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all members must consider keeping their position in negotiating,
keeping business and administration secrets, etc to maintain power
in cooperation.
1.1. Reasons for choosing the topic and research context - Previous studies on KA in SC are mainly conducted in the context
1.1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic of developed countries or in enterprises with partners in developed
In theory: Sharing and knowledge acquisition (KA) is very countries (for example, Zhenxin Yu et al, 2001; Benton and Maloni,
important for each organization in general and for the members in 2005; Shih et al., 2012) or in the industry favoring research and
the supply chain (SC) in particular. According to Grant, 1996b, development (Grant 1996b, Shih et al., 2012). In those cases, new
"Knowledge is considered the most important strategic resource". In technology and knowledge are the key to cooperation, sharing and
order to survive and succeed, businesses must constantly expand and KA. Meanwhile, even in SCs that are not in favor of research and
enhance their knowledge, which depends on internal knowledge development, the demand for KA from partners in SC is also vital
sources as well as the ability to integrate knowledge from outside. and should be implemented regularly and continuously.
Grant and Charles (1995) also emphasized that knowledge can be - KA have a distinction between different types of businesses, such
integrated from outside through cooperation with other parties. as Grant, (1996b), Shih et al., (2012) studied businesses in the
The research on KA is no longer new, there have been many studies direction of development researches or studies by Zhenxin Yu et al.
on this issue in Vietnam and all over the world, but there are still (2001); Benton and Maloni, (2005); Phan et al (2006), Shih et al,
some shortcomings: (2012), Hong and Nguyen (2013) focused on joint-venture
- KA itself is a process and ever-developing. Huber (1991) argued enterprises and multinational enterprises. Thereby, it can be seen that
that learning and KA "change the scope of its potential behaviors characteristics of different types of enterprises can also affect and
and potentially lead to better results". create differences in KA of enterprises. However, previous studies
- KA in SC has many characteristics, however, previous studies have have not mentioned or had any empirical studies to prove this.
not fully mentioned or reflected all these characteristics. They are (1) - The specific business environment in Vietnam that is different
SC members exercise KA as both learning organizations and from the world business environment can lead to different levels of
businesses with close and cooperative relationships in a unified impact on KA factors. This requires more empirical research to
manner to bring products from production to consumption. verify.
However, the existing studies on KA of enterprises are only in either In practical terms:
side without research around the sharing and KA integrating both - Receiving and sharing of knowledge in learning organizations in
sides. (2) When sharing and exercising KA among members of SC,
3 4
general and in the enterprises in supply chain in particular in and development and is highly universal. Upstream Lubricant SC:
Vietnam has not truly been paid attention and has not brought about Vietnam has not yet been able to produce the main materials for the
positive results. In the Vietnamese market, there are many sectors production of lubricants. Base oil and additives must be imported
and domestic products that are successfully dominating the market, from a few providers in the world. Manufacturers and auxiliary
especially in the downstream of SCs. These advantages may no suppliers: Depending on the quality of lubricants, manufacturer will
longer exist if the competitive advantages of Vietnamese SCs are choose and test the most cost-effective mix to put into production.
unsustainable and unique. Enhancing the mutual KA among Therefore, the competitive advantage of manufacturer is not from
enterprises in the Vietnam SC in order to develop the unique and research and development, but from cost savings and lowering of
hidden knowledge of its members into the knowledge of the chain production costs. In fact, large lubricant manufacturers in Vietnam
and at the same time strengthening the cooperation and solidarity have been positioned in the market, cooperated closely with each
relationship within Vietnam SC is a solution to improve sustainable other and with providers to buy large amount of raw materials with
competitiveness. low wholesale prices to reduce costs, thus input not a competitive
- So far in Vietnam, there seems to be no empirical studies on advantage among SCs. Downstream SC lubricant: The difference of
sharing and KA in SC, especially studies on KA in SCs that are not lubricants SC in Vietnam is the distribution system. In each segment,
in favor of research and development are very popular among the manufacturer is also the leader of the distribution system. The
Vietnamese enterprises. In fact, studies on KA in SC has only been major lubricants on the market are trying to participate in all market
found in developed countries. Studies on KA of enterprises in segments, but only have advantages in some segments. Domestic
Vietnam mainly focus on enterprises with foreign capital. An lubricant companies often focus on products of average quality in
empirical study is needed to determine the similarities or differences segments of Group (1) lubricants for motorcycles, cars and Groups
between the factors that affect the KA of enterprises in the specific (2) lubricants for trucks and buses. The supply of lubricants in group
conditions of enterprises in SC in Vietnam. (3) for industrial machinery and group (4) of marine lubricants faces
Stemming from the above reasons of theory and practice, the author with many technical barriers that not all domestic lubricants can
has selected the theme ‘Factors affecting KA of enterprises in meet.
lubricant SC in Vietnam' as the research topic of the thesis. This Secondly, in lubricant SC, the need to know and update general
topic is both significant in theory and very meaningful in the knowledge about trade items, machinery, practices and knowledge in
management practice of the managers of enterprises in Vietnam. product management and distribution, etc throughout the system is
1.1.2 The research context is that Vietnam lubricant SC has met the always set. Since lubricants are ancillary products associated with
set criteria. First of all, this is a typical SC, not directed to research each generation of equipment, machinery, means of transport, etc,
5 6
the need to exchange information, update knowledge to enhance Objects of research: are the theories and practices of factors affecting
strength, support relationships in the SC system is an essential KA of enterprises in lubricant SC in Vietnam.
requirement. Research scope:
Next, in addition to representativeness, typically for non-research- - Object of study: is the lubricant SC of a lubricant manufacturer in
based SCs but still in need of KA, the choice of lubricant SC also Vietnam, Petrolimex lubricant SC. This is the most universal SC,
has some advantages, which are essential in research and survey representing all the inherent characteristics of lubricant SC in
organizations. The lubricant SC is a traditional SC, with diversified Vietnam. The decision to "analyze the members of the SC of a single
members, distinguishable materials and products as well as cash lead company to avoid the confounding effects due to the influence
flow and information, determinable location and position of of companies operating in many different SCs" (Hult et al., 2004)
companies participating in SC, so that each member of SC can be had been posed in the study of Qile He et al (2013).
determined as the KA unit or knowledge transfer unit. - Research space: Study and survey of enterprises in Petrolimex
lubricant SC in the whole country.
1.2. Objectives of the study
- Research period: study of KA activities of enterprises in
- Determine the number of factors affecting KA of enterprises as a Petrolimex lubricant SC in the period of 2013-2017.
member of lubricant SC in Vietnam.
1.4. Research Methods
- Assess the impact of KA factors of enterprises as a member of
lubricant SC in Vietnam. The thesis combines the use of both quantitative and qualitative
- Show the difference in KA among different enterprise groups in research methods. With each research method used in the thesis,
lubricant SC in Vietnam. there are two steps: data collecting and data processing.
