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INTRODUCTION 2. Research purpose
Research purpose of the thesis is to develop a system of statistical
1. Reasons for choosing theme indicators measuring quality of life and calculation method of quality of life
Quality of Life and improving the quality of people’s life are key index on the basis of determining concept framework of quality of life in
contents in the human development strategy. This objective is put at the order to serve for the work of socio-economic macro management and
forefront in the socio-economic development strategy of every nation and activity of comparability and assessment of quality of life in Viet Nam.
gets much attention from many countries in the world as well as Viet Nam. To obtain the aforementioned purposes, the thesis must answer the
In the last years, on the basis of the previous studies on quality of life following research questions:
of scholars worldwide, many international organizations and countries have - Which direction should the study on quality of life in Viet Nam
raised different viewpoints and concepts on quality of life, depending on be implemented?
the extent of development, socio - cultural notions, and traditions of each - How is the concept of quality of life in Viet Nam understood?
nation and region. Along with the development of concept of quality of life, Which components does structure of concept of quality of life
international organizations and nations have also studied and developed include?
systems of indicators measuring quality of life, satisfaction and well-being - How is system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life
with life. On the basis of these indicators, international organizations and in Viet Nam developed and which indicators are included?
nations have calculated composite index in order to evaluate quality of - Which methodology is quality of life index developed by? How
people’s life, changes in quality of life over time or compare among are weights and method of aggregation determined?
nations, regions, or inhabitant communities. 3. Subjects and research scope
However, such academic researches on this theme are relatively Objects and research coverage of the thesis are quality of life in Viet
limited in Viet Nam. The quality of life of Viet Nam is just only Nam, system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life and
internationally evaluated and compared in the aspect of the world. At composite index of quality of life in Viet Nam.
national level, we just standstill at discussions, exchanges of concept but do However, quality of life is a huge research theme meanwhile data
not clarify rationale or background of constituting concept. Some other sources are limited, the thesis only focuses on measuring objective aspect
researches only consider partly quality of life as satisfaction with life or but temporarily does not consider about measuring subjective aspect of
measurement of quality of life of each specific group such as children, quality of life.
elderly persons in the aspect of psychology, health, etc. The concept itself Data in 2016 will be collected to pilot calculate the composite index
and insight of concept of quality of life in Viet Nam are not currently of quality of life at national level.
apparent. Indicators measuring quality of life are dispersed and 4. Research methodology
unsystematic, so it hardly evaluates comprehensively quality of life. This is As quality of life is one of new issues that have not been much
a research gap in the quality of life in Viet Nam. studied in Viet Nam, qualitative research methodology consisting of
Having originated from practical basis in term of existing policy and literature review and in-depth interview with experts are used throughout
research gap, it is absolutely necessary to carry out the thesis “Method of the research in order to study and find out issues such as research approach
developing and calculating composite index to measuring the quality of life and measurement of quality of life, components of quality of life; system of
in Viet Nam”.
3 4
statistical indicators measuring quality of life; calculation method of CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL BASIS ON QUALITY OF LIFE
composite index; etc.
1.1. General theoretical issues on quality of life
In addition, to pilot calculate composite index of quality of life, the
1.1.1. Research approaches to quality of life
thesis uses method of collecting secondary data from available sources;
Literature review shows that there are some approaches to determine
method of collecting primary data by interviewing experts in order to
the quality of life. Initially, quality of life is evaluated by purely economic
determine weights of component indices; method of processing and
approach basing utility theory and through a unique indicator as GDP per
analyzing data; method of comparison, assessment on the influence of the
capita. However, this notion has been gradually changed since many theories
components on quality of life in general in the study.
mentioned quality of life as a multi-dimensional cross-sectoral concept.
5. New contributions of the thesis
In the 1960s, there were two oppositely traditional approaches in
The thesis has new theoretical knowledge contributions as follows:
measuring quality of life, i.e. objective and subjective approaches.
- Rationale of the research and measuring concept of the quality of
Objective approach based on the resources focuses on measuring people’s
life in Viet Nam, of which determining study approach and developing
objective circumstances. Meanwhile, subjective approach based on utility
theoretical framework on the quality of life including concept and structure
theory is the measurement of subjective wellbeing. In the 1970s, the utility
of the concept.
theory was replaced by the basic needs approach. The basic needs theory
- System of statistical indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam.
stated that quality of life was defined as the level of satisfaction of most
- Methodology of building and calculating composite index of
members in the given society with the hierarchical needs (Sirgy, 1986).
quality of life in Viet Nam.
Capability approach to the quality of life was established in the
- Additionally, the thesis also contributes to practical aspect when
1980s and became popular in the 1990s. According to Stiglitz et al.
pilot calculating composite index of quality of life in Viet Nam in 2016.
(2009:42), “this approach conceives a person’s life as a combination of
This is a useful reference for making policies to improve quality of
various ‘doings and beings’ (functioning) and of his or her freedom to
people’s life.
choose among these functioning (capabilities)”. This approach is
6. Thesis structure
considered to have covered both the objective approach based on resources
Apart from Introduction and Conclusion, the thesis consists of 3
and the basic needs approach. At present, this approach is one of the most
influential theories and is the premise for the Human Development Index,
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis on quality of life
the Millennium Development Goals, and many other development issues at
Chapter 2. System of statistical indicators measuring quality of life in
the global level.
Viet Nam
1.1.2. Some debates related to concept of quality of life
Chapter 3. Developing calculation method of quality of life index in
Due to heterogeneous approaches as well as personal perceptions,
Viet Nam.
different concepts of the quality of life were mentioned but no widely
accepted concept exists. This leads to many debates related to concept of
the quality of life and how to measure quality of life.
However, in the social science researches, there were two approaches
in measuring quality of life which are discussed the most, including
5 6
objective or subjective approaches and concept of quality of life whether as Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the Happy Planet Index (HPI) of the
uni-dimension or multi-dimension and which dimensions are concerned. New Economics Foundation (NEF), etc.
The objective measurements on quality of life are presented by Not only international organizations but also many countries
evaluating external living conditions while subjective measurements consider worldwide have studied, developed a system of indicators measuring
personal assessments on those conditions. According to Borthwick-Duffy quality of life and calculating composite index reflecting quality of life or
(1992) (quoted in Felce & Perry, 1995, 54), there are 3 perspectives on this similar concepts. Many countries such as England, France, New Zealand,
issue, including: (1) by objective approach, consider quality of life as quality and Canada conducted periodical surveys to collect information for
of living conditions; (2) by subjective approach, quality of life is considered research on quality of life in their nations. Some countries in the same
as satisfaction with life; (3) a combination of two subjective and objective region with Viet Nam have spent many years studying this theme such as
approaches in measuring quality of life based on conceding their strengths Malaysia Quality of Life (MQL) of Malaysia, Green and Happiness Index
and weaknesses. Then, the quality of life is considered as a combination (GHI) of Thailand, etc.
between living conditions and satisfaction with life. According to Cummins The common point of these studies is that the majority of them
(2000), Hagerty et al. (2001), Costanza et al. (2007), Stiglitz et al. (2009), evaluate quality of life in a multi-dimensional manner. Rationale of concept
etc, many researchers agree with the third perspective. and structure of the concept of quality of life or similar concepts are always
In the viewpoint of social research, quality of life is an abstract concept, determined on the basis of theoretical cornerstone or certain philosophies.
