achieved in practice of the learners
with the expected results identified in the teaching objectives for
understanding and diagnosing before and during the teaching-
learning process (formative) or after a process of learning (summative
knowledge assessment; (Tran Khanh Duc , 2010).
Chapter II
This chapter presents relevant readings in the form of literature and
researches which have significance and similarities with the present study.
This also includes the conceptual framework and the research paradigm.
Credit-based Learning Approach
Credit-based learning approach is not organized by academic year but
organized by semester. One academic year can be organized by two or three
semesters. As Trexler (2008) stated, each training program of certain field of
study is not determined by academic year but by accumulation of knowledge
of students, students accumulating enough credits defined for a discipline will
get a diploma and graduate from universities.
Cobbe (2008) illustrated that in the credit-based learning approach, the
students have to register learning schedule and modules at the beginning of
each semester. To do this, students must understand the relevant documents
such as student handbook, curriculum, modules that students must learn,
knowledge of general education, knowledge of professional education to help
students register schedule for each semester in accordance with regulations
of the universities and ability, cognitive ability and specific conditions of each
student. The advantages of credits-based learning approach are: Students do
not only have the right to choose compulsory modules/subjects in curriculum,
but also can choose some elective modules of training program determined
by universities. During the course, students can learn the foreign languages,
information technology and have another course for second diploma.