- Show the change in the impact level of factors affecting KA of a Collect and process secondary data to propose solutions to improve
learning organization when studying in the context of an enterprise KA effectiveness of SC members.
in SC in Vietnam. Collect and process primary data:
- Based on the research results of the thesis and the synthesis of Collect and process primary data in qualitative research, 1 group
information related to difficulties and barriers that enterprises in discussion and in-depth interviews with 3 SC members were carried
lubricant SC in Vietnam face when KA is from outside, propose out. Primary data obtained is the basis for completing observed
some management suggestions, improving KA of enterprise in variables and Questionnaires. At the same time explain the
lubricant SC in Vietnam. conclusions obtained from quantitative research and enrich
management solutions.
1.3. Object and scope of the study
7 8
Collection and processing of primary data in quantitative research: verification model, and Detects 06 factors affecting the KA of the
are done in the following order: enterprises in SC. The thesis also affirms the compatibility of the set
Questionnaires design: original English questions were translated of measurement criteria affecting the KA of the appropriate learning
into Vietnamese. To ensure uniformity in understanding, organization of enterprise in SC and vice versa; shows the
questionnaires will be translated back into English. These questions differences and consistency between a learning organization and a
were revised and supplemented during the qualitative research member in SC.
process and continued to be revised before the officially handed out. -The study has proved that the new measurement criteria are
The correction of questionnaires was based on model changes and appropriate and statistically significant, which is the criterion "Pay
the addition or reduction of observed variables to match the actual attention and spend time searching for information and knowledge
conditions of the case study of the lubricant SC in Vietnam from partners" for the independent variable "The ability of employee
Research sample design following the method was used by Hult et to learn" and the criterion "Regularly exchange information and
al. (2004) and Qile He et al (2013). In particular, the author used SC knowledge with partners" for the "Enterprise Culture" variable.
of a single lead company as a sampling frame. The sample size is - The research shows that there are differences in KA among
calculated according to the method proposed by J.F Hair et al. enterprises: inside and outside a corporation integration, among
(1998). enterprises with different types, capital scale, labor, location and
Collection of data through mail survey. Subjects answering time of cooperation.
questionnaires are managers of enterprise in SC. The survey was
Contribution to practice
mailed and/or emailed as a survey by Petrolimex Petrochemical
- Identify and indicate the impact level of the factors affecting the
Corporation – the leading enterprise of Petrolimex lubricant SC.
KA of the enterprises in SC. The internal forces of enterprise such as
Data processing Before being put into statistical processing, data
“enterprise culture”, “enterprise’s investment for training” and
will be filtered and encoded. In addition to the description statistics,
“Business cooperation contacts” have the strongest impact on KA.
the data is analyzed with statistical processing software SPSS 20.
Individual capacity in enterprise does not significantly affect KA. In
1.5. New contributions of the thesis Petrolimex lubricant SC, KA of enterprise depends on the policy and
the interest of the head of the enterprise.
Contribution to reasoning
- Provide management suggestions to enhance new external KA.
- From a knowledge-based management perspective, an enterprise
They are (1) Creating a culture of learning, acquiring new
participates in SC and is both an independent learning organization
knowledge from outside (2) Policy and commitment to resources for
and an enterprise in SC. The thesis proposes a research and
9 10
training, especially the enterprise at the center of SC. (3) Enriching resources that other competitors lack allow enterprises to receive
the forms of knowledge sharing in line with industry characteristics economic benefits virtually resemble monopoly (Wenerfelt, 1984).
(4) Enhancing exchanges and cooperation in many fields of SC (5) Therein, knowledge is the source of resources to develop and
Restricting the use of power (6) Having clear, long-term, respectful maintain a competitive advantage, hence equals an irreplaceable
and equal cooperation policies for all partners (7) Promoting brand resource (Barney, 1991). The theory of resources sees knowledge as
credibility, spreading culture and accumulated knowledge of the most important strategic resource (Grant, 1996), which is a source
Petrolimex in all lubricant SC. and a basis for developing knowledge-based management theory.
- Open up the next research directions, which are researches under
2.1.1. Knowledge-based view
the following conditions: (1) Differences in industry characteristics,
From the knowledge-based view (KBV), Kogut & Zander (1992)
scale, functions, etc (2) KA of members in vertical integration (3)
argue that knowledge, including information and expertise held by
Analysis of the impact of the factor groups affecting KA in SC (4)
individuals and expressed in codes of conduct that following which,
The effectiveness of KA in SC.
members work together in a social community. Under this
perspective, SC management will be more abundant and effective
CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND, RELATED when approached under the perspective of knowledge-based
RESEARCH OVERVIEW ON RECEPTION OF management. The boundaries of an organization are defined by the
KNOWLEDGE IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN AND RESEARCH limit of knowledge and the ability to bind knowledge between the
MODEL PROPOSAL creator and the user. The organization plays a role in clarifying,
amplifying and integrating the knowledge created by individuals into
general knowledge. General knowledge is a means assisting
2.1. Theoretical basis of KA of enterprises in SC
individuals in communicating information with each other.
According to management theory based on resources, valuable,
Knowledge can be integrated from external sources through a
scarce, inimitable and irreplaceable resources (Barney, 1991) and the
network of contacts beyond the enterprise border.
organization's core ability or capacity are sources of sustainable
The traditional KBV school emphasizes the importance of
competitive advantage for enterprises. This theory suggests that
knowledge to create a competitive advantage, thus the learning of
resources are heterogeneous and cannot move freely among
the organization explains the knowledge creating process in an
enterprises. Resource theory conceives the success or failure of
organization. Learning in an organization refers to KA as part of the
enterprises depends on the resources owned by enterprises (Barney,
learning process, in which individuals acquire knowledge, and
1991; Grant, 1997; Reid & ctg, 2001). At the same time, owning the
11 12
organizations create an environment for individuals to acquire that Panayides & Venus Lun, 2009, Dang Van My, 201). Research
knowledge. KA is the first element in the organization's learning direction on partnership management in SC, showing that
process (Huber, 1991). These variables are a prerequisite for studies partnership is a good environment to share and acquire knowledge
of factors affecting an organization's KA. among partners (eg Hult et al, 2004; Modi & Mabert, 2007; Pedroso
2.1.2. SC and SC administration & Nakano, 2009; Shih et al., 2012). In another aspect, the power
SC is a collection of three or more entities that are directly related to factor and the interdependence between partners in SC are proved to
the flow of products / services, finance and information from have an effect on KA (Caniels & Gelderman, 2007 and Qile He et
suppliers of raw materials to customers and vice versa (Mentzer et al., 2013). KA in SC is also found as a consequence of studies of SC
al., 2001). ). According to Christopher (2005) SC manager is to efficacy (Rauniar et al., 2008; Lawson et al, 2009; Cao and Zhang,
manage multidimensional relationships between buyers and sellers 2010). Conversely, only going into analyzing some image elements
in order to give customers higher values at lower costs in SC. (Emerson, 1962; Caniels & Gelderman, 2007; Qile He et al., 2013)
Effective management of SC shows through the increasing flow of or creating a good environment for KA in the organization (Hult et
material and cash into the chain. However, in order to do this, the al, 2004; Modi & Mabert, 2007; Rauniar et al, 2008; Shih et al.,
information flow needs to be smooth and moreover, the role of the 2012), but have yet to find general studies on the factors affecting
central enterprise in choosing and encouraging information sharing KA in SC.
among members is significant to create a common effect in SC. There are also some studies examining the members of the chain
With a traditional SC, product brand owners are the market leaders from the perspective of a member of the KA organization from
and have an important role in sharing and KA among chain members. outside, from the perspective of the organization (Spekman et al.,
2002; Hult et al., 2004; Mohammad et al, 2014) but still sporadic.