accordingly it is often considered with different components (dimensions). In order to measure quality of life, depending on its construct, criteria of
Nowaday, there is a high concurrence in considering quality of life as a multi- indicator selection and data collection ability, each research determines its
dimensional concept (Cummins, 1997; Felce, 1997; Snoek, 2000; Hagerty et certain indicators. However, many researches combined considering
all, 2001; …). Along with this concurrence, many researchers found out the objective and subjective indicators in measuring and assessing quality of
way to determine dimensions or components of quality of life. However, they life. Of which, objective indicators often reflect people’s living conditions
still did not reach consistency on how many dimensions as well as which which are easily collected by different sources, particularly from available
dimensions they are (Alkire, 2008). Generally, three aspects of physical, and official statistics sources. The most discussed objective aspects in the
psychology and society are considered when studying quality of life. assessment on quality of life include: economic conditions, housing
1.1.3. Some measurements of quality of life of international conditions, education, health, environment, family life and community,
organizations and nations worldwide people’s safety and participation. The subjective indicators reflecting
In the last years, on the basis of the previous studies on quality of life people’s perception of life are collected by social surveys.
of scholars worldwide, many international organizations and countries have 1.2. Theoretical framework on quality of life in Viet Nam
conducted different studies on measuring and assessing the changes in 1.2.1. Socio-economic viewpoints and objectives in Viet Nam
quality of life among nations, cities, communities, etc. In spite of existing many issues need solving, development
Accordingly, many composite indices measuring the quality of life perception of Viet Nam is comprehensive-oriented development for every
have been widely published such as United Nations’ World Happiness aspect of socio-economic life, of which focusing on human rights
index (WHI), Better Life Index of the Organization for Economic guarantee; satisfying people’s needs for human development, improve
Cooperation and Development (OECD), Where-to-be-born index of the quality of life. The socio-economic development objectives of Viet Nam as
well as international commitments have clearly indicated that.
7 8
Article 3 of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam components must be not only compliance with the context of Viet Nam but
2013 stated: “The State guarantees and promotes the people's mastery; also appropriate with international practice.
acknowledges, respects, and protects human rights and citizens’ rights; The objective dimensions of quality of life in Vietnam were
implements the objectives of affluent people, powerful state, democracy, identified based on Allardt (1993) and Stiglitz et al. (2009), according to
justice, civilization, and that all people enjoy abundant, free, and happy life the capability approach. Meanwhile, personal perceptions - the subjective
and are given conditions for all-sided development”. dimension of quality of life in Vietnam- are considered based on theory of
The socio - economic development strategy for the period of 2011- 2020 subjective wellbeing. Experiences of international organizations and
clearly states that commitment of Viet Nam Government: “Economic growth countries worldwide as well as real situation in Viet Nam currently are
should be combined with cultural development, implementation of social practical basis.
advance and equality, continuous improvement of people’s life quality,…”. Then, the theoretical framework of the quality of life in Vietnam is
1.2.2. Approaches to measuring quality of life in Viet Nam proposed in Figure 1 below.
From the aforementioned analysis, the author suggests that the
Objective dimensions:
quality of life in Vietnam should be considered in the capability approach,
Economic conditions
also known as human development approach (Cobb, 2000), in combination Housing conditions
with the subjective wellbeing approach. This means that the quality of life Education
in Vietnam needs to be measured by both objective and subjective factors. Health
This combination in the measurement of quality of life in Vietnam is both Family relationship
methodological and in line with the general trend of the world. All experts community
who took part in the in-depth interview agree with this suggestion. Nature environment
Social environment QUALITY
1.2.3. Propose theoretical framework on quality of life in Viet Nam
Governance OF LIFE
With the aforementioned approaches, the quality of life in Viet Nam
Political voice
is a multi-dimensional concept. Of which, objective quality of life is
measured by socio-economic indicators in order to reflect at extent to what
the needs of people’s living conditions are met or can be met; subjective
Subjective dimension:
quality of life is measured by the extent of happiness, wellbeing,
Satisfaction with Life
satisfaction or similar states of each individual. Therefore, from the author's
point of view, the quality of life in Vietnam should be interpreted as
Figure 1. Theoretical framework of Quality of Life in Vietnam
follows: "Quality of life is the extent to which objective human needs of
Source: Author’s suggestion.
living condition are fulfilled in relation to personal perceptions of
This theoretical framework is the basis for practicing measurement
subjective wellbeing”.
and assessment of the quality of life in Viet Nam in a systematic and
Structure of this concept will be defined on the basis of top-down
scientific manner.
approach. Additionally, it should be based on theory in combination with
using selected available list and based on availability of data. These
9 10
The objective of chapter 1 is to develop theoretical framework on the MEASURING QUALITY OF LIFE IN VIET NAM
quality of life in Viet Nam, which consists of concept and its construct. 2.1. General issues on the development of indicator system measuring
This theoretical framework must be developed on the basis of robust quality of life
rationale and practice. 2.1.1. Method of developing indicator system measuring quality of life
Fundamental rationale for the development of theoretical framework The thesis uses the top-down approach (theoretical approach) to
on the quality of life in Viet Nam is theories on the quality of life in the develop indicator system measuring quality of life. The thesis applies
world. Generally, quality of life is approached in the tendency of multi- hierarchical design by Maggino & Zumbo (2012), starting from concept
dimension and multidisciplinary. Theories on quality of life can be model, identifying components of the concept, determining variables, basic
developed by different approaches such as objective approach focused on indicators, finally these indicators are arranged in an appropriate manner in
the resources and living conditions; subjective approach based on personal the indicator system.
well-being; basic needs approach or capability approach. The By this approach, the process of measuring quality of life requests
heterogeneous approaches lead to different perceptions on quality of life. for a sound theoretical framework. Then, these indicators not only simply
However, not any concepts are widely accepted. provide information but also present relationship with concept model.
Practical basis for the development of theoretical framework on the 2.1.2. Requirements and principles of the development of system of
quality of life in Viet Nam is development perspective, socio-economic statistical indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam
development objectives as well as current socio-economic background in According to Noll (2004), a system of indicators must satisfy general
Viet Nam and experience of international organizations, nations in studying requirements, including: (1) being developed on the scientific basis with
quality of life. The analysis shows that the quality of life in Viet Nam theoretical approach and apparent concept; (2) as a comprehensive and
closely associates with human development, economic development, integrated system; (3) using the most appropriate indicators (valuable and
cultural development, social equity and development of safety and healthy reliable); and (4) using the best available database and guarantee
living environment. comparability among nations (or localities).
Accordingly, the thesis goes to conclusion that quality of life in Viet Apart from the aforementioned requirements, a system of statistical
Nam is a multi-dimensional concept which should be considered in line indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam must cover completely
with capability approach in combination with subjective well-being key aspects of the quality of life, meet requirements of measuring quality of
approach. Therefore, the quality of life in Viet Nam must be measured by life in Viet Nam in conformity with certain historic background; indicators
both subjective and objective indicators. The structure of concept of the are strictly regulated in term of content, coverage, calculation method and
quality of life in Viet Nam is divided by 11 components, of which 10 guarantee legality and consistency; make sure of stability in a relatively long
components reflect the needs of objective living condition that should be time but being changeable in conformity with conditions in each period;
met, including: (1) economic conditions, (2) housing conditions, (3) In order to meet the aforementioned requirements, the development
education, (4) health, (5) family relationship, (6) participating in of system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life must comply
community, (7) natural environment, (8) social environment, (9) with the following principles to assure: (1) targeted orientation; (2)
governance and (10) political voice; component (11) reflects people’s systematization; (3) concretization; (4) accuracy; (5) feasibility; (6)
subjective perception to life through their satisfaction with life. international comparability; (7) adaptation; (8) efficiency.
11 12
2.1.3. Criteria to select statistical indicators measuring quality of life aspects of the quality of life, group 11 reflects subjective aspect of the quality
The thesis uses both direct and indirect indicators (proxy) to measure of life and the group 12 reflects the overall quality of life.
quality of life. Besides, types of indicator - input, output or outcome can be 2.2.1. Indicators for measuring the economic conditions
used simultaneously, in which, the output indicators and outcome indicators Indicator 1.1: Employment rate (aged 15 and over) (%)
are preferred. Indicator 1.2: Monthly average income per capita (VND)
The thesis uses 14 criteria used by Jacksonville Community Council, Indicator 1.3: Poverty rate (%)
Incorporated (Florida, United States) when selecting quality of life indicators. Indicator 1.4: Percentage of respondents reporting that their
These criteria include: (1) purposefulness, (2) importance, (3) validity and economic condition has improved in the past 5 years (%)
accuracy, (4) relevance, (5) responsiveness, (6) anticipation, (7) Indicator 1.5: Percentage of laborers having social insurance (%)
understandability, (8) availability and timeliness, (9) stability and reliability, 2.2.2. Indicators for measuring the housing conditions
(10) outcome orientation, (11) asset orientation, (12) scale, (13) clarity, and Indicator 2.1: Percentage of households having permanent house (%)
(14) representativeness. Indicator 2.2: Average dwelling area per capita (m2)
2.1.4. Process of developing system of statistical indicators measuring Indicator 2.3: Percentage of households using hygienic water (%)
quality of life Indicator 2.4: Percentage of households using electricity (%)
As mentioned above, contents of subjective measurement of quality of Indicator 2.5: Percentage of households using hygienic toilet (%)
life exceed over the coverage of the thesis. With the components of Indicator 2.6: Percentage of households having or using at least one
measuring the extent of fulfilling the needs of objective living conditions, of the information and communication equipments (%)
determining indicators is carried out by the following steps: 2.2.3. Indicators for measuring the education
Step 1: Literature review, study international experience in the Indicator 3.1: Literacy rate in population aged 15 and over (%)
development of system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life; Indicator 3.2: Percentage of population with high school diploma or
considering national development goals; study related statistical indicator systems. higher (%)
Step 2: Make the list of indicators and develop a summary of their Indicator 3.3: Number of pupils per teacher
properties. Indicator 3.4: Net enrolment rates (%)
Step 3: Select indicators in line with mentioned criteria and guarantee Indicator 3.5: Completion rate (primary, secondary and high school) (%)
requirements of indicator system as well as comply with principles of Indicator 3.6: Percentage of children under 5 years who are
developing indicator system. monitored for development in health, education and social psychology (%)
Step 4: Consult with experts about the list of indicators proposed in step 3. Indicator 3.7: Number of years of schooling for the population aged
Step 5: Sum up experts’ ideas, study again data properties and 15 and over
selection criteria to make the final indicator system. 2.2.4. Indicators for measuring the health
2.2. Propose a system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life Indicator 4.1: Life expectancy at birth
in Viet Nam Indicator 4.2: Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births)
The system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Indicator 4.3: Number of doctors per 10000 people
Nam is divided by 12 groups, of which the first 10 groups reflect objective Indicator 4.4: Number of patient beds per 10000 people
13 14
Indicator 4.5: Percentage of children under 1 year old immunized 2.2.10. Indicators for measuring the political voice
fully vaccinations (%) Indicator 10.1: Percentage of people voted in the National Assembly election (%)
Indicator 4.6: Percentage of children under 5 years old malnutrition (%) Indicator 10.2: Percentage of people voted in the Commune People’s
Indicator 4.7: Percentage of people having health insurance (%) Council Election (%)
2.2.5. Indicators for measuring family relationships Indicator 10.3: Percentage of people voted in the Village Head
Indicator 5.1: Percentage of household having a cultural family certificate (%) Election (%)
Indicator 5.2: Divorce rate (per 1000 people) Indicator 10.4: Percentage of respondent said that the Candidate was
Indicator 5.3: Percentage of household having family violence (%) not suggested (%)
Indicator 5.4: Sex ratio at birth 2.2.11. Indicators for measuring the satisfaction with life
2.2.6. Indicators for measuring the participating community Indicator 11.1: Lever of satisfaction with life
Indicator 6.1: Percentage of villages having cultural house (%) 2.2.12. Indicators for measuring the overall quality of life
Indicator 6.2: Percentage of villages having a cultural village certificate (%) Indicator 12.1: The quality of life index
Indicator 6.3: Percentage of respondents having voluntary In Viet Nam, at present, there are not any researches publishing data
contribution to local projects (%) on the satisfaction of the people with their life. Additionally, similarly to
2.2.7. Indicators for measuring the nature environment the quality of life, satisfaction with life is an abstract concept that is often
Indicator 7.1: Percentage of respondents reporting that the water measured by a multi-item scale. Developing this scale is a complex process
quality has declined in the past three years (%) that needs implementing in a specific research project. This exceeds over
Indicator 7.2: Percentage of respondents reporting that the air quality the author’s ability. Therefore, in the coverage of this thesis, the author
has declined in the past three years (%) only raises issue: it needs to study on the satisfaction with life when
Indicator 7.3: Forest area (% of land area) carrying out measurement of quality of life in Viet Nam. The contents and
Indicator 7.4: Living solid waste collection rate (%) measurement method of satisfaction with life will be continuously studied
2.2.8. Indicators for measuring the social environment in the future.
Indicator 8.1: Criminal rate (per 10000 people) Contents related to composite index of quality of life will be
Indicator 8.2: Percentage of respondents reported they were victims presented in the chapter 3 of this thesis.
of one of the four types of crime (%)
Indicator 8.3: Percentage of respondents said they felt safe walking
alone around the area they live during the night (%)
Indicator 8.4: Safety levels in localities
Indicator 8.5: Road traffic death rate (per 100000 people)
2.2.9. Indicators for measuring the governance
Indicator 9.1: Transparency of local decision-making index
Indicator 9.2: Control of corruption index
Indicator 9.3: Public administrative procedures index.
15 16
The objective of chapter 2 is to develop system of statistical 3.1. Overview of methods of developing composite index
indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam. This system must satisfy 3.1.1. Concept and strengths, weaknesses of composite index
general requirements of the indicator system such as scientific basis, a According to OECD (2008), composite index is an index which is
comprehensive and integrated system includes appropriate indicators, built on the basis of combining separated indicators based on basic model
available data and guarantee spatial comparability. Besides that, in order to of measured multi-dimensional concept.
measure quality of life, this system must cover completely key aspects of Composite index is often used to explain about complex issues that
the quality of life; make sure of stability in a long time but being hardly grasp in large fields such as economics, society and environment. Its
changeable to be appropriate in line with each period. strengths include: easy to explain, enable to have an overall look at
The process of developing indicator system for measuring quality of complex multi-dimensional issues to support decision makers; allow to
life must comply with the principles such as: targeted orientation; implement simple comparisons among nations, regions and localities, etc.
systematization; concretization; accuracy; feasibility; international However, its weakness is to mislead easily policies if it is explained
comparability; adaptation; and efficiency. incorrectly or process of developing composite index is not transparent or
not based on a sound conceptual framework. Besides that, high subjective
Indicators are selected according to these criteria, include:
shown by selecting indicators and weights can be issue causing a lot of debates.