2.1.3. KA in SC
Very few studies have taken KA in SC as the main research object, it 2.2. Overview of studies on the factors affecting KA
is often mentioned in a discrete, insignificant way and serves for
Development of Huber's theory (1991) on organizational learning,
other purposes. Studies on SC effectiveness show that chain
from the perspective of Knowledge-based Management, the studies
efficiency depends greatly on the truthfulness and accuracy of
of Phan et al (2006) and Lane et al. (2001) mentioned the KA
information. Accordingly, there has been a class of researches on
process following the logic of knowledge flow. Factors affecting the
information flow management in SC. In particular, KA - a more
KA of organizations and SC members found before and after that
"deep" and "rich" form of information, is referred to as a
can be gathered into one of the factor groups: The ability to
consequence (for example, Hult et al., 2004; Modi & Mabert, 2007;
recognize new external knowledge; The ability to absorb new
13 14
external knowledge and the ability to apply new external knowledge. (5) Entrepreneurial culture contains dynamic elements in the
These are the factors: learning process of enterprises (Hatch, 1993) and promotes the
(1) The relationship of the business cooperation system between acquisition of new knowledge, (Lee & Peterson, 2000). In their
knowledge-provider and knowledge-receiver enterprises, according research, Lai & Lee (2007) found enterprises with strong
to Phan et al (2006), when new business relationships arise, partners Entrepreneurial culture would have more knowledge activities, it
have the opportunity to recognize new knowledge that needs to be promotes internalization, acquisition of values and knowledge
learned, obtained from their partners. Hanvanich et al. (2005); (Hatch, 1993). Therefore, there is a basis to propose that
Inkpen & Tsang (2005); Lane et al (2001) and more support this view. Entrepreneurial culture plays an active and direct role to KA.
(2) ENTERPRISE's investment in training, also according to Phan et (6) Joint participation of local staff and expats in enterprise’s
al (2006), when enterprise cares and invests in training, they will activities in joint venture companies in Vietnam is proved by Phan et
find learning is necessary, thereby, each individual will be active in al (2006) to have a positive impact on the level of that enterprise’s
searching and recognizing related new external knowledge that need KA, hence the possible positive impact on the KA of enterprises in SC.
to be received. Studies by Nguyen & Hong (2013), Lyles & Barden (7) enterprises’ written goals and plans demonstrate the ability to
(2000); Tsang et al (2004), Mohammad et al (2014); Spekman et al apply new knowledge to enterprise activities to receive knowledge.
(2002) and many other works bear similar results. Lyles & Salk (1996) notes that department goals and plans can
(3) Trust among partners, only mutual trust encourages a company to facilitate understanding of common development goals; Thereby, the
positively transfer knowledge, to point out and to help KA organization can focus learning resources for employees in
companies understand the knowledge provided. When they begin to accordance with common goals and tasks. These are internal
trust each other, all parties will be willing to share their knowledge organizational factors, thus it can also affect KA in SC's enterprise.
without fear of being taken advantage of by their partners. The factors affecting KA of enterprises in SC were found largely
Conversely, when knowledge comes from reliable sources, similar to the factors affecting KA in the organization and were
recipients will not take time and effort to verify the accuracy and mentioned above. In addition, the elements of "Power and
validity of knowledge (Phan et al., 2006; Inkpen & Currall, 2004; Interdependence" among partners, as voluntary as in SC, were also
Lane et al, 2001; Spekman et al, 2002; Modi & Mabert, 2007; found to have direct impacts on KA in studies by Emerson (1962);
Panayides & Venus Lun, 2009 and Truong, 2014). Caniels & Gelderman (2007) and most recently Qile He et al
(4) Employee learning ability is recognized by Zahra & George (2013),. According to Qile He et al (2013), weak partners have few
(2002) and Phan et al (2006). The ability of the staff to learn shows (8) alternatives that will limit exposure to valuable knowledge to
through what employees learn from their partners. stronger partners in order to avoid exploitation and reduce the
15 16
possibility of knowledge obsolescence. Meanwhile, policies of
Entrepreneurial +H5
companies regarding the use of power and the way that power is culture
used have been proven to influence on the sharing of information.
The ability to
Beecham & Cordey - Hayes (1998) argued that different levels of Joint participation
apply new
intention to exercise power can affect the level of knowledge
sharing. Thus, (9) Restricting the use of power will enhance Formal goals and +H7
knowledge sharing among SC partners. Dang's research (2014) at plans
enterprises in Vietnam shows that power is the factor that influences Availability of -H8
Power and
the exchange and reception of information and knowledge. alternatives
2.3. Designing a model to study the factors affecting KA in SC.
Restraint in the use of +H9
The proposed research model is presented as Figure 2.5. power
Research hypotheses: With the above arguments, it can be assumed Hypothesis H3 Trust between transfer partners and KA positively
that the factors found in the review study also affect KA in SC: impacts KA ability
Hypothesis H1 Relationship between enterprise receiving knowledge Hypothesis 4 The ability of KA organization’s employees to learn
and business cooperation with the transferor of knowledge positively positively affects KA ability
affects KA's ability. Hypothesis 5 Entrepreneurial culture in KA organization positively
Hypothesis H2 enterprise’s investment in training positively affects affects KA ability
KA ability Hypothesis H6 The Joint participation of staff with the knowledge
Figure 2.5 - Proposed research model transfer expert in activities has a positive effect on KA ability of the
+H1 KA organization.
knowledge outside
recognize new
Hypothesis H7. Specified goals and plans have a positive impact on
The ability to
+H2 the external KA ability.
Investment in training
Hypothesis H8 The availability of alternatives for partners is
+H3 negatively related to the KA ability between a company and its SC
Trust partners.