purposefulness, importance, validity and accuracy, relevance,
3.1.2. Calculation method of composite index
responsiveness, anticipation, understandability, availability and timeliness,
Currently, there are two methods of calculating composite index that
stability and reliability, outcome orientation, asset orientation, scale, clarity,
are paid much attention by researchers, particularly calculating composite
and representativeness.
index of quality of life or similar indices. They are OECD’s method and
Fundamentally, system of indicators measuring quality of life is
Alkire-Foster one. Generally, each method has its own strengths and
developed by hierarchical design in relation with theoretical approach. This
weaknesses. Selecting which method will depend mainly on data conditions
process results in a system of statistical indicators divided by 12 groups, of
as well as socio-economic background of each nation.
which the 10 first groups measure 10 components of objective quality of
However, the biggest challenge for Alkire-Forster method is to
life, consisting of 48 indicators; group 11 measures subjective quality of
require all data to be collected by the same survey to enable to identify
life and group 12 measures overall quality of life.
consistently missing objects in accordance with a certain criterion (Alkire
Each indicator in the system is presented comprehensively with & Santos, 2011). Additionally, the lack of shortage thresholds of quality of
content, meaning, calculation method and data sources. The indicator life in Viet Nam is also a big obstacle. Therefore, the author proposes to
measuring subjective quality of life is not studied in the coverage of this thesis. develop the quality of life index in Viet Nam by method of OECD (2008).
3.1.3. Selection of calculation method for composite index
Method of developing composite index of OECD (2008) is relatively
complicated with different options in each step of the process, especially in
the contents of data standardization, determining weights and composite
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| − |
According to Mazziotta & Pareto (2013), 4 main factors to take into
account in the choice of the best method for calculating composite index
are as follows: (1) type of indicator (substitutable/non-substitutable); (2) For indicators which have absolute value/or ratio value/or value per
type of aggregation (simple/complex); (3) type of comparison (absolute/ capita, the minimum and maximum values are determined based on the
relative); and (4) type of weights (subjective/objective). It depends on each respective minimum and maximum values in practice; or the actual values
assumption, requirement and real condition to select appropriate solutions. achieved in units (i.e. provinces) for many years (it is advisable to widen
3.2. Propose calculation method of quality of life index in Viet Nam the achievement gap); or the minimum and maximum values established by
international organizations for published indicators.
The thesis proposes the composing of Vietnam quality of life index
For indicators which have percentage value, the thesis chooses the
including the following steps: (1) Developing the theoretical framework;
minimum value as 0 and the maximum value as 100.
(2) Selecting indicators; (3) Normalization of data; (4) Determining 3.2.2. Weighting
weights; and (5) Calculating component indices and the composite index. Determining weights is a source of contention. In general, weights
Steps 1 and 2 have been solved in detail in the first two chapters of should be selected in connection with both the theoretical framework and
the thesis. The methods in steps 3, 4 and 5 will be selected based on the data properties.
suggestions of Mazziotta & Pareto (2013), available data and the ability to Weights can be defined objectively or subjectively. Objective
apply in practice. weights are determined by statistical methods based on mathematical
3.2.1. Normalization of Data models, therefore, they are more objective and less controversial. However,
Normalization to ensure comparability across indicators is required due to lack of accordant data, it is impossible for the thesis to use these
prior to data aggregation. methods to determine the objective weights.
The thesis chooses Min-Max to normalize data for its simplest and The subjective weights will be used to calculate the quality of life
most common normalization procedure. Then, all normalized indicators index in Vietnam. Since the structure of the quality of life concept is
have the same range of variation (0.1), but not necessarily the same composed of several dimensions, we must calculate the component indices
before calculating the composite index. Based on the results of in-depth
variance. The higher normalized indicator is, the better quality of life is.
expert interviews and available data, the thesis chooses equal weights for
(3.1) individual indicators in calculating component indices but unequal weights
for components in calculating the composite index.
In case of highly skewed indicators, we should use the logarithmic
The budget allocation approach (BAP) is used to determine unequal
ln( ) − ln( )
transformation, as follow.
weights for components of the quality of life. This is a method of
ln( ) − ln( )
(3.2) determining subjective weights based on expert interviews.
3.2.3. Aggregation
In case of negative indicators, normalization is used to transform the value
In general, the choice of how the index is aggregated depends on the
into positive orientation. Then the normalized equation is defined as follows:
view about whether compensability between individual indicators or
(3.3) dimensions is allowed.
In this thesis, the arithmetic mean should be used to calculate
In case of indicators having optimal value, meaning that the value of components indices. It means that compensation among indicators in each
these indicators should be close to a certain central value (the optimal dimension is allowed. Because of equal weights among indicators in each
threshold). The normalized equation is defined as follow: dimension, the component indices are calculated by simple mean formula:
19 20
measuring the objective quality of life because of unavailable data on the
where is component index of dimension i (i=1, #); n is the number
satisfaction with life.
of components; is value of individual indicator j after
48 individual indicators are normalized by the Min-Max
!); and m is the number of
transformation with the minimum and maximum values determined as stated
normalization in each component (j=1, in section 3.2.1.
indicators in each component. The weightings of the component indices are determined by the BAP
However, with a view of partially compensation, that the quality of method using the constant sum scaling. The mean score of each component is
life index should be calculated by geometric mean will encourage the equal the basis for determining the weight of that component. Besides, pair sample
development of all quality of life’s components in Vietnam. Because of t-test is useful to examine whether there is a significant difference in mean
unequal weights among components, the quality of life index is calculated scores among the quality of life’s dimensions. Results show that 10 quality of
by weighted geometrics mean, as follow: life’s dimensions can be divided into 4 groups. Then, weight of each
∑ )(
= %& '(
dimension in each group is calculated by simple mean of mean scores of all
(3.6) dimensions in that group dividing by 10. Hence, sum of weights is 10. As a
result, weight of each component in group 1 (economic conditions) is 1.9;
where I is the quality of life index; Ii is the component index I; fi is group 2 (housing conditions, education, health and family relationship) is
weight of the component index i. 1.2; group 3 (nature environment and social environment) is 0.9; and group 4
According to the United Nations’s experience when developing the (participating community, governance and political voice) is 0.5.
Human Development Index, the author proposes to evaluate the quality of Component indices are calculated according to formula 3.5, which is
life in Vietnam depending on the index’s value as follows. the simple mean of normalized indicators.
Table 3.1. Value framework of the quality of life index in Viet Nam Table 3.7. Results of calculating component indices
Value of the quality of life index Conclusion No Component Symbol Component index
I < 0,3 Very low quality of life 1 Economic conditions I1 0.617
0,3 ≤ I < 0,5 Low quality of life 2 Housing conditions I2 0.791
0,5 ≤ I < 0,7 Medium quality of life 3 Education I3 0.608
0,7 ≤ I < 0,8 Fairly high quality of life 4 Health I4 0.695
0,8 ≤ I < 0,9 High quality of life 5 Family relationship I5 0.864
I ≥ 0,9 Very high quality of life 6 Participating community I6 0.574
7 Natural environment I7 0.601
Source: Author’s suggestion.
8 Social environment I8 0.733
3.3. Pilot calculate the quality of life index in Viet Nam
9 Governance I9 0.572
3.3.1. Result of pilot calculating the quality of life index in Viet Nam
10 Political voice I10 0.564
Due to the heterogeneous spatial and temporal data, the thesis only
Source: Author’s own calculation.
calculates the quality of life index in Vietnam at the national level in 2016. In
The composite index is calculated by using the formula 3.6. As a
addition, this composite index is calculated based on 10 groups of indicators
result, with the value of 0.671, the achievement of quality of life in
Vietnam is at medium level.