Hypothesis H9. Limiting the use of power in the relationship
Employee’s ability to +H4
y to
learn between a company and its SC partners has a positive effect on KA
17 18
The ability to
external new
ability. Employee’s ability to
Entrepreneurial +H5
The ability to
Joint participation
apply new
3.1. Qualitative research
Formal goals and +H7 Role, scale,
The results of qualitative research contribute to asserting that the plans collaboration
proposed hypotheses are appropriate and at the same time time, benefit
Availability of -H8 ratio, affiliate
discovering the identification characteristics of enterprise that affects
Power and
alternatives membership
KA of SC members. Thus, the research model is officially
completed as shown in Figure 3.1 below. +H9
Restraint in the use
In the official research model, the hypotheses were stated consistent of power
with the research results presented.
With the factors affecting the organization's KA gathered from The set of measurement criteria ‘Worker's ability to learn in
elements with similar characteristics, each element can find many enterprise’, which is developed by Lyles & Barden(2000) and Phan
different sets of measurement criteria. Qualitative research has et al (2006) with 4 criteria, is recommended to add criterion (5)
provided the author with a basis to select the measuring indicator Regularly exchange information and knowledge with partners,
that best suits the research context, and propose some new because good employees not only actively work with customers and
measurement criteria, which are: exchange accurate information with customers, but also understand
Figure 3 . 1 - Official research model and grasp all customer information, to propose appropriate policies
+H1 for them. - the measurement criteria 'Entrepreneurial culture', in
knowledge outside
recognize new
addition to Truong's five measurement criteria (2014) further
The ability to
Investment in +H2 developed from Lai & Lee (2007), showing that if an enterprise
training wants to create new knowledge, then 'listening, collecting
information and knowledge from partners' as a basis for creating
Trust knowledge is necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to add the
measurement criteria (6) Spend time searching, collecting
19 20
information and knowledge from partners to more fully reflect the Questionnaires were designed in paper and electronic forms with 2
Entrepreneurial culture factor in external KA. versions in Vietnamese and English. Link to the online questionnaire is:
-the set of measurement criteria “Joint participation” of employees https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SEKKRSMdinj_m8yKA-
with experts of the transfer of knowledge in the activities of Lyles a_ixGaAG6TqcPV5qjUTwjWbY.
(1996) includes 5 measurement criteria. In practice, criteria (1) Be Data collection process Questionnaires collected from June to
fully informed of expert activities and (4) equal opportunity in December 2016 were 1,378, with 1,329 valid.
decision making are inconsistent with the general operating Analysis and data processing The answers are screened, processed,
conditions of partners in SC as well as i knowledge exchange and coded and entered into SPSS 20 software. In addition to the
acquisition. descriptive statistics, data analysis process is conducted through the
The results of qualitative research also find suggestions to improve following steps:
KA among SC members. These contents will be presented in detail Testing of the value of variables with Exploratory Factor Analysis
in chapter 4. (EFA) method. With indicators 0.5 ≤ KMO ≤ 1; Bartlett test with Sig
<0.05; Factor Loading ≥ 0.5; Total Variance Explained ≥ 50%;
3.2. Quantitative research
Eigenvalue> 1, the draw factor has the best value.
Sample selection The author applied the sampling method proposed Evaluate the reliability of the scale with the Cronbach’s Alpha.
by Hult et al. (2004) and applied in studies of Hallikas et al. (2005) (Corrected Item – Total Correlation)> 0.3; Cronbach’s Alpha ≥ 0.7.
and Qile He et al. (2013, in which use the SC of the only focal Correlation analysis with the Pearson correlation coefficient. The
company as the sampling frame. multicollinearity phenomenon should be considered when the
The analysis unit is the enterprises in Petrolimex lubricant SC. The Pearson correlation coefficient is> 0.3.
subjects of interview are the leaders / managers or a person directly Multivariate regression analysis: by F test with sigα <0.05;
using / selling Petrolimex lubricant products. Tolerance> 0.0001 and VIF <10.
Structure and sample size: using the method of J. F. Hair et al. Result:
(2006). With 43 measurement criteria, the minimum sample size is As of the first EFA, 38 measurement criteria were grouped into 8
43 * 5 = 215 observation units; the best option is 43 * 20 = 860 factors, in which the measurement criteria of LHDT3 had Factor
observation units. For multivariate regression, the minimum sample Loading coefficient> 0.5 at both groups, thus were excluded from
size: 50 + 8 * 9 (independent variable) = 122 observation units. the EFA. For the second analysis, 37 measurement criteria were
Summarizing the above requirements, the minimum sample size of grouped into 8 factors, all variables have Factor Loading
the study is 215 and preferably above 860 observation units. coefficient> 0.5.
21 22
Cronbach's Alpha reliability test: Measurements and scales were - There is a difference in KA among subjects answering questions;
reliable, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient> 0.7. The TGC and VBH between the enterprise that is a PLX member and members of the
factors are measured by two items, and unqualified for reliability SC; between enterprises with different capital scale; between
testing, (Nguyen Dinh Tho, 2011). Therefore it is assumed that the enterprises with different positions in SC; between ENTERPRISE
conditions are satisfied and the following tests are carried out. have different cooperation time in SC; between different types of
Testing hypotheses Correlation testing of variables, sigα values are ENTERPRISE in SC.
all <0.05, the variables are correlated with each other and -Not enough basis to confirm that there is a difference in KA among
statistically significant. enterprises with different revenue ratios from SC.
Validation of Variables models are valid for Tolerance> 0.0001 and
VIF from 1,583 to 2,999 <10, thus the model is accepted. The value
of sigαTGC = 0.887 and sigαVBH = 0.943> 0.05, thus are
eliminated; The remaining 6 factors are accepted and the level of
Discussing research results: Through the results obtained from
impact on KA is shown in Table 3.22
screening of measurement factors of the original 9 proposed factors,
ANOVA test: after analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Post Hoc
through logical arguments as well as those collected from expert
test, it can be concluded with 95% reliability that:
interviews, there were 40 measuring criteria measuring put into
Table 3.22 Factors affecting KA (2)
testing, there are 2 new measurement criteria, which are the research
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Collinearity results of the thesis. Through quantitative analysis techniques, the
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics remaining 33 measurement criteria were accepted, of which two are
B Std. Er Beta Tolerance VIF the proposed new metrics, gathered into the six influential factors
(Constant) 0,264 0,093 2,841 0,005 and they explains 64.1% variation of the dependent variable KA-
VHDN 0,422 0,027 0,384 15,437 0,000 0,439 2,280 'KA'. The factors obtained from the test results of chapter 3 are
KNHH -0,060 0,029 -0,058 -2,040 0,042 0,333 2,999 rearranged into the research model as shown in Figure 4.1.
LCTT -0,169 0,020 -0,175 -8,429 0,000 0,632 1,583
DTDT 0,266 0,017 0,349 15,676 0,000 0,548 1,826 The ability to +0,166
LHDT 0,233 0,022 0,248 10,483 0,000 0,484 2,066 recognize
HCQL 0,209 0,027 0,166 7,745 0,000 0,591 1,691
knowledge Investment in +0,248 TNTT
R2 0,641 outside training
Durbin- Watson 1,957
all members must consider keeping their position in negotiating,
keeping business and administration secrets, etc to maintain power
in cooperation.
1.1. Reasons for choosing the topic and research context - Previous studies on KA in SC are mainly conducted in the context
1.1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic of developed countries or in enterprises with partners in developed
In theory: Sharing and knowledge acquisition (KA) is very countries (for example, Zhenxin Yu et al, 2001; Benton and Maloni,
important for each organization in general and for the members in 2005; Shih et al., 2012) or in the industry favoring research and
the supply chain (SC) in particular. According to Grant, 1996b, development (Grant 1996b, Shih et al., 2012). In those cases, new
"Knowledge is considered the most important strategic resource". In technology and knowledge are the key to cooperation, sharing and
order to survive and succeed, businesses must constantly expand and KA. Meanwhile, even in SCs that are not in favor of research and
enhance their knowledge, which depends on internal knowledge development, the demand for KA from partners in SC is also vital
sources as well as the ability to integrate knowledge from outside. and should be implemented regularly and continuously.
Grant and Charles (1995) also emphasized that knowledge can be - KA have a distinction between different types of businesses, such
integrated from outside through cooperation with other parties. as Grant, (1996b), Shih et al., (2012) studied businesses in the
The research on KA is no longer new, there have been many studies direction of development researches or studies by Zhenxin Yu et al.
on this issue in Vietnam and all over the world, but there are still (2001); Benton and Maloni, (2005); Phan et al (2006), Shih et al,
some shortcomings: (2012), Hong and Nguyen (2013) focused on joint-venture
- KA itself is a process and ever-developing. Huber (1991) argued enterprises and multinational enterprises. Thereby, it can be seen that
that learning and KA "change the scope of its potential behaviors characteristics of different types of enterprises can also affect and
and potentially lead to better results". create differences in KA of enterprises. However, previous studies
- KA in SC has many characteristics, however, previous studies have have not mentioned or had any empirical studies to prove this.
not fully mentioned or reflected all these characteristics. They are (1) - The specific business environment in Vietnam that is different
SC members exercise KA as both learning organizations and from the world business environment can lead to different levels of
businesses with close and cooperative relationships in a unified impact on KA factors. This requires more empirical research to
manner to bring products from production to consumption. verify.
However, the existing studies on KA of enterprises are only in either In practical terms:
side without research around the sharing and KA integrating both - Receiving and sharing of knowledge in learning organizations in
sides. (2) When sharing and exercising KA among members of SC,
3 4
general and in the enterprises in supply chain in particular in and development and is highly universal. Upstream Lubricant SC:
Vietnam has not truly been paid attention and has not brought about Vietnam has not yet been able to produce the main materials for the
positive results. In the Vietnamese market, there are many sectors production of lubricants. Base oil and additives must be imported
and domestic products that are successfully dominating the market, from a few providers in the world. Manufacturers and auxiliary
especially in the downstream of SCs. These advantages may no suppliers: Depending on the quality of lubricants, manufacturer will
longer exist if the competitive advantages of Vietnamese SCs are choose and test the most cost-effective mix to put into production.
unsustainable and unique. Enhancing the mutual KA among Therefore, the competitive advantage of manufacturer is not from
enterprises in the Vietnam SC in order to develop the unique and research and development, but from cost savings and lowering of
hidden knowledge of its members into the knowledge of the chain production costs. In fact, large lubricant manufacturers in Vietnam
and at the same time strengthening the cooperation and solidarity have been positioned in the market, cooperated closely with each
relationship within Vietnam SC is a solution to improve sustainable other and with providers to buy large amount of raw materials with
competitiveness. low wholesale prices to reduce costs, thus input not a competitive
- So far in Vietnam, there seems to be no empirical studies on advantage among SCs. Downstream SC lubricant: The difference of
sharing and KA in SC, especially studies on KA in SCs that are not lubricants SC in Vietnam is the distribution system. In each segment,
in favor of research and development are very popular among the manufacturer is also the leader of the distribution system. The
Vietnamese enterprises. In fact, studies on KA in SC has only been major lubricants on the market are trying to participate in all market
found in developed countries. Studies on KA of enterprises in segments, but only have advantages in some segments. Domestic
Vietnam mainly focus on enterprises with foreign capital. An lubricant companies often focus on products of average quality in
empirical study is needed to determine the similarities or differences segments of Group (1) lubricants for motorcycles, cars and Groups
between the factors that affect the KA of enterprises in the specific (2) lubricants for trucks and buses. The supply of lubricants in group
conditions of enterprises in SC in Vietnam. (3) for industrial machinery and group (4) of marine lubricants faces
Stemming from the above reasons of theory and practice, the author with many technical barriers that not all domestic lubricants can
has selected the theme ‘Factors affecting KA of enterprises in meet.
lubricant SC in Vietnam' as the research topic of the thesis. This Secondly, in lubricant SC, the need to know and update general
topic is both significant in theory and very meaningful in the knowledge about trade items, machinery, practices and knowledge in
management practice of the managers of enterprises in Vietnam. product management and distribution, etc throughout the system is
1.1.2 The research context is that Vietnam lubricant SC has met the always set. Since lubricants are ancillary products associated with
set criteria. First of all, this is a typical SC, not directed to research each generation of equipment, machinery, means of transport, etc,
5 6
the need to exchange information, update knowledge to enhance Objects of research: are the theories and practices of factors affecting
strength, support relationships in the SC system is an essential KA of enterprises in lubricant SC in Vietnam.
requirement. Research scope:
Next, in addition to representativeness, typically for non-research- - Object of study: is the lubricant SC of a lubricant manufacturer in
based SCs but still in need of KA, the choice of lubricant SC also Vietnam, Petrolimex lubricant SC. This is the most universal SC,
has some advantages, which are essential in research and survey representing all the inherent characteristics of lubricant SC in
organizations. The lubricant SC is a traditional SC, with diversified Vietnam. The decision to "analyze the members of the SC of a single
members, distinguishable materials and products as well as cash lead company to avoid the confounding effects due to the influence
flow and information, determinable location and position of of companies operating in many different SCs" (Hult et al., 2004)
companies participating in SC, so that each member of SC can be had been posed in the study of Qile He et al (2013).
determined as the KA unit or knowledge transfer unit. - Research space: Study and survey of enterprises in Petrolimex
lubricant SC in the whole country.
1.2. Objectives of the study
- Research period: study of KA activities of enterprises in
- Determine the number of factors affecting KA of enterprises as a Petrolimex lubricant SC in the period of 2013-2017.
member of lubricant SC in Vietnam.
1.4. Research Methods
- Assess the impact of KA factors of enterprises as a member of
lubricant SC in Vietnam. The thesis combines the use of both quantitative and qualitative
- Show the difference in KA among different enterprise groups in research methods. With each research method used in the thesis,
lubricant SC in Vietnam. there are two steps: data collecting and data processing.