INTRODUCTION 2. Research purpose
Research purpose of the thesis is to develop a system of statistical
1. Reasons for choosing theme indicators measuring quality of life and calculation method of quality of life
Quality of Life and improving the quality of people’s life are key index on the basis of determining concept framework of quality of life in
contents in the human development strategy. This objective is put at the order to serve for the work of socio-economic macro management and
forefront in the socio-economic development strategy of every nation and activity of comparability and assessment of quality of life in Viet Nam.
gets much attention from many countries in the world as well as Viet Nam. To obtain the aforementioned purposes, the thesis must answer the
In the last years, on the basis of the previous studies on quality of life following research questions:
of scholars worldwide, many international organizations and countries have - Which direction should the study on quality of life in Viet Nam
raised different viewpoints and concepts on quality of life, depending on be implemented?
the extent of development, socio - cultural notions, and traditions of each - How is the concept of quality of life in Viet Nam understood?
nation and region. Along with the development of concept of quality of life, Which components does structure of concept of quality of life
international organizations and nations have also studied and developed include?
systems of indicators measuring quality of life, satisfaction and well-being - How is system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life
with life. On the basis of these indicators, international organizations and in Viet Nam developed and which indicators are included?
nations have calculated composite index in order to evaluate quality of - Which methodology is quality of life index developed by? How
people’s life, changes in quality of life over time or compare among are weights and method of aggregation determined?
nations, regions, or inhabitant communities. 3. Subjects and research scope
However, such academic researches on this theme are relatively Objects and research coverage of the thesis are quality of life in Viet
limited in Viet Nam. The quality of life of Viet Nam is just only Nam, system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life and
internationally evaluated and compared in the aspect of the world. At composite index of quality of life in Viet Nam.
national level, we just standstill at discussions, exchanges of concept but do However, quality of life is a huge research theme meanwhile data
not clarify rationale or background of constituting concept. Some other sources are limited, the thesis only focuses on measuring objective aspect
researches only consider partly quality of life as satisfaction with life or but temporarily does not consider about measuring subjective aspect of
measurement of quality of life of each specific group such as children, quality of life.
elderly persons in the aspect of psychology, health, etc. The concept itself Data in 2016 will be collected to pilot calculate the composite index
and insight of concept of quality of life in Viet Nam are not currently of quality of life at national level.
apparent. Indicators measuring quality of life are dispersed and 4. Research methodology
unsystematic, so it hardly evaluates comprehensively quality of life. This is As quality of life is one of new issues that have not been much
a research gap in the quality of life in Viet Nam. studied in Viet Nam, qualitative research methodology consisting of
Having originated from practical basis in term of existing policy and literature review and in-depth interview with experts are used throughout
research gap, it is absolutely necessary to carry out the thesis “Method of the research in order to study and find out issues such as research approach
developing and calculating composite index to measuring the quality of life and measurement of quality of life, components of quality of life; system of
in Viet Nam”.
3 4
statistical indicators measuring quality of life; calculation method of CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL BASIS ON QUALITY OF LIFE
composite index; etc.
1.1. General theoretical issues on quality of life
In addition, to pilot calculate composite index of quality of life, the
1.1.1. Research approaches to quality of life
thesis uses method of collecting secondary data from available sources;
Literature review shows that there are some approaches to determine
method of collecting primary data by interviewing experts in order to
the quality of life. Initially, quality of life is evaluated by purely economic
determine weights of component indices; method of processing and
approach basing utility theory and through a unique indicator as GDP per
analyzing data; method of comparison, assessment on the influence of the
capita. However, this notion has been gradually changed since many theories
components on quality of life in general in the study.
mentioned quality of life as a multi-dimensional cross-sectoral concept.
5. New contributions of the thesis
In the 1960s, there were two oppositely traditional approaches in
The thesis has new theoretical knowledge contributions as follows:
measuring quality of life, i.e. objective and subjective approaches.
- Rationale of the research and measuring concept of the quality of
Objective approach based on the resources focuses on measuring people’s
life in Viet Nam, of which determining study approach and developing
objective circumstances. Meanwhile, subjective approach based on utility
theoretical framework on the quality of life including concept and structure
theory is the measurement of subjective wellbeing. In the 1970s, the utility
of the concept.
theory was replaced by the basic needs approach. The basic needs theory
- System of statistical indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam.
stated that quality of life was defined as the level of satisfaction of most
- Methodology of building and calculating composite index of
members in the given society with the hierarchical needs (Sirgy, 1986).
quality of life in Viet Nam.
Capability approach to the quality of life was established in the
- Additionally, the thesis also contributes to practical aspect when
1980s and became popular in the 1990s. According to Stiglitz et al.
pilot calculating composite index of quality of life in Viet Nam in 2016.
(2009:42), “this approach conceives a person’s life as a combination of
This is a useful reference for making policies to improve quality of
various ‘doings and beings’ (functioning) and of his or her freedom to
people’s life.
choose among these functioning (capabilities)”. This approach is
6. Thesis structure
considered to have covered both the objective approach based on resources
Apart from Introduction and Conclusion, the thesis consists of 3
and the basic needs approach. At present, this approach is one of the most
influential theories and is the premise for the Human Development Index,
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis on quality of life
the Millennium Development Goals, and many other development issues at
Chapter 2. System of statistical indicators measuring quality of life in
the global level.
Viet Nam
1.1.2. Some debates related to concept of quality of life
Chapter 3. Developing calculation method of quality of life index in
Due to heterogeneous approaches as well as personal perceptions,
Viet Nam.
different concepts of the quality of life were mentioned but no widely
accepted concept exists. This leads to many debates related to concept of
the quality of life and how to measure quality of life.
However, in the social science researches, there were two approaches
in measuring quality of life which are discussed the most, including
5 6
objective or subjective approaches and concept of quality of life whether as Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the Happy Planet Index (HPI) of the
uni-dimension or multi-dimension and which dimensions are concerned. New Economics Foundation (NEF), etc.
The objective measurements on quality of life are presented by Not only international organizations but also many countries
evaluating external living conditions while subjective measurements consider worldwide have studied, developed a system of indicators measuring
personal assessments on those conditions. According to Borthwick-Duffy quality of life and calculating composite index reflecting quality of life or
(1992) (quoted in Felce & Perry, 1995, 54), there are 3 perspectives on this similar concepts. Many countries such as England, France, New Zealand,
issue, including: (1) by objective approach, consider quality of life as quality and Canada conducted periodical surveys to collect information for
of living conditions; (2) by subjective approach, quality of life is considered research on quality of life in their nations. Some countries in the same
as satisfaction with life; (3) a combination of two subjective and objective region with Viet Nam have spent many years studying this theme such as
approaches in measuring quality of life based on conceding their strengths Malaysia Quality of Life (MQL) of Malaysia, Green and Happiness Index
and weaknesses. Then, the quality of life is considered as a combination (GHI) of Thailand, etc.
between living conditions and satisfaction with life. According to Cummins The common point of these studies is that the majority of them
(2000), Hagerty et al. (2001), Costanza et al. (2007), Stiglitz et al. (2009), evaluate quality of life in a multi-dimensional manner. Rationale of concept
etc, many researchers agree with the third perspective. and structure of the concept of quality of life or similar concepts are always
In the viewpoint of social research, quality of life is an abstract concept, determined on the basis of theoretical cornerstone or certain philosophies.
accordingly it is often considered with different components (dimensions). In order to measure quality of life, depending on its construct, criteria of
Nowaday, there is a high concurrence in considering quality of life as a multi- indicator selection and data collection ability, each research determines its
dimensional concept (Cummins, 1997; Felce, 1997; Snoek, 2000; Hagerty et certain indicators. However, many researches combined considering
all, 2001; …). Along with this concurrence, many researchers found out the objective and subjective indicators in measuring and assessing quality of
way to determine dimensions or components of quality of life. However, they life. Of which, objective indicators often reflect people’s living conditions
still did not reach consistency on how many dimensions as well as which which are easily collected by different sources, particularly from available
dimensions they are (Alkire, 2008). Generally, three aspects of physical, and official statistics sources. The most discussed objective aspects in the
psychology and society are considered when studying quality of life. assessment on quality of life include: economic conditions, housing
1.1.3. Some measurements of quality of life of international conditions, education, health, environment, family life and community,
organizations and nations worldwide people’s safety and participation. The subjective indicators reflecting
In the last years, on the basis of the previous studies on quality of life people’s perception of life are collected by social surveys.
of scholars worldwide, many international organizations and countries have 1.2. Theoretical framework on quality of life in Viet Nam
conducted different studies on measuring and assessing the changes in 1.2.1. Socio-economic viewpoints and objectives in Viet Nam
quality of life among nations, cities, communities, etc. In spite of existing many issues need solving, development
Accordingly, many composite indices measuring the quality of life perception of Viet Nam is comprehensive-oriented development for every
have been widely published such as United Nations’ World Happiness aspect of socio-economic life, of which focusing on human rights
index (WHI), Better Life Index of the Organization for Economic guarantee; satisfying people’s needs for human development, improve
Cooperation and Development (OECD), Where-to-be-born index of the quality of life. The socio-economic development objectives of Viet Nam as
well as international commitments have clearly indicated that.
7 8
Article 3 of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam components must be not only compliance with the context of Viet Nam but
2013 stated: “The State guarantees and promotes the people's mastery; also appropriate with international practice.
acknowledges, respects, and protects human rights and citizens’ rights; The objective dimensions of quality of life in Vietnam were
implements the objectives of affluent people, powerful state, democracy, identified based on Allardt (1993) and Stiglitz et al. (2009), according to
justice, civilization, and that all people enjoy abundant, free, and happy life the capability approach. Meanwhile, personal perceptions - the subjective
and are given conditions for all-sided development”. dimension of quality of life in Vietnam- are considered based on theory of
The socio - economic development strategy for the period of 2011- 2020 subjective wellbeing. Experiences of international organizations and
clearly states that commitment of Viet Nam Government: “Economic growth countries worldwide as well as real situation in Viet Nam currently are
should be combined with cultural development, implementation of social practical basis.
advance and equality, continuous improvement of people’s life quality,…”. Then, the theoretical framework of the quality of life in Vietnam is
1.2.2. Approaches to measuring quality of life in Viet Nam proposed in Figure 1 below.
From the aforementioned analysis, the author suggests that the
Objective dimensions:
quality of life in Vietnam should be considered in the capability approach,
Economic conditions
also known as human development approach (Cobb, 2000), in combination Housing conditions
with the subjective wellbeing approach. This means that the quality of life Education
in Vietnam needs to be measured by both objective and subjective factors. Health
This combination in the measurement of quality of life in Vietnam is both Family relationship
methodological and in line with the general trend of the world. All experts community
who took part in the in-depth interview agree with this suggestion. Nature environment
Social environment QUALITY
1.2.3. Propose theoretical framework on quality of life in Viet Nam
Governance OF LIFE
With the aforementioned approaches, the quality of life in Viet Nam
Political voice
is a multi-dimensional concept. Of which, objective quality of life is
measured by socio-economic indicators in order to reflect at extent to what
the needs of people’s living conditions are met or can be met; subjective
Subjective dimension:
quality of life is measured by the extent of happiness, wellbeing,
Satisfaction with Life
satisfaction or similar states of each individual. Therefore, from the author's
point of view, the quality of life in Vietnam should be interpreted as
Figure 1. Theoretical framework of Quality of Life in Vietnam
follows: "Quality of life is the extent to which objective human needs of
Source: Author’s suggestion.
living condition are fulfilled in relation to personal perceptions of
This theoretical framework is the basis for practicing measurement
subjective wellbeing”.
and assessment of the quality of life in Viet Nam in a systematic and
Structure of this concept will be defined on the basis of top-down
scientific manner.
approach. Additionally, it should be based on theory in combination with
using selected available list and based on availability of data. These
9 10
The objective of chapter 1 is to develop theoretical framework on the MEASURING QUALITY OF LIFE IN VIET NAM
quality of life in Viet Nam, which consists of concept and its construct. 2.1. General issues on the development of indicator system measuring
This theoretical framework must be developed on the basis of robust quality of life
rationale and practice. 2.1.1. Method of developing indicator system measuring quality of life
Fundamental rationale for the development of theoretical framework The thesis uses the top-down approach (theoretical approach) to
on the quality of life in Viet Nam is theories on the quality of life in the develop indicator system measuring quality of life. The thesis applies
world. Generally, quality of life is approached in the tendency of multi- hierarchical design by Maggino & Zumbo (2012), starting from concept
dimension and multidisciplinary. Theories on quality of life can be model, identifying components of the concept, determining variables, basic
developed by different approaches such as objective approach focused on indicators, finally these indicators are arranged in an appropriate manner in
the resources and living conditions; subjective approach based on personal the indicator system.
well-being; basic needs approach or capability approach. The By this approach, the process of measuring quality of life requests
heterogeneous approaches lead to different perceptions on quality of life. for a sound theoretical framework. Then, these indicators not only simply
However, not any concepts are widely accepted. provide information but also present relationship with concept model.
Practical basis for the development of theoretical framework on the 2.1.2. Requirements and principles of the development of system of
quality of life in Viet Nam is development perspective, socio-economic statistical indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam
development objectives as well as current socio-economic background in According to Noll (2004), a system of indicators must satisfy general
Viet Nam and experience of international organizations, nations in studying requirements, including: (1) being developed on the scientific basis with
quality of life. The analysis shows that the quality of life in Viet Nam theoretical approach and apparent concept; (2) as a comprehensive and
closely associates with human development, economic development, integrated system; (3) using the most appropriate indicators (valuable and
cultural development, social equity and development of safety and healthy reliable); and (4) using the best available database and guarantee
living environment. comparability among nations (or localities).
Accordingly, the thesis goes to conclusion that quality of life in Viet Apart from the aforementioned requirements, a system of statistical
Nam is a multi-dimensional concept which should be considered in line indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam must cover completely
with capability approach in combination with subjective well-being key aspects of the quality of life, meet requirements of measuring quality of
approach. Therefore, the quality of life in Viet Nam must be measured by life in Viet Nam in conformity with certain historic background; indicators
both subjective and objective indicators. The structure of concept of the are strictly regulated in term of content, coverage, calculation method and
quality of life in Viet Nam is divided by 11 components, of which 10 guarantee legality and consistency; make sure of stability in a relatively long
components reflect the needs of objective living condition that should be time but being changeable in conformity with conditions in each period;
met, including: (1) economic conditions, (2) housing conditions, (3) In order to meet the aforementioned requirements, the development
education, (4) health, (5) family relationship, (6) participating in of system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life must comply
community, (7) natural environment, (8) social environment, (9) with the following principles to assure: (1) targeted orientation; (2)
governance and (10) political voice; component (11) reflects people’s systematization; (3) concretization; (4) accuracy; (5) feasibility; (6)
subjective perception to life through their satisfaction with life. international comparability; (7) adaptation; (8) efficiency.