- Show the change in the impact level of factors affecting KA of a Collect and process secondary data to propose solutions to improve
learning organization when studying in the context of an enterprise KA effectiveness of SC members.
in SC in Vietnam. Collect and process primary data:
- Based on the research results of the thesis and the synthesis of Collect and process primary data in qualitative research, 1 group
information related to difficulties and barriers that enterprises in discussion and in-depth interviews with 3 SC members were carried
lubricant SC in Vietnam face when KA is from outside, propose out. Primary data obtained is the basis for completing observed
some management suggestions, improving KA of enterprise in variables and Questionnaires. At the same time explain the
lubricant SC in Vietnam. conclusions obtained from quantitative research and enrich
management solutions.
1.3. Object and scope of the study
7 8
Collection and processing of primary data in quantitative research: verification model, and Detects 06 factors affecting the KA of the
are done in the following order: enterprises in SC. The thesis also affirms the compatibility of the set
Questionnaires design: original English questions were translated of measurement criteria affecting the KA of the appropriate learning
into Vietnamese. To ensure uniformity in understanding, organization of enterprise in SC and vice versa; shows the
questionnaires will be translated back into English. These questions differences and consistency between a learning organization and a
were revised and supplemented during the qualitative research member in SC.
process and continued to be revised before the officially handed out. -The study has proved that the new measurement criteria are
The correction of questionnaires was based on model changes and appropriate and statistically significant, which is the criterion "Pay
the addition or reduction of observed variables to match the actual attention and spend time searching for information and knowledge
conditions of the case study of the lubricant SC in Vietnam from partners" for the independent variable "The ability of employee
Research sample design following the method was used by Hult et to learn" and the criterion "Regularly exchange information and
al. (2004) and Qile He et al (2013). In particular, the author used SC knowledge with partners" for the "Enterprise Culture" variable.
of a single lead company as a sampling frame. The sample size is - The research shows that there are differences in KA among
calculated according to the method proposed by J.F Hair et al. enterprises: inside and outside a corporation integration, among
(1998). enterprises with different types, capital scale, labor, location and
Collection of data through mail survey. Subjects answering time of cooperation.
questionnaires are managers of enterprise in SC. The survey was
Contribution to practice
mailed and/or emailed as a survey by Petrolimex Petrochemical
- Identify and indicate the impact level of the factors affecting the
Corporation – the leading enterprise of Petrolimex lubricant SC.
KA of the enterprises in SC. The internal forces of enterprise such as
Data processing Before being put into statistical processing, data
“enterprise culture”, “enterprise’s investment for training” and
will be filtered and encoded. In addition to the description statistics,
“Business cooperation contacts” have the strongest impact on KA.
the data is analyzed with statistical processing software SPSS 20.
Individual capacity in enterprise does not significantly affect KA. In
1.5. New contributions of the thesis Petrolimex lubricant SC, KA of enterprise depends on the policy and
the interest of the head of the enterprise.
Contribution to reasoning
- Provide management suggestions to enhance new external KA.
- From a knowledge-based management perspective, an enterprise
They are (1) Creating a culture of learning, acquiring new
participates in SC and is both an independent learning organization
knowledge from outside (2) Policy and commitment to resources for
and an enterprise in SC. The thesis proposes a research and
9 10
training, especially the enterprise at the center of SC. (3) Enriching resources that other competitors lack allow enterprises to receive
the forms of knowledge sharing in line with industry characteristics economic benefits virtually resemble monopoly (Wenerfelt, 1984).
(4) Enhancing exchanges and cooperation in many fields of SC (5) Therein, knowledge is the source of resources to develop and
Restricting the use of power (6) Having clear, long-term, respectful maintain a competitive advantage, hence equals an irreplaceable
and equal cooperation policies for all partners (7) Promoting brand resource (Barney, 1991). The theory of resources sees knowledge as
credibility, spreading culture and accumulated knowledge of the most important strategic resource (Grant, 1996), which is a source
Petrolimex in all lubricant SC. and a basis for developing knowledge-based management theory.
- Open up the next research directions, which are researches under
2.1.1. Knowledge-based view
the following conditions: (1) Differences in industry characteristics,
From the knowledge-based view (KBV), Kogut & Zander (1992)
scale, functions, etc (2) KA of members in vertical integration (3)
argue that knowledge, including information and expertise held by
Analysis of the impact of the factor groups affecting KA in SC (4)
individuals and expressed in codes of conduct that following which,
The effectiveness of KA in SC.
members work together in a social community. Under this
perspective, SC management will be more abundant and effective
CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND, RELATED when approached under the perspective of knowledge-based
RESEARCH OVERVIEW ON RECEPTION OF management. The boundaries of an organization are defined by the
KNOWLEDGE IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN AND RESEARCH limit of knowledge and the ability to bind knowledge between the
MODEL PROPOSAL creator and the user. The organization plays a role in clarifying,
amplifying and integrating the knowledge created by individuals into
general knowledge. General knowledge is a means assisting
2.1. Theoretical basis of KA of enterprises in SC
individuals in communicating information with each other.
According to management theory based on resources, valuable,
Knowledge can be integrated from external sources through a
scarce, inimitable and irreplaceable resources (Barney, 1991) and the
network of contacts beyond the enterprise border.
organization's core ability or capacity are sources of sustainable
The traditional KBV school emphasizes the importance of
competitive advantage for enterprises. This theory suggests that
knowledge to create a competitive advantage, thus the learning of
resources are heterogeneous and cannot move freely among
the organization explains the knowledge creating process in an
enterprises. Resource theory conceives the success or failure of
organization. Learning in an organization refers to KA as part of the
enterprises depends on the resources owned by enterprises (Barney,
learning process, in which individuals acquire knowledge, and
1991; Grant, 1997; Reid & ctg, 2001). At the same time, owning the
11 12
organizations create an environment for individuals to acquire that Panayides & Venus Lun, 2009, Dang Van My, 201). Research
knowledge. KA is the first element in the organization's learning direction on partnership management in SC, showing that
process (Huber, 1991). These variables are a prerequisite for studies partnership is a good environment to share and acquire knowledge
of factors affecting an organization's KA. among partners (eg Hult et al, 2004; Modi & Mabert, 2007; Pedroso
2.1.2. SC and SC administration & Nakano, 2009; Shih et al., 2012). In another aspect, the power
SC is a collection of three or more entities that are directly related to factor and the interdependence between partners in SC are proved to
the flow of products / services, finance and information from have an effect on KA (Caniels & Gelderman, 2007 and Qile He et
suppliers of raw materials to customers and vice versa (Mentzer et al., 2013). KA in SC is also found as a consequence of studies of SC
al., 2001). ). According to Christopher (2005) SC manager is to efficacy (Rauniar et al., 2008; Lawson et al, 2009; Cao and Zhang,
manage multidimensional relationships between buyers and sellers 2010). Conversely, only going into analyzing some image elements
in order to give customers higher values at lower costs in SC. (Emerson, 1962; Caniels & Gelderman, 2007; Qile He et al., 2013)
Effective management of SC shows through the increasing flow of or creating a good environment for KA in the organization (Hult et
material and cash into the chain. However, in order to do this, the al, 2004; Modi & Mabert, 2007; Rauniar et al, 2008; Shih et al.,
information flow needs to be smooth and moreover, the role of the 2012), but have yet to find general studies on the factors affecting
central enterprise in choosing and encouraging information sharing KA in SC.
among members is significant to create a common effect in SC. There are also some studies examining the members of the chain
With a traditional SC, product brand owners are the market leaders from the perspective of a member of the KA organization from
and have an important role in sharing and KA among chain members. outside, from the perspective of the organization (Spekman et al.,
2002; Hult et al., 2004; Mohammad et al, 2014) but still sporadic.
2.1.3. KA in SC
Very few studies have taken KA in SC as the main research object, it 2.2. Overview of studies on the factors affecting KA
is often mentioned in a discrete, insignificant way and serves for
Development of Huber's theory (1991) on organizational learning,
other purposes. Studies on SC effectiveness show that chain
from the perspective of Knowledge-based Management, the studies
efficiency depends greatly on the truthfulness and accuracy of
of Phan et al (2006) and Lane et al. (2001) mentioned the KA
information. Accordingly, there has been a class of researches on
process following the logic of knowledge flow. Factors affecting the
information flow management in SC. In particular, KA - a more
KA of organizations and SC members found before and after that
"deep" and "rich" form of information, is referred to as a
can be gathered into one of the factor groups: The ability to
consequence (for example, Hult et al., 2004; Modi & Mabert, 2007;
recognize new external knowledge; The ability to absorb new
13 14
external knowledge and the ability to apply new external knowledge. (5) Entrepreneurial culture contains dynamic elements in the
These are the factors: learning process of enterprises (Hatch, 1993) and promotes the
(1) The relationship of the business cooperation system between acquisition of new knowledge, (Lee & Peterson, 2000). In their
knowledge-provider and knowledge-receiver enterprises, according research, Lai & Lee (2007) found enterprises with strong
to Phan et al (2006), when new business relationships arise, partners Entrepreneurial culture would have more knowledge activities, it
have the opportunity to recognize new knowledge that needs to be promotes internalization, acquisition of values and knowledge
learned, obtained from their partners. Hanvanich et al. (2005); (Hatch, 1993). Therefore, there is a basis to propose that
Inkpen & Tsang (2005); Lane et al (2001) and more support this view. Entrepreneurial culture plays an active and direct role to KA.
(2) ENTERPRISE's investment in training, also according to Phan et (6) Joint participation of local staff and expats in enterprise’s
al (2006), when enterprise cares and invests in training, they will activities in joint venture companies in Vietnam is proved by Phan et
find learning is necessary, thereby, each individual will be active in al (2006) to have a positive impact on the level of that enterprise’s
searching and recognizing related new external knowledge that need KA, hence the possible positive impact on the KA of enterprises in SC.
to be received. Studies by Nguyen & Hong (2013), Lyles & Barden (7) enterprises’ written goals and plans demonstrate the ability to
(2000); Tsang et al (2004), Mohammad et al (2014); Spekman et al apply new knowledge to enterprise activities to receive knowledge.
(2002) and many other works bear similar results. Lyles & Salk (1996) notes that department goals and plans can
(3) Trust among partners, only mutual trust encourages a company to facilitate understanding of common development goals; Thereby, the
positively transfer knowledge, to point out and to help KA organization can focus learning resources for employees in
companies understand the knowledge provided. When they begin to accordance with common goals and tasks. These are internal
trust each other, all parties will be willing to share their knowledge organizational factors, thus it can also affect KA in SC's enterprise.
without fear of being taken advantage of by their partners. The factors affecting KA of enterprises in SC were found largely
Conversely, when knowledge comes from reliable sources, similar to the factors affecting KA in the organization and were
recipients will not take time and effort to verify the accuracy and mentioned above. In addition, the elements of "Power and
validity of knowledge (Phan et al., 2006; Inkpen & Currall, 2004; Interdependence" among partners, as voluntary as in SC, were also
Lane et al, 2001; Spekman et al, 2002; Modi & Mabert, 2007; found to have direct impacts on KA in studies by Emerson (1962);
Panayides & Venus Lun, 2009 and Truong, 2014). Caniels & Gelderman (2007) and most recently Qile He et al
(4) Employee learning ability is recognized by Zahra & George (2013),. According to Qile He et al (2013), weak partners have few
(2002) and Phan et al (2006). The ability of the staff to learn shows (8) alternatives that will limit exposure to valuable knowledge to
through what employees learn from their partners. stronger partners in order to avoid exploitation and reduce the
15 16
possibility of knowledge obsolescence. Meanwhile, policies of
Entrepreneurial +H5
companies regarding the use of power and the way that power is culture
used have been proven to influence on the sharing of information.
The ability to
Beecham & Cordey - Hayes (1998) argued that different levels of Joint participation
apply new
intention to exercise power can affect the level of knowledge
sharing. Thus, (9) Restricting the use of power will enhance Formal goals and +H7
knowledge sharing among SC partners. Dang's research (2014) at plans
enterprises in Vietnam shows that power is the factor that influences Availability of -H8
Power and
the exchange and reception of information and knowledge. alternatives
2.3. Designing a model to study the factors affecting KA in SC.
Restraint in the use of +H9
The proposed research model is presented as Figure 2.5. power
Research hypotheses: With the above arguments, it can be assumed Hypothesis H3 Trust between transfer partners and KA positively
that the factors found in the review study also affect KA in SC: impacts KA ability
Hypothesis H1 Relationship between enterprise receiving knowledge Hypothesis 4 The ability of KA organization’s employees to learn
and business cooperation with the transferor of knowledge positively positively affects KA ability
affects KA's ability. Hypothesis 5 Entrepreneurial culture in KA organization positively
Hypothesis H2 enterprise’s investment in training positively affects affects KA ability
KA ability Hypothesis H6 The Joint participation of staff with the knowledge
Figure 2.5 - Proposed research model transfer expert in activities has a positive effect on KA ability of the
+H1 KA organization.
knowledge outside
recognize new
Hypothesis H7. Specified goals and plans have a positive impact on
The ability to
+H2 the external KA ability.
Investment in training
Hypothesis H8 The availability of alternatives for partners is
+H3 negatively related to the KA ability between a company and its SC
Trust partners.