11 12
2.1.3. Criteria to select statistical indicators measuring quality of life aspects of the quality of life, group 11 reflects subjective aspect of the quality
The thesis uses both direct and indirect indicators (proxy) to measure of life and the group 12 reflects the overall quality of life.
quality of life. Besides, types of indicator - input, output or outcome can be 2.2.1. Indicators for measuring the economic conditions
used simultaneously, in which, the output indicators and outcome indicators Indicator 1.1: Employment rate (aged 15 and over) (%)
are preferred. Indicator 1.2: Monthly average income per capita (VND)
The thesis uses 14 criteria used by Jacksonville Community Council, Indicator 1.3: Poverty rate (%)
Incorporated (Florida, United States) when selecting quality of life indicators. Indicator 1.4: Percentage of respondents reporting that their
These criteria include: (1) purposefulness, (2) importance, (3) validity and economic condition has improved in the past 5 years (%)
accuracy, (4) relevance, (5) responsiveness, (6) anticipation, (7) Indicator 1.5: Percentage of laborers having social insurance (%)
understandability, (8) availability and timeliness, (9) stability and reliability, 2.2.2. Indicators for measuring the housing conditions
(10) outcome orientation, (11) asset orientation, (12) scale, (13) clarity, and Indicator 2.1: Percentage of households having permanent house (%)
(14) representativeness. Indicator 2.2: Average dwelling area per capita (m2)
2.1.4. Process of developing system of statistical indicators measuring Indicator 2.3: Percentage of households using hygienic water (%)
quality of life Indicator 2.4: Percentage of households using electricity (%)
As mentioned above, contents of subjective measurement of quality of Indicator 2.5: Percentage of households using hygienic toilet (%)
life exceed over the coverage of the thesis. With the components of Indicator 2.6: Percentage of households having or using at least one
measuring the extent of fulfilling the needs of objective living conditions, of the information and communication equipments (%)
determining indicators is carried out by the following steps: 2.2.3. Indicators for measuring the education
Step 1: Literature review, study international experience in the Indicator 3.1: Literacy rate in population aged 15 and over (%)
development of system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life; Indicator 3.2: Percentage of population with high school diploma or
considering national development goals; study related statistical indicator systems. higher (%)
Step 2: Make the list of indicators and develop a summary of their Indicator 3.3: Number of pupils per teacher
properties. Indicator 3.4: Net enrolment rates (%)
Step 3: Select indicators in line with mentioned criteria and guarantee Indicator 3.5: Completion rate (primary, secondary and high school) (%)
requirements of indicator system as well as comply with principles of Indicator 3.6: Percentage of children under 5 years who are
developing indicator system. monitored for development in health, education and social psychology (%)
Step 4: Consult with experts about the list of indicators proposed in step 3. Indicator 3.7: Number of years of schooling for the population aged
Step 5: Sum up experts’ ideas, study again data properties and 15 and over
selection criteria to make the final indicator system. 2.2.4. Indicators for measuring the health
2.2. Propose a system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life Indicator 4.1: Life expectancy at birth
in Viet Nam Indicator 4.2: Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births)
The system of statistical indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Indicator 4.3: Number of doctors per 10000 people
Nam is divided by 12 groups, of which the first 10 groups reflect objective Indicator 4.4: Number of patient beds per 10000 people
13 14
Indicator 4.5: Percentage of children under 1 year old immunized 2.2.10. Indicators for measuring the political voice
fully vaccinations (%) Indicator 10.1: Percentage of people voted in the National Assembly election (%)
Indicator 4.6: Percentage of children under 5 years old malnutrition (%) Indicator 10.2: Percentage of people voted in the Commune People’s
Indicator 4.7: Percentage of people having health insurance (%) Council Election (%)
2.2.5. Indicators for measuring family relationships Indicator 10.3: Percentage of people voted in the Village Head
Indicator 5.1: Percentage of household having a cultural family certificate (%) Election (%)
Indicator 5.2: Divorce rate (per 1000 people) Indicator 10.4: Percentage of respondent said that the Candidate was
Indicator 5.3: Percentage of household having family violence (%) not suggested (%)
Indicator 5.4: Sex ratio at birth 2.2.11. Indicators for measuring the satisfaction with life
2.2.6. Indicators for measuring the participating community Indicator 11.1: Lever of satisfaction with life
Indicator 6.1: Percentage of villages having cultural house (%) 2.2.12. Indicators for measuring the overall quality of life
Indicator 6.2: Percentage of villages having a cultural village certificate (%) Indicator 12.1: The quality of life index
Indicator 6.3: Percentage of respondents having voluntary In Viet Nam, at present, there are not any researches publishing data
contribution to local projects (%) on the satisfaction of the people with their life. Additionally, similarly to
2.2.7. Indicators for measuring the nature environment the quality of life, satisfaction with life is an abstract concept that is often
Indicator 7.1: Percentage of respondents reporting that the water measured by a multi-item scale. Developing this scale is a complex process
quality has declined in the past three years (%) that needs implementing in a specific research project. This exceeds over
Indicator 7.2: Percentage of respondents reporting that the air quality the author’s ability. Therefore, in the coverage of this thesis, the author
has declined in the past three years (%) only raises issue: it needs to study on the satisfaction with life when
Indicator 7.3: Forest area (% of land area) carrying out measurement of quality of life in Viet Nam. The contents and
Indicator 7.4: Living solid waste collection rate (%) measurement method of satisfaction with life will be continuously studied
2.2.8. Indicators for measuring the social environment in the future.
Indicator 8.1: Criminal rate (per 10000 people) Contents related to composite index of quality of life will be
Indicator 8.2: Percentage of respondents reported they were victims presented in the chapter 3 of this thesis.
of one of the four types of crime (%)
Indicator 8.3: Percentage of respondents said they felt safe walking
alone around the area they live during the night (%)
Indicator 8.4: Safety levels in localities
Indicator 8.5: Road traffic death rate (per 100000 people)
2.2.9. Indicators for measuring the governance
Indicator 9.1: Transparency of local decision-making index
Indicator 9.2: Control of corruption index
Indicator 9.3: Public administrative procedures index.
15 16
The objective of chapter 2 is to develop system of statistical 3.1. Overview of methods of developing composite index
indicators measuring quality of life in Viet Nam. This system must satisfy 3.1.1. Concept and strengths, weaknesses of composite index
general requirements of the indicator system such as scientific basis, a According to OECD (2008), composite index is an index which is
comprehensive and integrated system includes appropriate indicators, built on the basis of combining separated indicators based on basic model
available data and guarantee spatial comparability. Besides that, in order to of measured multi-dimensional concept.
measure quality of life, this system must cover completely key aspects of Composite index is often used to explain about complex issues that
the quality of life; make sure of stability in a long time but being hardly grasp in large fields such as economics, society and environment. Its
changeable to be appropriate in line with each period. strengths include: easy to explain, enable to have an overall look at
The process of developing indicator system for measuring quality of complex multi-dimensional issues to support decision makers; allow to
life must comply with the principles such as: targeted orientation; implement simple comparisons among nations, regions and localities, etc.
systematization; concretization; accuracy; feasibility; international However, its weakness is to mislead easily policies if it is explained
comparability; adaptation; and efficiency. incorrectly or process of developing composite index is not transparent or
not based on a sound conceptual framework. Besides that, high subjective
Indicators are selected according to these criteria, include:
shown by selecting indicators and weights can be issue causing a lot of debates.
purposefulness, importance, validity and accuracy, relevance,
3.1.2. Calculation method of composite index
responsiveness, anticipation, understandability, availability and timeliness,
Currently, there are two methods of calculating composite index that
stability and reliability, outcome orientation, asset orientation, scale, clarity,
are paid much attention by researchers, particularly calculating composite
and representativeness.
index of quality of life or similar indices. They are OECD’s method and
Fundamentally, system of indicators measuring quality of life is
Alkire-Foster one. Generally, each method has its own strengths and
developed by hierarchical design in relation with theoretical approach. This
weaknesses. Selecting which method will depend mainly on data conditions
process results in a system of statistical indicators divided by 12 groups, of
as well as socio-economic background of each nation.
which the 10 first groups measure 10 components of objective quality of
However, the biggest challenge for Alkire-Forster method is to
life, consisting of 48 indicators; group 11 measures subjective quality of
require all data to be collected by the same survey to enable to identify
life and group 12 measures overall quality of life.
consistently missing objects in accordance with a certain criterion (Alkire
Each indicator in the system is presented comprehensively with & Santos, 2011). Additionally, the lack of shortage thresholds of quality of
content, meaning, calculation method and data sources. The indicator life in Viet Nam is also a big obstacle. Therefore, the author proposes to
measuring subjective quality of life is not studied in the coverage of this thesis. develop the quality of life index in Viet Nam by method of OECD (2008).
3.1.3. Selection of calculation method for composite index
Method of developing composite index of OECD (2008) is relatively
complicated with different options in each step of the process, especially in
the contents of data standardization, determining weights and composite
17 18
| − |
According to Mazziotta & Pareto (2013), 4 main factors to take into
account in the choice of the best method for calculating composite index
are as follows: (1) type of indicator (substitutable/non-substitutable); (2) For indicators which have absolute value/or ratio value/or value per
type of aggregation (simple/complex); (3) type of comparison (absolute/ capita, the minimum and maximum values are determined based on the
relative); and (4) type of weights (subjective/objective). It depends on each respective minimum and maximum values in practice; or the actual values
assumption, requirement and real condition to select appropriate solutions. achieved in units (i.e. provinces) for many years (it is advisable to widen
3.2. Propose calculation method of quality of life index in Viet Nam the achievement gap); or the minimum and maximum values established by
international organizations for published indicators.
The thesis proposes the composing of Vietnam quality of life index
For indicators which have percentage value, the thesis chooses the
including the following steps: (1) Developing the theoretical framework;
minimum value as 0 and the maximum value as 100.
(2) Selecting indicators; (3) Normalization of data; (4) Determining 3.2.2. Weighting
weights; and (5) Calculating component indices and the composite index. Determining weights is a source of contention. In general, weights
Steps 1 and 2 have been solved in detail in the first two chapters of should be selected in connection with both the theoretical framework and
the thesis. The methods in steps 3, 4 and 5 will be selected based on the data properties.
suggestions of Mazziotta & Pareto (2013), available data and the ability to Weights can be defined objectively or subjectively. Objective
apply in practice. weights are determined by statistical methods based on mathematical
3.2.1. Normalization of Data models, therefore, they are more objective and less controversial. However,
Normalization to ensure comparability across indicators is required due to lack of accordant data, it is impossible for the thesis to use these
prior to data aggregation. methods to determine the objective weights.
The thesis chooses Min-Max to normalize data for its simplest and The subjective weights will be used to calculate the quality of life
most common normalization procedure. Then, all normalized indicators index in Vietnam. Since the structure of the quality of life concept is
have the same range of variation (0.1), but not necessarily the same composed of several dimensions, we must calculate the component indices
before calculating the composite index. Based on the results of in-depth
variance. The higher normalized indicator is, the better quality of life is.
expert interviews and available data, the thesis chooses equal weights for
(3.1) individual indicators in calculating component indices but unequal weights
for components in calculating the composite index.
In case of highly skewed indicators, we should use the logarithmic
The budget allocation approach (BAP) is used to determine unequal
ln( ) − ln( )
transformation, as follow.
weights for components of the quality of life. This is a method of
ln( ) − ln( )
(3.2) determining subjective weights based on expert interviews.
3.2.3. Aggregation
In case of negative indicators, normalization is used to transform the value
In general, the choice of how the index is aggregated depends on the
into positive orientation. Then the normalized equation is defined as follows:
view about whether compensability between individual indicators or
(3.3) dimensions is allowed.
In this thesis, the arithmetic mean should be used to calculate
In case of indicators having optimal value, meaning that the value of components indices. It means that compensation among indicators in each
these indicators should be close to a certain central value (the optimal dimension is allowed. Because of equal weights among indicators in each
threshold). The normalized equation is defined as follow: dimension, the component indices are calculated by simple mean formula:
19 20
measuring the objective quality of life because of unavailable data on the
where is component index of dimension i (i=1, #); n is the number
satisfaction with life.
of components; is value of individual indicator j after
48 individual indicators are normalized by the Min-Max
!); and m is the number of
transformation with the minimum and maximum values determined as stated
normalization in each component (j=1, in section 3.2.1.
indicators in each component. The weightings of the component indices are determined by the BAP
However, with a view of partially compensation, that the quality of method using the constant sum scaling. The mean score of each component is
life index should be calculated by geometric mean will encourage the equal the basis for determining the weight of that component. Besides, pair sample
development of all quality of life’s components in Vietnam. Because of t-test is useful to examine whether there is a significant difference in mean
unequal weights among components, the quality of life index is calculated scores among the quality of life’s dimensions. Results show that 10 quality of
by weighted geometrics mean, as follow: life’s dimensions can be divided into 4 groups. Then, weight of each
∑ )(
= %& '(
dimension in each group is calculated by simple mean of mean scores of all
(3.6) dimensions in that group dividing by 10. Hence, sum of weights is 10. As a
result, weight of each component in group 1 (economic conditions) is 1.9;
where I is the quality of life index; Ii is the component index I; fi is group 2 (housing conditions, education, health and family relationship) is
weight of the component index i. 1.2; group 3 (nature environment and social environment) is 0.9; and group 4
According to the United Nations’s experience when developing the (participating community, governance and political voice) is 0.5.
Human Development Index, the author proposes to evaluate the quality of Component indices are calculated according to formula 3.5, which is
life in Vietnam depending on the index’s value as follows. the simple mean of normalized indicators.
Table 3.1. Value framework of the quality of life index in Viet Nam Table 3.7. Results of calculating component indices
Value of the quality of life index Conclusion No Component Symbol Component index
I < 0,3 Very low quality of life 1 Economic conditions I1 0.617
0,3 ≤ I < 0,5 Low quality of life 2 Housing conditions I2 0.791
0,5 ≤ I < 0,7 Medium quality of life 3 Education I3 0.608
0,7 ≤ I < 0,8 Fairly high quality of life 4 Health I4 0.695
0,8 ≤ I < 0,9 High quality of life 5 Family relationship I5 0.864
I ≥ 0,9 Very high quality of life 6 Participating community I6 0.574
7 Natural environment I7 0.601
Source: Author’s suggestion.
8 Social environment I8 0.733
3.3. Pilot calculate the quality of life index in Viet Nam
9 Governance I9 0.572
3.3.1. Result of pilot calculating the quality of life index in Viet Nam
10 Political voice I10 0.564
Due to the heterogeneous spatial and temporal data, the thesis only
Source: Author’s own calculation.
calculates the quality of life index in Vietnam at the national level in 2016. In
The composite index is calculated by using the formula 3.6. As a
addition, this composite index is calculated based on 10 groups of indicators
result, with the value of 0.671, the achievement of quality of life in
Vietnam is at medium level.