Hypothesis H9. Limiting the use of power in the relationship
Employee’s ability to +H4
y to
learn between a company and its SC partners has a positive effect on KA
17 18
The ability to
external new
ability. Employee’s ability to
Entrepreneurial +H5
The ability to
Joint participation
apply new
3.1. Qualitative research
Formal goals and +H7 Role, scale,
The results of qualitative research contribute to asserting that the plans collaboration
proposed hypotheses are appropriate and at the same time time, benefit
Availability of -H8 ratio, affiliate
discovering the identification characteristics of enterprise that affects
Power and
alternatives membership
KA of SC members. Thus, the research model is officially
completed as shown in Figure 3.1 below. +H9
Restraint in the use
In the official research model, the hypotheses were stated consistent of power
with the research results presented.
With the factors affecting the organization's KA gathered from The set of measurement criteria ‘Worker's ability to learn in
elements with similar characteristics, each element can find many enterprise’, which is developed by Lyles & Barden(2000) and Phan
different sets of measurement criteria. Qualitative research has et al (2006) with 4 criteria, is recommended to add criterion (5)
provided the author with a basis to select the measuring indicator Regularly exchange information and knowledge with partners,
that best suits the research context, and propose some new because good employees not only actively work with customers and
measurement criteria, which are: exchange accurate information with customers, but also understand
Figure 3 . 1 - Official research model and grasp all customer information, to propose appropriate policies
+H1 for them. - the measurement criteria 'Entrepreneurial culture', in
knowledge outside
recognize new
addition to Truong's five measurement criteria (2014) further
The ability to
Investment in +H2 developed from Lai & Lee (2007), showing that if an enterprise
training wants to create new knowledge, then 'listening, collecting
information and knowledge from partners' as a basis for creating
Trust knowledge is necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to add the
measurement criteria (6) Spend time searching, collecting
19 20
information and knowledge from partners to more fully reflect the Questionnaires were designed in paper and electronic forms with 2
Entrepreneurial culture factor in external KA. versions in Vietnamese and English. Link to the online questionnaire is:
-the set of measurement criteria “Joint participation” of employees https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SEKKRSMdinj_m8yKA-
with experts of the transfer of knowledge in the activities of Lyles a_ixGaAG6TqcPV5qjUTwjWbY.
(1996) includes 5 measurement criteria. In practice, criteria (1) Be Data collection process Questionnaires collected from June to
fully informed of expert activities and (4) equal opportunity in December 2016 were 1,378, with 1,329 valid.
decision making are inconsistent with the general operating Analysis and data processing The answers are screened, processed,
conditions of partners in SC as well as i knowledge exchange and coded and entered into SPSS 20 software. In addition to the
acquisition. descriptive statistics, data analysis process is conducted through the
The results of qualitative research also find suggestions to improve following steps:
KA among SC members. These contents will be presented in detail Testing of the value of variables with Exploratory Factor Analysis
in chapter 4. (EFA) method. With indicators 0.5 ≤ KMO ≤ 1; Bartlett test with Sig
<0.05; Factor Loading ≥ 0.5; Total Variance Explained ≥ 50%;
3.2. Quantitative research
Eigenvalue> 1, the draw factor has the best value.
Sample selection The author applied the sampling method proposed Evaluate the reliability of the scale with the Cronbach’s Alpha.
by Hult et al. (2004) and applied in studies of Hallikas et al. (2005) (Corrected Item – Total Correlation)> 0.3; Cronbach’s Alpha ≥ 0.7.
and Qile He et al. (2013, in which use the SC of the only focal Correlation analysis with the Pearson correlation coefficient. The
company as the sampling frame. multicollinearity phenomenon should be considered when the
The analysis unit is the enterprises in Petrolimex lubricant SC. The Pearson correlation coefficient is> 0.3.
subjects of interview are the leaders / managers or a person directly Multivariate regression analysis: by F test with sigα <0.05;
using / selling Petrolimex lubricant products. Tolerance> 0.0001 and VIF <10.
Structure and sample size: using the method of J. F. Hair et al. Result:
(2006). With 43 measurement criteria, the minimum sample size is As of the first EFA, 38 measurement criteria were grouped into 8
43 * 5 = 215 observation units; the best option is 43 * 20 = 860 factors, in which the measurement criteria of LHDT3 had Factor
observation units. For multivariate regression, the minimum sample Loading coefficient> 0.5 at both groups, thus were excluded from
size: 50 + 8 * 9 (independent variable) = 122 observation units. the EFA. For the second analysis, 37 measurement criteria were
Summarizing the above requirements, the minimum sample size of grouped into 8 factors, all variables have Factor Loading
the study is 215 and preferably above 860 observation units. coefficient> 0.5.
21 22
Cronbach's Alpha reliability test: Measurements and scales were - There is a difference in KA among subjects answering questions;
reliable, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient> 0.7. The TGC and VBH between the enterprise that is a PLX member and members of the
factors are measured by two items, and unqualified for reliability SC; between enterprises with different capital scale; between
testing, (Nguyen Dinh Tho, 2011). Therefore it is assumed that the enterprises with different positions in SC; between ENTERPRISE
conditions are satisfied and the following tests are carried out. have different cooperation time in SC; between different types of
Testing hypotheses Correlation testing of variables, sigα values are ENTERPRISE in SC.
all <0.05, the variables are correlated with each other and -Not enough basis to confirm that there is a difference in KA among
statistically significant. enterprises with different revenue ratios from SC.
Validation of Variables models are valid for Tolerance> 0.0001 and
VIF from 1,583 to 2,999 <10, thus the model is accepted. The value
of sigαTGC = 0.887 and sigαVBH = 0.943> 0.05, thus are
eliminated; The remaining 6 factors are accepted and the level of
Discussing research results: Through the results obtained from
impact on KA is shown in Table 3.22
screening of measurement factors of the original 9 proposed factors,
ANOVA test: after analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Post Hoc
through logical arguments as well as those collected from expert
test, it can be concluded with 95% reliability that:
interviews, there were 40 measuring criteria measuring put into
Table 3.22 Factors affecting KA (2)
testing, there are 2 new measurement criteria, which are the research
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Collinearity results of the thesis. Through quantitative analysis techniques, the
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics remaining 33 measurement criteria were accepted, of which two are
B Std. Er Beta Tolerance VIF the proposed new metrics, gathered into the six influential factors
(Constant) 0,264 0,093 2,841 0,005 and they explains 64.1% variation of the dependent variable KA-
VHDN 0,422 0,027 0,384 15,437 0,000 0,439 2,280 'KA'. The factors obtained from the test results of chapter 3 are
KNHH -0,060 0,029 -0,058 -2,040 0,042 0,333 2,999 rearranged into the research model as shown in Figure 4.1.
LCTT -0,169 0,020 -0,175 -8,429 0,000 0,632 1,583
DTDT 0,266 0,017 0,349 15,676 0,000 0,548 1,826 The ability to +0,166
LHDT 0,233 0,022 0,248 10,483 0,000 0,484 2,066 recognize
HCQL 0,209 0,027 0,166 7,745 0,000 0,591 1,691
knowledge Investment in +0,248 TNTT
R2 0,641 outside training
Durbin- Watson 1,957